Radio Jesus: Capital Democrat(!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why do we see so many darn evangelism-oriented groups and websites in modern-day America (e.g.,

After all is said and done, will media alter basic human values?



"Americans were reeling after the Clinton-Lewinsky media-scandal which sent the Democratic Party into a whirlpool. The Republicans were back, but not necessarily popular. George W. Bush and Donald Trump were the newest Republican presidents, but the Democrats refused to disappear quietly. Senator Hillary Clinton made an impressive run for the Presidency, becoming the first serious female-contender for the office. America was media and dialogue driven, and Democrats wanted the pendulum to swing back their way!"


"Artists on the streets and in museums too were making works representative of a new pedestrianism-oriented neo-Orwellian 'abstract-streamlined aesthetic' which was arguably introduced to America by the Campbell's soup-can consumerism-critical parody-paintings of Andy Warhol. Now, artists experimented with all kinds of pro-populism 'avatar-centric' 'faceless-art' meant to stir dialogue more than intellectual flowery. Meanwhile, Hollywood (USA) was making more expressive films such as White Man's Burden, Black Mass, and Out of Sight. Democrats wanted to be immersed in this new 'street-aesthetic' and worried about the long-term political legacy of 'champs' such as Hillary Clinton(!)."


"Americans were busy embracing this new populism-oriented political spirit, and various ethnic minority community leaders/figures were forging evangelical unions meant to offer a louder voice for an America craving for 'participant politics.' Unfortunately, 'TrumpUSA' was congested with urban protests, and as Trump responded to these protests with angry tweets, voters wondered how this new social consciousness would affect race-relations and the American Dream. Was media making politics more...theatrical?"


"After Oliver Stone released his media-era incendiary film Talk Radio starring Alec Baldwin and Eric Bogosian, Americans took notice of this new 'pedestrian pulpit' aesthetic(!). Audiences wanted bold radio DJs/talk-show-hosts like Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh to reflect a new consumer demand for expressive social values dialogue. Was this the legacy of Saturday Night Live?"


"American newsies were busy covering all kinds of stories about race-riots, bank-robberies, gang-crimes, and even high school shootings. Americans were brimming with excitement but also misdirected energy. Consumers simply craved instant-gratification and 'Starbucks culture' was catering to a new 'anarchy vibe' as people wanted to break-out of the 'Wall Street insane-asylum'."


"Author Anne Rice introduced American audiences to the modernized rendition of vampire/Dracula folklore-mystique, with all new vampire avatars with a great social appeal for the modern world such as Lestat and Akasha. When Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were featured in the Rice-adapted vampirism film Interview with the Vampire, American audiences realized that this modern pedestrian 'energy' was catalysing a new kind of paranoia-storytelling --- urban bloodlust. Was America suddenly a spooky cauldron? What would Donald Trump tweet?"


"Democrats (like Hillary Clinton) wanted to capitalize on these trends, so they started talking about free-speech values, media-broadcasting for a wider audience/demographic, and tolerance of alternative religions and customs such as Luciferianism, Kwanzaa, Atheism, Shaivism, and Wicca. Hillary seemed genuinely worried what voters would remember most about her husband's presidency --- his tireless work with new age populism fervor or his terribly-publicized sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky! Hillary wanted Americans to know that Christianity and Islam alike would be offered a seat at the proverbial hospitable modern democratic table."


GOD: I really like Oliver Stone's Talk Radio.
SATAN: It certainly symbolizes modern consciousness.
GOD: I like as well...
SATAN: The Internet offers convenient access to the 'public pulpit.'
GOD: I wonder what people will make of Hillary's presidential campaign.
SATAN: They might say she was the first sign of a gender-free democracy.
GOD: Americans weren't ready for a female president in 2016.
SATAN: True; but Hillary offered her Democratic Party some fresh air!
GOD: I agree; we must remain wary of 'Internet-radio anarchy.'
SATAN: Yes, we don't want to see 'virtual race-riots' on Internet forums!
GOD: Exactly; I wonder what Spielberg makes of Ellen DeGeneres.
SATAN: I'd imagine he thinks gender-consciousness is 'symbolic.'
GOD: I wonder if Spielberg will make a gender-themed film about Martha Stewart.
SATAN: Martha Stewart is the perfect diplomat of this Home Shopping Network era.
GOD: I want to see more 'Radio Jesus' shows (with celebrity guests!).
SATAN: I'm a fan of the Quentin Tarantino film Pulp Fiction.
GOD: Tarantino changed the way we looked at graphic imagination...
SATAN: Perhaps the AntiChrist will bring a message about 'air-pollution'(!).




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