Rand Paul: “ISIS exists because of the Republican hawks”

1st post
So we should of did nothing after 9-11 and just all converted to islam.

I hate Rand Paul.

I forget. How was Saddam Hussein related to 9/11, or even the spread of Islam?
He was completely involved in 9/11, unless you need some kinda proof, then maybe not so much.

But he thought it was really cool, so maybe that's enough to take him out.

Soldiers aren't getting killed in Germany or Japan, nor were they getting killed post surge.

The difference is that the governments of Japan and Germany surrendered unconditionally. There was no surrender in Iraq. There was a power vacuum.
Once the US left there was a vacuum. But at the moment supporting insurgents like ISIS is key to amplifying that vacuum and undermining Iran while putting the US in a position once again to fill it. Sometimes you need to create enemies to make countries appreciate why they need your military presence.
the shit in the middle east is in equal proportions both party's baby not just now but almost from the start.
as always the conservatives need to blame everybody else.
5th post
The quickest way to create a terrorist, is to invade his country for no reason and blow up his neighbors and family.

Yeah that summarizes the liberal point of view perfectly....and it's fucking retarded. We didn't create these Islamist fanatic terrorists, they were there long before invaded Iraq. That's who these people are. You don't grab a Koran and decide to start killing in the name of Allah because the US invaded your country. These people were always Islamic terrorists before Syria and part of Iraq fell, the only difference is the terrorists are in power now. Again America never created a single Muslim Terrorist, the shitty culture in the Middle East is what produces the Islamic terrorists.
Yeah when people are constantly bombing and invading a country, the people there never get mad and take up arms... :rolleyes:
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal took a swing at Rand Paul on Wednesday, calling him "unsuited" to take over as commander in chief.

Jindal slammed Paul's argument as "illogical," insisting instead that "evil and radical Islam" is the only source of ISIS. He also added, though, that President Barack Obama and leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton "exacerbate" ISIS.

"The next President's job is to have the discipline and strength to wipe ISIS off the face of the earth. It has become impossible to imagine a President Paul defeating radical Islam, and it's time for the rest of us to say it," Jindal said.

Jindal Rand Paul unsuited to be commander in chief - CNNPolitics.com
Once again Rand is correct. Republican (and Democrat) Hawks did help to create ISIS/ISIL. Even "peace loving" Obama helped when he shipped arms to Syrian "rebels" that later turned out to be ISIS/ISIL It's a classic case of government incompetence at every level.....
The quickest way to create a terrorist, is to invade his country for no reason and blow up his neighbors and family.

Yeah that summarizes the liberal point of view perfectly....and it's fucking retarded. We didn't create these Islamist fanatic terrorists, they were there long before invaded Iraq. That's who these people are. You don't grab a Koran and decide to start killing in the name of Allah because the US invaded your country. These people were always Islamic terrorists before Syria and part of Iraq fell, the only difference is the terrorists are in power now. Again America never created a single Muslim Terrorist, the shitty culture in the Middle East is what produces the Islamic terrorists.
Yeah when people are constantly bombing and invading a country, the people there never get mad and take up arms... :rolleyes:
Last I checked. Assad didn't bomb Iraq. So why did ISIS move to attack him. Blowback does play a role, but you can't use it to explain everything.
10th post
Once again Rand is correct. Republican (and Democrat) Hawks did help to create ISIS/ISIL. Even "peace loving" Obama helped when he shipped arms to Syrian "rebels" that later turned out to be ISIS/ISIL It's a classic case of government incompetence at every level.....
Not incompetence. Geopolitical strategy. Smart at that.
The quickest way to create a terrorist, is to invade his country for no reason and blow up his neighbors and family.

