Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee To Appear In Anti-Gay Documentary


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Two possible GOP presidential contenders and four congressmen are slated to appear in a new documentary that claims the push for gay rights threatens Christianity.

"What kind of freedom of speech do we have if a person who expresses a biblical viewpoint about marriage is told they can't open their businesses in a location?" asks Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor and prospective 2016 presidential candidate, in the trailer for the documentary "Light Wins: How To Overcome The Criminalization Of Christianity," which was first reported by Right Wing Watch.

The film is a project by socially conservative activist Janet Porter, who plans to release it later this month.

According to an email Porter sent to supporters last week, the documentary also features Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), as well as Reps. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.) and Steve King (R-Iowa).

More: Rand Paul Mike Huckabee To Appear In Anti-Gay Documentary

What are these paranoid rightwingers afraid of? Do they fear that homosexuality is contagious?
So they don't have the right to speak their mind, only you? Whats your point? The majority of Americans voted to define a marriage between that of a man and woman, then the courts reversed the will of the voters.
omg frikken gawd. they need to be lynched and hung from the highest tree in the public square. Remember it's free speech for them and they can prance around call you a bigot, homophobe, denier, truther, blaaa blaaa blaa

. but you aren't allowed to express yourselves. How dare they
They have nothing else so it's back to the homosexual. the war on womeeeen kinda fizzed, they tried evolution that went no where, so expect abortion to be up next week

and if you don't ACCEPT it you are ANTI-GAY

How lovely of them
'"What kind of freedom of speech do we have if a person who expresses a biblical viewpoint about marriage is told they can't open their businesses in a location?" asks Mike Huckabee.'

This is unsurprisingly ignorant, in addition to being a lie.

No jurisdiction has prohibited someone from opening a business because of the owner's faith.
Rand Paul has his own ideas about things. We all do. Personally, I think gay behavior is gross to be around or think about with too much detail, unless it's between two attractive lesbians. That's how I feel, but I don't support laws that discriminate. I don't care if two gays get married.

I can't speak for Rand's personal feelings or his commentary on what the Bible says about gays. As a politician, he's a libertarian and supporter of the Constitution. He agreed with the Supreme Court's striking down of DOMA. He doesn't think Washington should decide on who can and cannot marry. He agreed with Justice Kennedy who said the Defense of Marriage Act "wrote inequality into federal law and violated the Fifth Amendment’s protection of equal liberty".

"Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told ABC News he believes the Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act was appropriate, and that the issue should be left to the states. He praised Justice Anthony Kennedy for avoiding “a cultural war.”"
Rand Paul On Gay Marriage GOP Needs to 8216 Agree to Disagree 8217 - ABC News
Heaven forbid they exercise their right. I guess when you are loosing its time to debase another's opinion. How pompous and arrogant you are.
Low information radical lefties consistently fail to understand that the Christian right has the same 1st Amendment rights as dykes on bikes.
'"What kind of freedom of speech do we have if a person who expresses a biblical viewpoint about marriage is told they can't open their businesses in a location?" asks Mike Huckabee.'

This is unsurprisingly ignorant, in addition to being a lie.

No jurisdiction has prohibited someone from opening a business because of the owner's faith.

who cares. go worry over your alls elected idiots. they are far from saints sent to us from the heavens above. You liberals just don't have anything else. so it's bring up Mike Huckabee who is a nobody at this time. as for Paul I'll believe it when I get from people who don't LIE or play dirty politics in order to try and win something
Criminalization Of Christianity? Is that really what they fear?
No, it's the lie they want to propagate.

This is another ridiculous manifestation of the rightwing 'victimhood' mentality.

That many on the right are ignorant of, or have contempt for, Establishment Clause jurisprudence is nothing new. The Constitution is clear that church and state must remain separate, and when theists seek to codify subjective religious dogma into secular laws, and those un-Constitutional laws are appropriately invalidated by the courts, they make the inane and unfounded claim that their 'religious liberty' is being 'violated,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
So they don't have the right to speak their mind, only you? Whats your point? The majority of Americans voted to define a marriage between that of a man and woman, then the courts reversed the will of the voters.
The point is to demonstrate that those who say the 'will of the voters' was 'reversed' by the courts are ignorant and wrong.

The makers of the documentary are at liberty to make their film, and they're at liberty to exhibit how ignorant and wrong they are, just as those who correctly understand that the people have no authority to deny a class of persons their civil rights are also at liberty to tell the makers of the documentary that they are indeed ignorant and wrong.
I have a vision of the 2016 presidential debate, moderated by Gwen Ifill.

Gwen Ifill: Hillary Clinton, how about that weather?

Clinton: It's been windy, Gwen, and my flight almost got cancelled. And then I had to flee the tarmac under a maelstrom of enemy gunfire.

Gwen Ifill: Sounds dramatic, and heroic. Now, Rand Paul, you hate all gays. Why?

Rand Paul: Well, that's not true. In fact my staff has more than a few...

Gwen Ifill: Next question. Mrs. Clinton, your hair looks great. What's your secret? ...

Eh, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. There's a grain or two of truth in it.
Assaulted financially,verbally,emotionally,mentally a cake maker in Oregon and a Florist in Washington. I am sure there are others these pieces of shit have harmed.

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