Racist say that voter ID laws are racist


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing Wednesday:
A racist Democrat University of Southern California law professor told Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, that his home state's voter ID law is racist during a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing Wednesday.
Cruz asked the racist USC law professor Franita Tolson and the other racist Democrat panel witnesses, "in your judgment are voter ID laws racist?"
"The fact that the voter ID law was put into place to diminish the political power of Latinos with racist intent,"
The racist Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, said "there are some voter ID laws that are racially discriminatory in intent."

The Democrats opposing voter ID laws is an admission to guilt in voter fraud crimes.
Actually the racist Democrats voting multiple times is discriminatory in intent.
They want to allow Democrat voters to be able to vote multiple times under fictitious names to cancel out the votes of legitimate voters.
States that do not enforce Voter ID laws should be sued by their citizens for Voting Rights violations.


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There should be a nation day of education on the difference between "disparate impact" and racial animus.

Every attempt to ensure that voters are who they say they are, that they vote at the polls on Election Day, that they are not legally insane and can read and write English, will have a DISPARATE IMPACT on Blacks and Hispanics. Every single measure.

But these are entirely reasonable attempts to ensure (or promote) election integrity. Democrats DON'T WANT election integrity. They want fraudulent votes, incompetent votes, illiterate votes, and the votes of people who are so disengaged from life that they have no idea that you need to register in advance.

Just because a vote integrity measure has a DISPARATE IMPACT does not mean that it is racist in its motivation or purpose.

It is along the same lines as, Any criticism of a Black person is not a criticism of BLACK PEOPLE, as a demographic group. Saying that Rosie O'Donnell is fat, ugly, and obnoxious is not a mark of a misogynist. it is the mark of a truth-teller.

Democrats know this, but Democrats are evil.
There should be a nation day of education on the difference between "disparate impact" and racial animus.

Every attempt to ensure that voters are who they say they are, that they vote at the polls on Election Day, that they are not legally insane and can read and write English, will have a DISPARATE IMPACT on Blacks and Hispanics. Every single measure.

But these are entirely reasonable attempts to ensure (or promote) election integrity. Democrats DON'T WANT election integrity. They want fraudulent votes, incompetent votes, illiterate votes, and the votes of people who are so disengaged from life that they have no idea that you need to register in advance.

Just because a vote integrity measure has a DISPARATE IMPACT does not mean that it is racist in its motivation or purpose.

It is along the same lines as, Any criticism of a Black person is not a criticism of BLACK PEOPLE, as a demographic group. Saying that Rosie O'Donnell is fat, ugly, and obnoxious is not a mark of a misogynist. it is the mark of a truth-teller.

Democrats know this, but Democrats are evil.
If the Democrat Party thinks that minorities cannot obtain IDs, then the right thing to do would be to help them get IDs.
But, Democrats are liar, cheaters and racist xsshxlxs.

Vaccine IDs expose Democrats’ lies about voter IDs​

Christopher Tremoglie 4 hrs ago


As the Biden administration pushes to mandate vaccines for every worker, vaccine ID cards will become an integral part of the rest of the pandemic, however long it lasts. Workers will need one to remain employed or allowed to work. Yet previously, Democrats argued asking for IDs was racist because many minorities were somehow unable to obtain a government-issued ID.

But all these hurdles seem to vanish miraculously when it comes to getting vaccination IDs.

Keep in mind, the notion that somehow people were not able to obtain a government-issued ID was always complete hogwash. Moreover, it was even more ridiculous to assume that it was much harder for people of color to get valid IDs. The only people who do not have IDs are those who choose not to get them, just as those who have not been vaccinated are those who have chosen not to be.


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