Racist and Incompetent. Perfect description of the McMichaels Defense


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
The only good news coming out of the McMichaels Trial for the defense is it is distinctly possible that because of the racist and incompetent actions of the Defense Attorney they will get a new trial.

The bad news for the defendants is they are almost certain to be Convicted.

As was posted here.

It is generally felt that Travis on the Stand was a disaster.

The Defense was losing before that. But that was the mail in the coffin. Notice you are no longer reading long diatribes from the White Wing about how they are certain to be exonerated.

At least they have grounds for a new trial. Unfortunately it is because of their own idiot lawyers.

"I did not shoot that there colored. Well, I did shoot 'im, but I didn't mean it. Well, not now that ima goin ta jail.

He was runnin. Wut are yah supposed to think when you see a colored runnin?

Why am I gettin in trouble for shootin a nigg-- I mean colored anyhow?

Most folk round here see that as a community service.

Wut!? I said colored."
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The only good news coming out of the McMichaels Trial for the defense is it is distinctly possible that because of the racist and incompetent actions of the Defense Attorney they will get a new trial.

The bad news for the defendants is they are almost certain to be Convicted.

As was posted here.

It is generally felt that Travis on the Stand was a disaster.

The Defense was losing before that. But that was the mail in the coffin. Notice you are no longer reading long diatribes from the White Wing about how they are certain to be exonerated.

At least they have grounds for a new trial. Unfortunately it is because of their own idiot lawyers.
I have a lot of appreciation for how the prosecutor worded her questions by beginning with Travis attempting to convince the court that due to his "law enforcement" training he received in the coast guard he knew what he was doing when they decided to chase down Arbery. She flipped it on him.

  1. Did not your Coast Guard training teach you that if someone doesn't want to talk to you, they don't have to? - Yes
  2. Did not your Coast Guard training teach you that if they don't want to talk to you and walk away that you have to let them go? - Yes
  3. Did not your Coast Guard training teach you that pulling a gun on someone (or showing someone your gun) can be considered "psychological coercion" - Yes
Lastly Travis admitted that prior to him pointing his weapon at Arbery, Arbery did not shout at him, say anything to him or threaten him in any way. So the pointing of Travis's weapon at him was not in response to any threat posed by Arbery.

While It will REALLY suck if they get a second bite at this apple just because their defense was not up to snuff, you know they're going to fight this tooth and nail and drag things out on appeals for all their worth.

I wonder if they'll consider a plea deal.
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The only good news coming out of the McMichaels Trial for the defense is it is distinctly possible that because of the racist and incompetent actions of the Defense Attorney they will get a new trial.

The bad news for the defendants is they are almost certain to be Convicted.

As was posted here.

It is generally felt that Travis on the Stand was a disaster.

The Defense was losing before that. But that was the mail in the coffin. Notice you are no longer reading long diatribes from the White Wing about how they are certain to be exonerated.

At least they have grounds for a new trial. Unfortunately it is because of their own idiot lawyers.

They have had a losing hand since the start

Hard to defend the indefensible
The one guy in the truck who videoed it may get off
They have had a losing hand since the start

Hard to defend the indefensible
The one guy in the truck who videoed it may get off

People said the same thing about Rittenhouse and Zimmerman...

If the only reason these three mopes get convicted is because their lawyers were incompetent, what does that say about our legal system?
This is a crystal clear case of self-defense. The video evidence is so conclusive that it was self-defense that after the police saw it they didn't arrest them. It's on video and the video doesn't lie. The mentally ill convict attacked Travis, tried to steal his shotgun and earned his Darwin award. They were only charged later for political reasons. Those guys are political prisoners.

Leftists are notorious for taking political prisoners.

The only way the McMichaels will be convicted is if the all female jury is too intimidated by the anti-white racist left to find them not guilty.

That is why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were in the gallery. The jurors know that those scoundrels can whip up violent mobs. The jury also knows there's an angry mob outside the courthouse. They can hear them.

