Rand Paul obliterates Dr Fauci with clear logic.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

You are out of your mind. He calls himself a doctor. He is a joke.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

Saw it from your link, all of it. I liked it when Rand said we need to look at it school district by school district, luckily he was wrong in the characterization of Fauci and it was good that Senator Alexander gave Fauci a chance to set the record straight. If you see the whole thing it totally fails to support your thread title. Good thing I took time to see the linked video. You could have done headlines for Drudge back in the old days for the right wing to cheer about when the article was something else entirely.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

Saw it from your link, all of it. I liked it when Rand said we need to look at it school district by school district, luckily he was wrong in the characterization of Fauci and it was good that Senator Alexander gave Fauci a chance to set the record straight. If you see the whole thing it totally fails to support your thread title. Good thing I took time to see the linked video. You could have done headlines for Drudge back in the old days for the right wing to cheer about when the article was something else entirely.
so paul should have been allowed to follow up. I would have said children have always had rashes throughout the course of lifetimes. that in of itself is not abnormal. Heat rash (prickly heat), Ring worm, fifth disease, impetigo, contact dermatitis, hand foot mouth disease. etc..... please, just because some kids got rashes doesn't make the wuhan the cause. for fk sake. You sir have very little knowledge of what this wuhan virus does. you know very little. we know 30 million people are suffering now. NOW!!! why do you want them to suffer longer and perhaps lose their lives? you don't have an 80% infectious pattern you were wrong.
Lol..Rand Paul was made a fool of by Fauci. Fauci schooled Rand Paul on his on what he, Fauci , does. Rand Paul came across as an idiot. Just another reason to vote the Cons out of office this November.
Lol..Rand Paul was made a fool of by Fauci.
not at all. he isn't the beat all. so he should basically shut up now. that's what the intent of that exchange was for. Fauci admitted he didn't have answers. I think we all knew this. but he admitted it. so he can leave.
Lol..Rand Paul was made a fool of by Fauci.
not at all. he isn't the beat all. so he should basically shut up now. that's what the intent of that exchange was for. Fauci admitted he didn't have answers. I think we all knew this. but he admitted it. so he can leave.
Fauci response was he never said was the end all. Fauci said properly his role was to advise based on the science. That politicians like Trump do not have to listen to him. Fauci‘s response shut Rand Paul up and put him in his place.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

Saw it from your link, all of it. I liked it when Rand said we need to look at it school district by school district, luckily he was wrong in the characterization of Fauci and it was good that Senator Alexander gave Fauci a chance to set the record straight. If you see the whole thing it totally fails to support your thread title. Good thing I took time to see the linked video. You could have done headlines for Drudge back in the old days for the right wing to cheer about when the article was something else entirely.
I watched the same video you did and not surprisingly we see two different things. I see an "expert" who is starting to over reach to keep the cameras trained on himself. And I saw Rand Paul rightly bringing him down off his pedestal because Dr. Fauci is certainly not the "end all" expert with all the answers. It's too bad we don't see Dr. Birx anymore, but ever since she called out the Media that was that. She is essentially blacked out.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

Saw it from your link, all of it. I liked it when Rand said we need to look at it school district by school district, luckily he was wrong in the characterization of Fauci and it was good that Senator Alexander gave Fauci a chance to set the record straight. If you see the whole thing it totally fails to support your thread title. Good thing I took time to see the linked video. You could have done headlines for Drudge back in the old days for the right wing to cheer about when the article was something else entirely.
so paul should have been allowed to follow up. I would have said children have always had rashes throughout the course of lifetimes. that in of itself is not abnormal. Heat rash (prickly heat), Ring worm, fifth disease, impetigo, contact dermatitis, hand foot mouth disease. etc..... please, just because some kids got rashes doesn't make the wuhan the cause. for fk sake. You sir have very little knowledge of what this wuhan virus does. you know very little. we know 30 million people are suffering now. NOW!!! why do you want them to suffer longer and perhaps lose their lives? you don't have an 80% infectious pattern you were wrong.
Pretty sure I did not say that. Just reread my post. It is definitely not in there. I raised a kid or 3. Wife told me impetigo comes from letting strip throat go to far, our didn't have it. There was some prickly heat (diaper rash) nothing major, but they definitely were not in school when they were in diapers. Hand foot mouth disease sounds like something granddad vaccinated cattle for. Our kids missed out on that one too. Ring worm? No. Filth disease? You gotta be shitting me. Did any of your kids live to reproduce or is your line a Darwinian reject? I can understand a little about rashes, as I had a reaction to a popular stomach acid control medicine , now off the market for causing cancer. It gave me a rash over 40% of my body, triggered shakes and had my heart going very fast, but I was so weak I couldn't remain standing. ER Doctor ask me if I had allergies? No. I asked what was going on as I knew it couldn't be one lousy Zantac. Emergency room Dr. said I was exhibiting an auto-immune reaction, started a Benadryl drip in one arm and an epinephrine drip in the other. One to calm down the response, the other because the same rash on the outside was trying to stop my heart on the inside. Now I did not know Covid caused any rashes in kids, but if it is a systemic response, I know it can get serious real quick. I didn't say you kids shouldn't go to school. That is a local school decision for you and your local government. Whatever you do, I don't want anywhere near your kids as there is no telling what kind of diseases they're carrying, based on how you've been doing so far. What did you think have kids was all about, a renewable resource? All you have to do is knock up the ol' lady again and you get another one? I wish you good luck, as you seem like the type that depends on good luck.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:
Another Republican disagrees.

