Rand Paul and Tea Party why?


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Let's go though a quick history.
We had the American Revolution and a few great men wanted to do things right and insure freedom for generations to come.
Despite the fact the founders knew that political parties wouldn't be good for the country, eventually political parties formed.
When the American public learned what the Federalist party was all about, they overwhelmingly rejected it in 1812.

Many people said the Whig party was a reformation of the Federalist party.
Abraham Lincoln was a Whig party organizer and a lobbyist for the railroads.
Now we see the Republican party has links to a political system that the early Americans rejected.

We're constantly told the Civil War was fought over slavery, which is not completely true.
The propaganda said , ...and still to this day, if you don't support the actions of Lincoln and his government, then you're a horrible pro-slave person.
The Civil War started because government passed unjust laws that forced Southern plantation owners to stop buying goods from other countries and send their money up north.
The main issue was over how much power the federal government has and what rights the states have.
Due to political corruption, the South decided to secede from the union , which they had full right to do. These rights were re-confirmed in the Massachusetts constitution and the Virginia constitution.

Abraham Lincoln , the first President of the "liberal" Republican party, didn't care what the Constitution said.
The Republican party broke many constitutional laws when they invaded the south, and also after they won the war.
They told people they were going to "enforce the bill of rights to the states", have you ever seen the federal government enforce "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed" to the states?
This is proof their slogans were lies.

Now we start to understand how far back out political problems go.
...well things got worse.


Around 1900 , America became the 2nd country in the world to be infected by the rantings of Karl Marx.
They called themselves anarchists , progressives, socialists , communists, marxists, ect.
Once again, America rejected this evil and foreign form of government, so people who were once known as "Communists" stopped calling themselves "Communists" and simply started to sell their issues one at a time.
They became organizations like the ACLU which would eventually poison our entire legal system.
The Socialists had to hijack the "conservative" Democrats because in many areas the "liberal" Republicans couldn't win office.

The Socialists introduced policy like Social Security and other ideas where Americans would take benefits today and send the bill to the future generation.
Bill Clinton pardoned a Socialist bomber and even Obama has connections to Bill Ayers, member of the violent Communist group the Weather Underground.
Marxism is a plot where wealthy conspirators entice the public to overthrow their government for unrealistic promises from Communism.


Neither party wants to talk about the Constitution because both parties implement illegal policy.
The Socialists took over the school systems and no longer teach Americanism.
The Republican party has became the place were conservatives and libertarians are swept under the rug.

Now, the Republican voters say we must continue to support the Republican party because conservatives need to balance the Supreme Court.
That's great logic that even I can't argue with , however, when ObamaCare was brought to the Supreme Court, what did we have?
turncoat justice Roberts passed the bill.
The Supreme Court argument is now dead along with every other reason to continue to back the Republican party.

The answer is not the Democrats or the Republicans, the answer is freedom for everyone though authentic American libertarian politics .

The chances of us fixing the problems restoring the country the country to it's original intent is slim to none.
We need to support 3rd party politics because it's right and do it out of revenge .
We have a great opportunity to take a chance on reforming the country.
We won't always have the Tea Party option, it's foolish to watch an opportunity to go by.
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So how exactly is Rand Paul the solution here?

I like Rand, and I'm a Libertarian myself. Just trying to figure out how Rand is tied into the cure.
I like Rand Paul, but I'm very pessimistic about our ability to win in 2016. The GOP and the Tea Party are fighting each other. The old guard and the new upstarts. We've got less than a year to get our act together and present our ideas, plans, remedies to the people. Give them a real reason to vote for us and against the liberal machine. I'm disappointed Huckabee wants to run again. I still feel he split the vote in 2008 with Romney and McCane got the bid, and McCane didn't have the passion needed to attract the younger votes. Romney had a great chance to beat Obama in 2008 while Obama was still relatively unknown. Huckabee is a good man, but his religious platform will not play well outside the south. We need someone who can appeal to the largest section of our nation and bring in the Hispanic vote. I like Jeb Bush for that reason, but the name Bush may be a drawback, giving thoughts of a political royal family.
That is the most off the wall jacked up history that I have ever read.

That's just sad.
Really, Wolfie, if you want to win people over to your side you have to have a bullshit story that's:

1 somewhat believable,


2 posted at a reliable source site.

OP fail.
wolfstrike fails above because of the nuttiness of this statement "The Civil War started because government passed unjust laws that forced Southern plantation owners to stop buying goods from other countries and send their money up north."