The anti-white racists know that the facts of the case and conclusive video evidence proves that it was self-defense, so they are desperately trying to intimidate the jury.
People said the same thing about Rittenhouse and Zimmerman...

If the only reason these three mopes get convicted is because their lawyers were incompetent, what does that say about our legal system?

So Chauvin’s lawyer was incompetent?

This is a crystal clear case of self-defense. The video evidence is so conclusive that it was self-defense that after the police saw it they didn't arrest them. It's on video and the video doesn't lie. The mentally ill convict attacked Travis, tried to steal his shotgun and earned his Darwin award. They were only charged later for political reasons. Those guys are political prisoners.

Leftists are notorious for taking political prisoners.

The only way the McMichaels will be convicted is if the all female jury is too intimidated by the anti-white racist left to find them not guilty.

That is why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were in the gallery. The jurors know that those scoundrels can whip up violent mobs. The jury also knows there's an angry mob outside the courthouse. They can hear them.

The anti-white racists know that the facts of the case and conclusive video evidence proves that it was self-defense, so they are desperately trying to intimidate the jury.

The video shows it is Murder. Period.
The video shows it is Murder. Period.
Bullshit. You are just being disingenuous and/or have been overdosing on grape kool-aid.

The video shows Arbery running straight at Travis and then blitz around the truck and attack Travis, thus earning his Darwin award. Arbery is clearly the aggressor, just like Rosenbaum was clearly the aggressor in the Rittenhouse case. Arbery was running towards Travis. Travis was never running towards Arbery. Arbery attacked Travis and Travis didn't shoot until he was attacked.

The video proves it conclusively. That's why Travis wasn't arrested at the scene in the first place. The video proved that he shot in self defense.

He was arrested for political reasons. Those guys are obviously being held as political prisoners, you disgusting low IQ subhuman piece of shit.
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Bullshit. You are just being disingenuous and/or have been overdosing on grape kool-aid.

The video shows Arbery running straight at Travis and then blitz around the truck and attack Travis, thus earning his Darwin award. Arbery is clearly the aggressor, just like Rosenbaum was clearly the aggressor in the Rittenhouse case. Arbery was running towards Travis. Travis was never running towards Arbery. Arbery attacked Travis and Travis didn't shoot until he was attacked.

The video proves it conclusively. That's why Travis wasn't arrested at the scene in the first place. The video proved that he shot in self defense.

He was arrested for political reasons. Those guys are obviously being held as political prisoners, you disgusting low IQ subhuman piece of shit.

Travis and Greg were not arrested at the scene because they voluntarily went to the police station to make a statement.

At the station the police wanted to arrest them. They were prevented by Greg’s former Boss who is now facing criminal charges of her own because of her effort to protect a friend from the consequences of his actions.

Shall we continue?

It is a fact that Greg called her from the scene and asked for help. It is also in the indictment against her that she obstructed justice by preventing the arrest.

The cops thought it was murder. So your claim is baseless.

"I did not shoot that there colored. Well, I did shoot 'im, but I didn't mean it. Well, not now that ima goin ta jail.

He was runnin. Wut are yah supposed to think when you see a colored runnin?

Why am I gettin in trouble for shootin a nigg-- I mean colored anyhow?

Most folk round here see that as a community service.

Wut!? I said colored."

My God, how could he stand trial at all.. He's a mental defective.
So Chauvin’s lawyer was incompetent?


Guyger murdered an unarmed man in his living room and only got 10 years...

Sorry, man, I'm not as sanguine on our legal system as you are. That the blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut doesn't impress me.

Most poor defendants get railroaded because their public defenders don't give a shit.

Wealthy ones (or ones who get a lot of donations like Rittenhouse) get a lawyer that massively outclasses the civil servants at the DA's office.

