Racist cartoons of Dr Rice.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
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Anyone seen the racist political cartoons in the papers today? Rush has links to some of them on his site. Been listening to Rush and alot of young black men have been calling in and complaining about the cartoons. They are ticked and rightly so that none of the so called "black leadership" IE Sharpton, Jackson etc. I was just thinking listening, its obvious they arent happy with the so called leadership, why dont they become the new leaders?
I'm listening to him online. I couldn't find the links though.....
I looked around on-line and found out something interresting. Most blacks on those sights think she's a sell out since she's a republican. I don't understand the whole house ni**er thing, which is what they're saying about her. Can't just disagree with her they have to get nasty.
freeandfun1 said:
I'm listening to him online. I couldn't find the links though.....

rush lim..dot com right at the top of the page
The Democrats don't want to admit that the Republican Party is THE party of "equal opportunity". (the Dims sure aren't, although they claim they are)

Leeza kinda sticks in their craw, ya know?

I couldn't believe this little excerpt from the Daily Mirror.....

IF THERE were a monkey in the White House - and many reckon there is - then his trainer would be the world's most powerful person.
I agree with Freeandfun1.. the "monkey" comment is overtly racist.

As to the Doonesbury strip; I know the author is not at all a racist, and I'm not sure how calling Rice "brown sugar" is a racist remark. Incorporating someone's race into a nickname is racist? Its just playing off "Wolfie" and all the other pet names the president has.
nakedemperor said:
I agree with Freeandfun1.. the "monkey" comment is overtly racist.

As to the Doonesbury strip; I know the author is not at all a racist, and I'm not sure how calling Rice "brown sugar" is a racist remark. Incorporating someone's race into a nickname is racist? Its just playing off "Wolfie" and all the other pet names the president has.

I didn't find the Doonesbury strip all that offensive either......
insein said:
the one today showed condaleeza and colin as parrots for idiot bush that'll do anything he says.

that wasn't doonesbury, that was a different cartoonist.
nakedemperor said:
I agree with Freeandfun1.. the "monkey" comment is overtly racist.

As to the Doonesbury strip; I know the author is not at all a racist, and I'm not sure how calling Rice "brown sugar" is a racist remark. Incorporating someone's race into a nickname is racist? Its just playing off "Wolfie" and all the other pet names the president has.

I haven't seen the strip, NE - but, it doesn't sound racist to me. Be honest, though - are like cases treated alike? Or, would a conservative cartoonist be pilloried for using the exact same language? We all know the answer to that one.
Hey, it's ok to use "hate speech" towards conservatives and Republicans.........afterall...........they're all just as bad as Hitler.

Demos. get a pass when they smear the Right........the media gives them a "get out of jail free" card every time.

Just think how things would be if the Right had the major media's support................Oh, well..........it's a Pipe Dream.......but I think some of you folks could envision some pretty cool stuff.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket
Eightball said:
Hey, it's ok to use "hate speech" towards conservatives and Republicans.........afterall...........they're all just as bad as Hitler.

Demos. get a pass when they smear the Right........the media gives them a "get out of jail free" card every time.

Just think how things would be if the Right had the major media's support................Oh, well..........it's a Pipe Dream.......but I think some of you folks could envision some pretty cool stuff.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket

When you have the black vote in your hip pocket you can say anything you want about em. I always goof up by thinking that liberals understand fair play.
Eightball said:
Hey, it's ok to use "hate speech" towards conservatives and Republicans.........afterall...........they're all just as bad as Hitler.

Demos. get a pass when they smear the Right........the media gives them a "get out of jail free" card every time.

Just think how things would be if the Right had the major media's support................Oh, well..........it's a Pipe Dream.......but I think some of you folks could envision some pretty cool stuff.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket

Gonna talk about the material at hand or offer off-hand conjecture and hyperbole?

Musicman-- well, since we're on a conservative message board, we're discussing leftist comics that are 'racist' toward Condi Rice; in essence, they're being 'pilloried'. If we were on DU, the rightist 'toonists would be getting critiqued. As it is, the likelihood of someone coming on this board and saying, "this strip is VERY unfair in its description of liberal so-and-so" aren't very high. The inverse would be the same at the DU. For example, the video of then-governon Bush giving the finger to the camera before a public address is viewed by liberals as rash and juvenile, whereas its viewed as lighthearted and humorous by conservatives (see -Cp's avatar for example). So, whether a strip is going to be criticized depends entirely on who is reading it. And since there are more conservatives out there than liberals, getting 'pilloried' is only going to matter so much for conservative 'toonists.

I'm not talking about people being "critiqued". I'm talking about people being pilloried, in the Jimmy the Greek sense - in the Fuzzy Zoeller sense - in the Buzzy Bavasi sense - in the Trent Lott sense - you know - career-ending, hounded-to-the-ends-of-the-earth, it's the lead story on every news show for as long as it takes to ruin the bastard sense. Be fair, man. Admit it. There's a double standard here. If Mr. Trudeau's political leanings were different, there would be nonstop demands for his head right now, and if you're as fairminded as I've come to believe you are, you'll admit that.

No one on this board thinks he's a racist. No one's calling for his head. We're just sick to death of the double-dealing hypocrisy of it all.
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