Racist San Francisco arrests black women at 13 times the rate of women of other races

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
San Francisco is one of the bluest, most left wing cities in the entire country.

And it’s also one of the most racist.

Black women in San Francisco arrested way more often than white women, report shows

Black women in San Francisco are disproportionately arrested compared with their white counterparts, according to a new analysis of state arrest data from the Center on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.

Black women represent 5.8% of the city’s female population, but accounted for 45.5% of all female arrests in 2013, according to the report from the nonprofit, which works to reduce incarceration. For arrests related to weapons and narcotics—both felonies—black women made up 77% and 68% of all female arrests, respectively.

Black women were arrested “at a per capita rate 13.4 times higher than women of other races,” says the report. San Francisco’s overall black population declined from 60,515 in 2000 to 48,870 in 2010.
Maybe because Black women are committing 13.4% more crimes?
Weapons and narcotics are mentioned.
much more than that.....blacks/the left can't and won't except the facts --blacks commit crimes at MUCH higher rates ....blacks are arrested at LOWER rates considering how much crime they commit
San Francisco is one of the bluest, most left wing cities in the entire country.

And it’s also one of the most racist.

Black women in San Francisco arrested way more often than white women, report shows

Black women in San Francisco are disproportionately arrested compared with their white counterparts, according to a new analysis of state arrest data from the Center on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.

Black women represent 5.8% of the city’s female population, but accounted for 45.5% of all female arrests in 2013, according to the report from the nonprofit, which works to reduce incarceration. For arrests related to weapons and narcotics—both felonies—black women made up 77% and 68% of all female arrests, respectively.

Black women were arrested “at a per capita rate 13.4 times higher than women of other races,” says the report. San Francisco’s overall black population declined from 60,515 in 2000 to 48,870 in 2010.
Clearly Trump's fault!
Well when blacks are comitting more crimes in most areas it stands to reason more black women would get arrested than other skin colors. So I'm not surprised at all.

I'm sure there are plenty of people that would call them racist but the bottom line of it all is, if they weren't comitting arrestable crimes then they wouldn't get arrested. Don't want to get in trouble? Obey the law.
San Francisco is a Racist city, which has been working hard to drive black people out for decades. Blacks were 13.4% of the population in 1970, just 6% today.

This is part of their strategy, sending African Americans into the correctionary system and hoping they relocate to Oakland or South Central LA when they get out.
San Francisco is one of the bluest, most left wing cities in the entire country.

And it’s also one of the most racist.

Black women in San Francisco arrested way more often than white women, report shows

Black women in San Francisco are disproportionately arrested compared with their white counterparts, according to a new analysis of state arrest data from the Center on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.

Black women represent 5.8% of the city’s female population, but accounted for 45.5% of all female arrests in 2013, according to the report from the nonprofit, which works to reduce incarceration. For arrests related to weapons and narcotics—both felonies—black women made up 77% and 68% of all female arrests, respectively.

Black women were arrested “at a per capita rate 13.4 times higher than women of other races,” says the report. San Francisco’s overall black population declined from 60,515 in 2000 to 48,870 in 2010.
That is why equal protection of the laws matters. Simple poverty can easily be solved through equal protection of at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
San Francisco is a Racist city, which has been working hard to drive black people out for decades. Blacks were 13.4% of the population in 1970, just 6% today.

This is part of their strategy, sending African Americans into the correctionary system and hoping they relocate to Oakland or South Central LA when they get out.
Surely though, African American women in San Francisco are committing the crimes for which they're being arrested?
Weapons and narcotics crimes are very serious, can't just talk your way out of them?
Surely though, African American women in San Francisco are committing the crimes for which they're being arrested?
Weapons and narcotics crimes are very serious, can't just talk your way out of them?

Sure, those offenses are really serious.