So slick lawyers come up with a song and dance where 12 morons too stupid to get out of jury duty were told that even though we have Rittenhouse walking through the street gunning people down on videotape, it was totally self defense. Combine that with inept prosecutors and a judge who was a clinical moron, and you get the result you got.

Of course, it's what the jurors didn't get to hear. The Jurors never got to hear that Joseph Rosenbaum was mentally ill or a child molester. and they didn't get to hear that Rittenhouse hung out having beers with the Proud Boys.
Guyger murdered an unarmed man in his living room and only got 10 years...

Sorry, man, I'm not as sanguine on our legal system as you are. That the blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut doesn't impress me.

Most poor defendants get railroaded because their public defenders don't give a shit.

Wealthy ones (or ones who get a lot of donations like Rittenhouse) get a lawyer that massively outclasses the civil servants at the DA's office.

So slick lawyers come up with a song and dance where 12 morons too stupid to get out of jury duty were told that even though we have Rittenhouse walking through the street gunning people down on videotape, it was totally self defense. Combine that with inept prosecutors and a judge who was a clinical moron, and you get the result you got.

Of course, it's what the jurors didn't get to hear. The Jurors never got to hear that Joseph Rosenbaum was mentally ill or a child molester. and they didn't get to hear that Rittenhouse hung out having beers with the Proud Boys.

To a certain extent, I sort of agree with you. However I do agree with the court leaving out irrelevant or other information that isn’t Germaine to the issue.

An example is a woman who claims rape. Having her describe her previous sexual experiences, consensual experiences, to show she is a loose woman, I object to. It is irrelevant to the issue at hand. Was she raped?

Now, to the trials. Rittenhouse had a terrible Prosecutor. He was unprepared, and frankly, not as good as he should have been. Not the first time we’ve seen that. We saw it during the OJ trial. When someone posted a thread asking what we thought the outcome would be, and the trial was about half over, I said not guilty. Not because I thought he did the right thing, but because like OJ, the Defense did a great job.

And here I am torn. While I want the Guilty to go to Prison, I also believe it is better for a thousand guilty men to go free instead of one innocent man goes to prison.

We have seen rhetoric send people to prison. A great prosecutor can do that. The fellow prosecuting Rittenhouse was not great, and frankly wasn’t very good. It seemed to me, when I watched what little I did, as if he was working his way through the list of evidence, off a sheet, as if it was the first time he’d ever seen it. Poor preparation, or perhaps just poor skills. I don’t know. I know the result. A winnable case was lost, and thank God we live in the United States where such things can happen.

As to Public Defenders, I know. Believe me I know. They are overworked, and numbed, swamped beneath too many cases to even hope to give one the attention it deserves. Unfortunately, I don’t know what we can do about that. The public isn’t going to pony up enough money to hire enough people to give the poor defendants a decent defense. I honestly don’t know what we can do. I agree it is a problem, but I don’t see any solution.

But this case is the McMichaels. And we have seen what a good Prosecution can do. Today, they will be doing the closing arguments, and then instructions will be given to the Jury. It will be after Thanksgiving before any decision can be reached. There just isn’t enough time before hand. Being as I am in Georgia, I’ve watched this one more than the Rittenhouse case. It’s nearly a local thing for me.

But we saw what a good Prosecutor can do. One familiar with the evidence, and who was able to about do it off the top of her head. It is what pushed the Defense Attorney Gaugh into such asinine movements. An effort to get a Mistrial and another shot. He knew early on that they were losing. And he pulled stunts to try and get it tossed so he could then pass the torch to another, and let them lose the case.

The better defense attorneys were working for Greg and Travis, and even they know they are losing. You can see it in their faces. They have the advantage of seeing the Jury. And we know this is the case, because the usual suspects aren’t here talking about how the McMichaels are going to be totally vindicated.

The usual Blacks are totally dangerous and criminal posters are suddenly silent. They are busy cheering the Rittenhouse decision. But their point up to this stage of the game was wait for the trail. We’ll see. During the first day or two they even tried to claim the Defense was winning, and now, silence. Nothing from them.

