McMichael Fails Miserably In Taking The Stand In His Own Defense In Arbery Case


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Today Travis McMichael took the stand in his own defense in the case of killing Ahmaud Arbery...and it could not gave hone much worse.

Perhaps he was inspired by Kyle Rittenhouse's decision to do the same and his outstanding job in doing so....but McMichael proved today he is no Kyle Rittenhouse.

On the stand he admitted he never saw Arbery steal anything, that his mind was already made up that Arbery was a criminal - despite his mother telling him others thought he was not the one who had been stealing.

Be admitted that he got in his truck with his gun and went after Arbery, who was wearing sorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes but had no gun.

McMichael pretty much painted a picture of a couple of good ol' boys deciding a black man was guilty, and went 'HUNTING' the 'black guy' .... how they chased him, kept telling him to stop because they wanted to talk to him, told him they had called the cops/ the cops would be there soon (which was not true because his dad never called the police)....

McMichael Told how Arbery had to have been guy because he kept avoiding/ refusing to talk to his 'White stalkers', and kept running from them ... ESPECIALLY WHEN HIS DAD YELLED TO ARBERY THAT HE WAS GOING TO BLOW ARBERY'S FUCKING HEAD OFF IF HE DIDN'T STOP.

Yeah, what black person would not stop and talk to these nice gentlemen in this situation?


At one point the lawyer asked McMichael if he really thought Arbery, who was unarmed, had avoided talking to them all that time, who had run from them, who had heard his dad threaten to blow his head off, would suddenly turn and run towards their vehicle to seek refuge or attack them....and that he - McMichael - holding the shotgun actually felt his life was in danger from unarmed Arbery....and McMichael responded by saying, 'Yes, that's what I was thinking.'

:shok: :auiqs.jpg:

As I said, McMichael and his dad, in his testimony, came across as a couple of white, racist vigilantes hell-bent on hunting down and holding, if not killing, this black guy they knew to be a thief, despite not having witnessed him committing robberies and not having any evidence.

McMichael wanted to paint him and his father as neighborhood watch heroes protecting their neighbors....but that blew up / went all wrong.

These 'stereotypical white redneck racists' (as they came across) jumped in their truck with their guns, chased down the negro, kept chasing him while threatening to kill him (blow his head off), and in the end McMichael shot the unarmed Arbery 3 (THREE) times with a SHOTGUN, killing him.

Where Rittenhouse has a legitimate argument for self-defense, the McMichael, especially after today, made it clear today they were the aggressors and if anyone had a right of self-defense in this case it was Arbery.

At some point his defense team should have thrown a white towel out in the middle of the floor in front of the was that bad.

Today Travis McMichael took the stand in his own defense in the case of killing Ahmaud Arbery...and it could not gave hone much worse.

Perhaps he was inspired by Kyle Rittenhouse's decision to do the same and his outstanding job in doing so....but McMichael proved today he is no Kyle Rittenhouse.

On the stand he admitted he never saw Arbery steal anything, that his mind was already made up that Arbery was a criminal - despite his mother telling him others thought he was not the one who had been stealing.

Be admitted that he got in his truck with his gun and went after Arbery, who was wearing sorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes but had no gun.

McMichael pretty much painted a picture of a couple of good ol' boys deciding a black man was guilty, and went 'HUNTING' the 'black guy' .... how they chased him, kept telling him to stop because they wanted to talk to him, told him they had called the cops/ the cops would be there soon (which was not true because his dad never called the police)....

McMichael Told how Arbery had to have been guy because he kept avoiding/ refusing to talk to his 'White stalkers', and kept running from them ... ESPECIALLY WHEN HIS DAD YELLED TO ARBERY THAT HE WAS GOING TO BLOW ARBERY'S FUCKING HEAD OFF IF HE DIDN'T STOP.

Yeah, what black person would not stop and talk to these nice gentlemen in this situation?


At one point the lawyer asked McMichael if he really thought Arbery, who was unarmed, had avoided talking to them all that time, who had run from them, who had heard his dad threaten to blow his head off, would suddenly turn and run towards their vehicle to seek refuge or attack them....and that he - McMichael - holding the shotgun actually felt his life was in danger from unarmed Arbery....and McMichael responded by saying, 'Yes, that's what I was thinking.'

:shok: :auiqs.jpg:

As I said, McMichael and his dad, in his testimony, came across as a couple of white, racist vigilantes hell-bent on hunting down and holding, if not killing, this black guy they knew to be a thief, despite not having witnessed him committing robberies and not having any evidence.

McMichael wanted to paint him and his father as neighborhood watch heroes protecting their neighbors....but that blew up / went all wrong.