But you are assuming that those arrested are guilty- but here in America, everyone including these black boards is entitled to a presumption of innocence.
That is why equal protection of the laws matters. Simple poverty can easily be solved through equal protection of at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
We live in an extreme feminist nation now. Varying to degree to location. So if males are diminished or denied and emasculated, what do you believe the result is going to be? So in many ethic/cultural areas that have poverty, family disintegration is foundation. Children born to single parents in a time period of near 3 generations where other ethnic people are doing it in 2 is potential suicide. So African American males are not being successful in a good percentage and that affects African American females. Who must also look at themselves also. There are growing white poverty areas. Don't worry...TV dramas and movies will show a female beating the crap out of hundreds of buffed trained male warriors to prove their dominance. May I suggest to prospective parents...Do not have male children in this age. Of course the system will collapse at some point.
We live in an extreme feminist nation now. Varying to degree to location. So if males are diminished or denied and emasculated, what do you believe the result is going to be? So in many ethic/cultural areas that have poverty, family disintegration is foundation. Children born to single parents in a time period of near 3 generations where other ethnic people are doing it in 2 is potential suicide. So African American males are not being successful in a good percentage and that affects African American females. Who must also look at themselves also. There are growing white poverty areas. Don't worry...TV dramas and movies will show a female beating the crap out of hundreds of buffed trained male warriors to prove their dominance. May I suggest to prospective parents...Do not have male children in this age. Of course the system will collapse at some point.
I am not sure what you mean. Equal protection of the laws is guaranteed in our various Constitutions.

All laws of a general nature shall have uniform operation.

It should be about better Government at lower cost whenever possible.
San Francisco is one of the bluest, most left wing cities in the entire country.

And it’s also one of the most racist.

Black women in San Francisco arrested way more often than white women, report shows

Black women in San Francisco are disproportionately arrested compared with their white counterparts, according to a new analysis of state arrest data from the Center on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.

Black women represent 5.8% of the city’s female population, but accounted for 45.5% of all female arrests in 2013, according to the report from the nonprofit, which works to reduce incarceration. For arrests related to weapons and narcotics—both felonies—black women made up 77% and 68% of all female arrests, respectively.

Black women were arrested “at a per capita rate 13.4 times higher than women of other races,” says the report. San Francisco’s overall black population declined from 60,515 in 2000 to 48,870 in 2010.
Maybe black women are committing crimes at a much higher rate than white women?
Is it racist to notice this factor?
It could be if it is due to unequal protection of the laws. Right-wingers love to try find ways to criminalize poverty and then "Blame the Poor".
Crime has no race attached to it.
Either you're breaking the law or you're not.
We can't ignore it if the perp is a member of the Democrat/Communist Party's protected class.
If black women are committing way more crime then wouldn't that result is way more arrests?
I am not sure what you mean. Equal protection of the laws is guaranteed in our various Constitutions.

All laws of a general nature shall have uniform operation.

It should be about better Government at lower cost whenever possible.
The Constitution was based on a Gold and Silver based currency. And there were fierce arguments on it. Voters were responsible. No matter their views or even if they were stupid. What I typed may not sound right to you. But the documents were about FREEDOM. And massive flaws with it. We know them. The Articles of Confederation before the Constitution may have been the greatest document of freedom in human history. With little interference in the way we lived. But we know there are issues on how people can treat each other. But there was no way to get money from a citizens to a federal government. Constitution government gave us that direction. Government grew larger and larger. Wars needed Congress Votes and temporary Fiat currency to provide the revenue for them. We have had 3 Fiat currency national banks until the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. So to you right now. The United States of America is being taught a lesson on who rules the World now. We will more with less for now on. Everything we want is now going to decline and be not available in certain ways. We will accept what we can get. But we will vote on the colors of our skin to feel better. Liquor will be available to numb our senses.
San Francisco is one of the bluest, most left wing cities in the entire country.

And it’s also one of the most racist.

Black women in San Francisco arrested way more often than white women, report shows

Black women in San Francisco are disproportionately arrested compared with their white counterparts, according to a new analysis of state arrest data from the Center on Criminal and Juvenile Justice.

Black women represent 5.8% of the city’s female population, but accounted for 45.5% of all female arrests in 2013, according to the report from the nonprofit, which works to reduce incarceration. For arrests related to weapons and narcotics—both felonies—black women made up 77% and 68% of all female arrests, respectively.

Black women were arrested “at a per capita rate 13.4 times higher than women of other races,” says the report. San Francisco’s overall black population declined from 60,515 in 2000 to 48,870 in 2010.
Well, they commit more crime.


(Reminds me when activists complained students of ethnicities X and Y were being suspended more often for defiance than Asians & Caucasians. So President Obama ordered the end of suspension for defiance. Well, X and Y are MORE defiant. Duh!)

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