Liz Cheney


Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had. He is not a partisan. His only interest is saving lives. We need his expertise and his judgment to defeat this virus. All Americans should be thanking him. Every day.


8:54 PM - May 12, 2020
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

Saw it from your link, all of it. I liked it when Rand said we need to look at it school district by school district, luckily he was wrong in the characterization of Fauci and it was good that Senator Alexander gave Fauci a chance to set the record straight. If you see the whole thing it totally fails to support your thread title. Good thing I took time to see the linked video. You could have done headlines for Drudge back in the old days for the right wing to cheer about when the article was something else entirely.
so paul should have been allowed to follow up. I would have said children have always had rashes throughout the course of lifetimes. that in of itself is not abnormal. Heat rash (prickly heat), Ring worm, fifth disease, impetigo, contact dermatitis, hand foot mouth disease. etc..... please, just because some kids got rashes doesn't make the wuhan the cause. for fk sake. You sir have very little knowledge of what this wuhan virus does. you know very little. we know 30 million people are suffering now. NOW!!! why do you want them to suffer longer and perhaps lose their lives? you don't have an 80% infectious pattern you were wrong.

You would demonstrate you have no clue what you are talking about.
Senator Paul was too polite when he PWND Tiny Tony Fraudi. He should have been more specific, although Tiny Tony knew what he meant. Senator Paul should have also asked about Tiny Tony's bizarre activity at taxpayer expense, which among many things was giving the Chinese Bio Lab $4,000,000! And finally, the big question for Tiny Tony, who has been wrong virtually 100% of the time all the way back to the 1980's, should we nuke all bio labs since they do nothing but unleash bizarre viruses like the Kung Flu and strange infections such as Lyme Disease from Plum Island?
Lol..Rand Paul was made a fool of by Fauci.
not at all. he isn't the beat all. so he should basically shut up now. that's what the intent of that exchange was for. Fauci admitted he didn't have answers. I think we all knew this. but he admitted it. so he can leave.
Fauci response was he never said was the end all. Fauci said properly his role was to advise based on the science. That politicians like Trump do not have to listen to him. Fauci‘s response shut Rand Paul up and put him in his place.
a guilty man never admits guilt.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

Saw it from your link, all of it. I liked it when Rand said we need to look at it school district by school district, luckily he was wrong in the characterization of Fauci and it was good that Senator Alexander gave Fauci a chance to set the record straight. If you see the whole thing it totally fails to support your thread title. Good thing I took time to see the linked video. You could have done headlines for Drudge back in the old days for the right wing to cheer about when the article was something else entirely.
so paul should have been allowed to follow up. I would have said children have always had rashes throughout the course of lifetimes. that in of itself is not abnormal. Heat rash (prickly heat), Ring worm, fifth disease, impetigo, contact dermatitis, hand foot mouth disease. etc..... please, just because some kids got rashes doesn't make the wuhan the cause. for fk sake. You sir have very little knowledge of what this wuhan virus does. you know very little. we know 30 million people are suffering now. NOW!!! why do you want them to suffer longer and perhaps lose their lives? you don't have an 80% infectious pattern you were wrong.

You would demonstrate you have no clue what you are talking about.
what was wrong with my post? why didn't you address what was wrong? I demonstrate that I research my stories before I comment. you don't. you have actually no response to mine other than to bitch at me. hehehe, yep I get under your crawl, I love it.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:

Thank God someone finally stood up to the little runt with a god complex
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:
Another Republican disagrees.

Liz Cheney

Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had. He is not a partisan. His only interest is saving lives. We need his expertise and his judgment to defeat this virus. All Americans should be thanking him. Every day.

8:54 PM - May 12, 2020

he doesn't know shit about this virus. he'd need to present his own ideas and not someone elses.
Kaboom! Rand Paul is the man. :yes_text12:
Another Republican disagrees.

Liz Cheney

Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had. He is not a partisan. His only interest is saving lives. We need his expertise and his judgment to defeat this virus. All Americans should be thanking him. Every day.


8:54 PM - May 12, 2020

Excellent. So we're good with Liz Cheney being our source for political commentary. I'm on board!

"When you write an email to yourself which looks like sort of, you know, a reminder -- Note to self: make sure people don't think that we've been abusing the law -- and then you watch President Obama for the first time speaking out publicly within the last 48 hours or so and of course...Vice President Biden not even being able to keep his story straight within one minute of each other...So, I think that there clearly were some very deeply troubling things that the...Obama administration was doing," she mused. "And, we absolutely have to get to the bottom of it."

"The American people need to know the truth," Cheney remarked.

Liz Cheney reacts to Joe Biden interview: Looks like Biden, Obama, Susan Rice are getting 'very nervous'
12 May 2020

I'm happy to have your support for Ms. Cheney!

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