Yeah that summarizes the liberal point of view perfectly....and it's fucking retarded. We didn't create these Islamist fanatic terrorists, they were there long before invaded Iraq. That's who these people are. You don't grab a Koran and decide to start killing in the name of Allah because the US invaded your country. These people were always Islamic terrorists before Syria and part of Iraq fell, the only difference is the terrorists are in power now. Again America never created a single Muslim Terrorist, the shitty culture in the Middle East is what produces the Islamic terrorists.
Yeah when people are constantly bombing and invading a country, the people there never get mad and take up arms... :rolleyes:
What about all the other mulim countries we didn't invade where the people are radical Muslims, huh? IT's a problem that we didn't cause. I know you would love to blame us for radical Islam, but it is not our fault.
We spent over a decade in Iraq helping to establish a stable government. If the Iraqis can't survive without a dictator in power then they are hopeless. No matter what we do they will fall apart once we leave. Our only option would be to stay in Iraq indefinitely, getting thousands more of our soldiers killed for a country that is incapable of standing on their own two feet.
Iraq is not why US soldiers fight ISIS. You are lost, except that you are right that our only option would be to stay in Iraq indefinitely (as well as other countries)
I'm sorry?...exactly what will happen to us if we just leave them the hell alone?
This is what Rand ended with:

On Wednesday, Paul said that the hawkish members of his party had long been wrong on foreign policy.

"Everything that they have talked about in foreign policy, they have been wrong about for 20 years, and yet they have somehow the gall to keep saying and pointing fingers otherwise."
The quickest way to create a terrorist, is to invade his country for no reason and blow up his neighbors and family.

Yeah that summarizes the liberal point of view perfectly....and it's fucking retarded. We didn't create these Islamist fanatic terrorists, they were there long before invaded Iraq. That's who these people are. You don't grab a Koran and decide to start killing in the name of Allah because the US invaded your country. These people were always Islamic terrorists before Syria and part of Iraq fell, the only difference is the terrorists are in power now. Again America never created a single Muslim Terrorist, the shitty culture in the Middle East is what produces the Islamic terrorists.
Yeah when people are constantly bombing and invading a country, the people there never get mad and take up arms... :rolleyes:
Last I checked. Assad didn't bomb Iraq. So why did ISIS move to attack him. Blowback does play a role, but you can't use it to explain everything.
ISIS did not start in Iraq. And gee I wonder why people would rise up against a violent dictator propped up by foreigners... :rolleyes:
So we should of did nothing after 9-11 and just all converted to islam.

I hate Rand Paul.
That's easy, we should have done exactly what we did in Afghanistan, and based on what we though then, gone into Iraq, made sure they couldn't create "the bomb", hung Saddam, then left them to themselves
The quickest way to create a terrorist, is to invade his country for no reason and blow up his neighbors and family.

Yeah that summarizes the liberal point of view perfectly....and it's fucking retarded. We didn't create these Islamist fanatic terrorists, they were there long before invaded Iraq. That's who these people are. You don't grab a Koran and decide to start killing in the name of Allah because the US invaded your country. These people were always Islamic terrorists before Syria and part of Iraq fell, the only difference is the terrorists are in power now. Again America never created a single Muslim Terrorist, the shitty culture in the Middle East is what produces the Islamic terrorists.
Yeah when people are constantly bombing and invading a country, the people there never get mad and take up arms... :rolleyes:
What about all the other mulim countries we didn't invade where the people are radical Muslims, huh? IT's a problem that we didn't cause. I know you would love to blame us for radical Islam, but it is not our fault.
Do you mean the ones with the murderous dictators that we prop up?
The quickest way to create a terrorist, is to invade his country for no reason and blow up his neighbors and family.

Yeah that summarizes the liberal point of view perfectly....and it's fucking retarded. We didn't create these Islamist fanatic terrorists, they were there long before invaded Iraq. That's who these people are. You don't grab a Koran and decide to start killing in the name of Allah because the US invaded your country. These people were always Islamic terrorists before Syria and part of Iraq fell, the only difference is the terrorists are in power now. Again America never created a single Muslim Terrorist, the shitty culture in the Middle East is what produces the Islamic terrorists.
Yeah when people are constantly bombing and invading a country, the people there never get mad and take up arms... :rolleyes:
Last I checked. Assad didn't bomb Iraq. So why did ISIS move to attack him. Blowback does play a role, but you can't use it to explain everything.
ISIS did not start in Iraq. And gee I wonder why people would rise up against a violent dictator propped up by foreigners... :rolleyes:
Yes they did their leader's name is Baghdadi for chrissakes. Assad was not propped up by the US, he was anti US. So the idea of ISIS moving from Iraq to overthrow the anti American Assad doesn't fit your narrative that these people are just poor little victims of America.

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