Rand Paul Gives Glimpse of Trouble Trump May Face With His Party Over Government Spending


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Have to respect Rand Paul. I don't agree with all of his positions, but he's the best Republican as far as I am concerned. He and Ben Carson seem to "get it" best, in regards to the threat that Americas debt poses to it's security and in competing with the world economically.

Rand Paul Gives Glimpse of Trouble Trump May Face With His Party Over Government Spending

"The current budget that the Republicans are looking at never balances. How can that be fiscally responsible? And how can we look at the public with a straight face and say, yes, we ran on balanced budgets, we're for the balanced budget amendment, and yet the budget we're going to introduce, that we're going to repeal Obamacare with never balances?" Paul said.

Trump this week repeated his promise that he wants a trillion-dollar infrastructure program and he promised during the campaign to repeal Obamacare.

Paul said that with the help of other conservative senators he might be able to block a budget that he considers irresponsible.

"All it takes is a couple of us. If there are a few conservatives in the Senate wing of the Republican Party that will say no to a budget that never balances, we could have the power to say to the leadership, you know what, we need a better budget," Paul said.

"I don't know if it will happen, but I know that I will be one that won't vote for a budget that never balances," he said.
Ben Carson apparently did "get" surgery. After that, I've yet to see him "get" anything at all, other than rubbernecked at as in any trainwreck situation. Kinda the same way Palin got looked at.
"The current budget that the Republicans are looking at never balances. How can that be fiscally responsible? And how can we look at the public with a straight face and say, yes, we ran on balanced budgets, we're for the balanced budget amendment, and yet the budget we're going to introduce, that we're going to repeal Obamacare with never balances?" Paul said.

Well, let's back it up a bit and get to the root of the weed. Never works to just pull the tops off and say the problem is fixed.

Our energy policies, bowing to BigOil's nefarious lobbying and influence in DC...mothballing all good patents on green forms of biodiesel and alternative fuels to push cars forward...promoting instead refined gas-guzzlers...and other "kill the green energy" fronts have made it (un)necessary for us to have a huge military presence in the Middle East. And of course all the terrorist outfall from a bunch of angry camel jockeys who have sort of a point of not wanting us there controlling their sovereign resources. All that adds up to GINORMOUS military spending. The largest federal expense we have actually.

Start THERE Mr. Paul. The biggest weed and right at the root. Any attack on green energy programs and biodiesel, diesel cars, solar THERMAL (linear, not PV panels), wind , geothermal etc. translates directly into more massive military spending.

Figure out that equation and tell BigOil to transfer its assets to sane energy policies and we'll have a nice chance at reducing our national spending problem.

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