They are now moving on to pretend that this trial doesn’t matter. And they never had a previous opinion.

Another Week, or ten days, and the McMichaels are going to be wishing they had fled the country when they had the chance. Because I think that Travis is going to get Life, Greg is going to get twenty to life, and Roddy is going to get Twenty years. Word is that his lawyer was trying to get a Plea Deal last week. Roddy knows he’s screwed, and he was hoping to find a way to get out from under it with a lot less time.

Georgia Prisons are awful. And the three of them will have little choice but to hope for isolation, and I don’t think they’re nearly tough enough to take that for long.
To a certain extent, I sort of agree with you. However I do agree with the court leaving out irrelevant or other information that isn’t Germaine to the issue.

An example is a woman who claims rape. Having her describe her previous sexual experiences, consensual experiences, to show she is a loose woman, I object to. It is irrelevant to the issue at hand. Was she raped?

Kind of depends. If it was a rape at knifepoint, yeah, then her sexual history would be completely irrelevant. If she was claiming rape after a frat party, where she got drunk off her ass, I'm not sure that I would be so keen to give her a pass. I know, it's politically incorrect and I'll get my meal card stamped "No Dessert" at the liberal cafe.... but there it is.

Now, to the trials. Rittenhouse had a terrible Prosecutor. He was unprepared, and frankly, not as good as he should have been. Not the first time we’ve seen that. We saw it during the OJ trial. When someone posted a thread asking what we thought the outcome would be, and the trial was about half over, I said not guilty. Not because I thought he did the right thing, but because like OJ, the Defense did a great job.

And here I am torn. While I want the Guilty to go to Prison, I also believe it is better for a thousand guilty men to go free instead of one innocent man goes to prison.

Yeah, this is where I am going to have to disagree with your otherwise eloquent argument. The trial should ultimately be a search for the truth, not "who has the slickest lawyer who manipulated the proceedings best." I think we lost the plot on this a long time ago.

I do think the Rittenhouse prosecutor was horrible, or maybe he had some funny idea that when you catch the accused on video doing exactly what he is accused of, it shouldn't be that hard to get a verdict.

Final point, I don't think the OJ prosecutors did a horrible job, I think they were up against a jury that was wanting to send a message to the LAPD and LA County that they had enough of police misconduct and brutality. It was the wrong hill to take a stand on, because Simpson walked away from the community years before.

We have seen rhetoric send people to prison. A great prosecutor can do that. The fellow prosecuting Rittenhouse was not great, and frankly wasn’t very good. It seemed to me, when I watched what little I did, as if he was working his way through the list of evidence, off a sheet, as if it was the first time he’d ever seen it. Poor preparation, or perhaps just poor skills. I don’t know. I know the result. A winnable case was lost, and thank God we live in the United States where such things can happen.

But here's the thing. Kenosha is just across the border from Illinois, and it's a relatively small county. Population of only 169K. The more talented prosecutors are going to get jobs in Chicago or Milwaukee. The county had a total of 5 homicides in 2019. It's not like they have a lot of practice with even simple homicides.

Otherwise, lots of good points, well made...
This is a crystal clear case of self-defense. The video evidence is so conclusive that it was self-defense that after the police saw it they didn't arrest them. It's on video and the video doesn't lie. The mentally ill convict attacked Travis, tried to steal his shotgun and earned his Darwin award. They were only charged later for political reasons. Those guys are political prisoners.

Leftists are notorious for taking political prisoners.

The only way the McMichaels will be convicted is if the all female jury is too intimidated by the anti-white racist left to find them not guilty.

That is why Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were in the gallery. The jurors know that those scoundrels can whip up violent mobs. The jury also knows there's an angry mob outside the courthouse. They can hear them.

The anti-white racists know that the facts of the case and conclusive video evidence proves that it was self-defense, so they are desperately trying to intimidate the jury.

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