Racist Lapd Detains Interracial Couple For Prostitution

Those police officers should be given a nice, long, unpaid vacation for being so stupid. They would perhaps be better suited for office work than dealing with the public. Whoever called them should be taken down an alley and given a beating. The girl should have just shown some ID instead of immediately jumping to level 5 dramatic, but I guess actresses are gonna be dramatic...

Of course if she had been in a car making sloppy with a lesbian girlfriend none of this would have ever happened no matter what color either of them was.
Those police officers should be given a nice, long, unpaid vacation for being so stupid. They would perhaps be better suited for office work than dealing with the public. Whoever called them should be taken down an alley and given a beating. The girl should have just shown some ID instead of immediately jumping to level 5 dramatic, but I guess actresses are gonna be dramatic...

Of course if she had been in a car making sloppy with a lesbian girlfriend none of this would have ever happened no matter what color either of them was.
The race of the woman or her boyfriend had absolutely nothing to do with the cops being called.

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