Read the 9th paragraph of the Cornerstone speech by the VP of the CSA.
And so with the Southern States, towards the Northern States, in the vital matter of taxation. They are in a minority in Congress. Their representation in Congress, is useless to protect them against unjust taxation; and they are taxed by the people of the North for their benefit, exactly as the people of Great Britain taxed our ancestors in the British parliament for their benefit. For the last forty years, the taxes laid by the Congress of the United States have been laid with a view of subserving the interests of the North. The people of the South have been taxed by duties on imports, not for revenue, but for an object inconsistent with revenue— to promote, by prohibitions, Northern interests in the productions of their mines and manufactures.

Did tariffs really cause the Civil War? The Morrill Act at 150
His "story" sounds exactly like a correct reflection of the facts.

It's a bit dificult to sumerize the history of america in couple of hundred words. So criticism that the story is incomplete is unjustified. I didn't see anything that I knew to be untrue in the piece.
The main problem for America is the corrupting influence of money. the other serious problem is creeping socialism. Some day soon our creditors will stop buying t-bills and house of cards will collapse. Then what will happen when the Entitlement tap is turned off? It won't be pretty.
Let's go though a quick history.
We had the American Revolution and a few great men wanted to do things right and insure freedom for generations to come.
Despite the fact the founders knew that political parties wouldn't be good for the country, eventually political parties formed.
When the American public learned what the Federalist party was all about, they overwhelmingly rejected it in 1812.

Many people said the Whig party was a reformation of the Federalist party.
Abraham Lincoln was a Whig party organizer and a lobbyist for the railroads.
Now we see the Republican party has links to a political system that the early Americans rejected.

We're constantly told the Civil War was fought over slavery, which is not completely true.
The propaganda said , ...and still to this day, if you don't support the actions of Lincoln and his government, then you're a horrible pro-slave person.
The Civil War started because government passed unjust laws that forced Southern plantation owners to stop buying goods from other countries and send their money up north.
The main issue was over how much power the federal government has and what rights the states have.
Due to political corruption, the South decided to secede from the union , which they had full right to do. These rights were re-confirmed in the Massachusetts constitution and the Virginia constitution.

Abraham Lincoln , the first President of the "liberal" Republican party, didn't care what the Constitution said.
The Republican party broke many constitutional laws when they invaded the south, and also after they won the war.
They told people they were going to "enforce the bill of rights to the states", have you ever seen the federal government enforce "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed" to the states?
This is proof their slogans were lies.

Now we start to understand how far back out political problems go.
...well things got worse.


Around 1900 , America became the 2nd country in the world to be infected by the rantings of Karl Marx.
They called themselves anarchists , progressives, socialists , communists, marxists, ect.
Once again, America rejected this evil and foreign form of government, so people who were once known as "Communists" stopped calling themselves "Communists" and simply started to sell their issues one at a time.
They became organizations like the ACLU which would eventually poison our entire legal system.
The Socialists had to hijack the "conservative" Democrats because in many areas the "liberal" Republicans couldn't win office.

The Socialists introduced policy like Social Security and other ideas where Americans would take benefits today and send the bill to the future generation.
Bill Clinton pardoned a Socialist bomber and even Obama has connections to Bill Ayers, member of the violent Communist group the Weather Underground.
Marxism is a plot where wealthy conspirators entice the public to overthrow their government for unrealistic promises from Communism.


Neither party wants to talk about the Constitution because both parties implement illegal policy.
The Socialists took over the school systems and no longer teach Americanism.
The Republican party has became the place were conservatives and libertarians are swept under the rug.

Now, the Republican voters say we must continue to support the Republican party because conservatives need to balance the Supreme Court.
That's great logic that even I can't argue with , however, when ObamaCare was brought to the Supreme Court, what did we have?
turncoat justice Roberts passed the bill.
The Supreme Court argument is now dead along with every other reason to continue to back the Republican party.

The answer is not the Democrats or the Republicans, the answer is freedom for everyone though authentic American libertarian politics .

The chances of us fixing the problems restoring the country the country to it's original intent is slim to none.
We need to support 3rd party politics because it's right and do it out of revenge .
We have a great opportunity to take a chance on reforming the country.
We won't always have the Tea Party option, it's foolish to watch an opportunity to go by.

Nice rant!! Very eloquent.

But tell me, what does a course in "Americanism" actually look like?

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