These 'stereotypical white redneck racists' (as they came across) jumped in their truck with their guns, chased down the negro, kept chasing him while threatening to kill him (blow his head off), and in the end McMichael shot the unarmed Arbery 3 (THREE) times with a SHOTGUN, killing him.

Where Rittenhouse has a legitimate argument for self-defense, the McMichael, especially after today, made it clear today they were the aggressors and if anyone had a right of self-defense in this case it was Arbery.

At some point his defense team should have thrown a white towel out in the middle of the floor in front of the was that bad.

I saw the entire timeline.
Arbery started running from the construction site when he noticed a neighbor calling the cops.
They pretty much caught him before he had a chance to take anything.....and he took off running.
The fact that even though several people tried to get him to stop and answer some questions means he was feeling guilty.

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I saw the entire timeline.
Arbery started running from the construction site when he noticed a neighbor calling the cops.
They pretty much caught him before he had a chance to take anything.....and he took off running.

so what you are saying is that since he was black and running he deserved to get shot.
Today Travis McMichael took the stand in his own defense in the case of killing Ahmaud Arbery...and it could not gave hone much worse.

Perhaps he was inspired by Kyle Rittenhouse's decision to do the same and his outstanding job in doing so....but McMichael proved today he is no Kyle Rittenhouse.

On the stand he admitted he never saw Arbery steal anything, that his mind was already made up that Arbery was a criminal - despite his mother telling him others thought he was not the one who had been stealing.

Be admitted that he got in his truck with his gun and went after Arbery, who was wearing sorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes but had no gun.

McMichael pretty much painted a picture of a couple of good ol' boys deciding a black man was guilty, and went 'HUNTING' the 'black guy' .... how they chased him, kept telling him to stop because they wanted to talk to him, told him they had called the cops/ the cops would be there soon (which was not true because his dad never called the police)....

McMichael Told how Arbery had to have been guy because he kept avoiding/ refusing to talk to his 'White stalkers', and kept running from them ... ESPECIALLY WHEN HIS DAD YELLED TO ARBERY THAT HE WAS GOING TO BLOW ARBERY'S FUCKING HEAD OFF IF HE DIDN'T STOP.

Yeah, what black person would not stop and talk to these nice gentlemen in this situation?


At one point the lawyer asked McMichael if he really thought Arbery, who was unarmed, had avoided talking to them all that time, who had run from them, who had heard his dad threaten to blow his head off, would suddenly turn and run towards their vehicle to seek refuge or attack them....and that he - McMichael - holding the shotgun actually felt his life was in danger from unarmed Arbery....and McMichael responded by saying, 'Yes, that's what I was thinking.'

:shok: :auiqs.jpg:

As I said, McMichael and his dad, in his testimony, came across as a couple of white, racist vigilantes hell-bent on hunting down and holding, if not killing, this black guy they knew to be a thief, despite not having witnessed him committing robberies and not having any evidence.

McMichael wanted to paint him and his father as neighborhood watch heroes protecting their neighbors....but that blew up / went all wrong.

These 'stereotypical white redneck racists' (as they came across) jumped in their truck with their guns, chased down the negro, kept chasing him while threatening to kill him (blow his head off), and in the end McMichael shot the unarmed Arbery 3 (THREE) times with a SHOTGUN, killing him.

Where Rittenhouse has a legitimate argument for self-defense, the McMichael, especially after today, made it clear today they were the aggressors and if anyone had a right of self-defense in this case it was Arbery.

At some point his defense team should have thrown a white towel out in the middle of the floor in front of the was that bad.

Who cares if he assumed the jogger was a criminal? He was.

The jogger attacked him and that was the end of it. He should had surrendered and waited for the cop. I have zero sympathy for these career criminals.
Thats all it takes for mudwhistle to want someone shot.

He didn't even need to be running.
Nope.....if he was innocent why did he start running when the neighbor called the cops?
The fact is.....these guys would have been considered good citizens 30 years ago.....but today....a black man is innocent even when he throws the first punch. It's black privilege.
Maybe if he hadn't trespassed on that construction site they wouldn't have called the cops....and maybe if he hadn't jumped the guy with the gun he wouldn't have been shot.
If you don't want to run into angry first suggestion is DON'T BREAK THE GOD DAMNED LAW!!!!
I saw the entire timeline.
Arbery started running from the construction site when he noticed a neighbor calling the cops.
They pretty much caught him before he had a chance to take anything.....and he took off running.
The fact that even though several people tried to get him to stop and answer some questions means he was feeling guilty.

He was in shorts, a T-shirt. & running shoes - where was he going to hide things he took.?

People who steal from Constructiln sites usually drive there and put things in their car. Easier to carry & more room to steal / carry things.

The surveillance video of him in the house shows him look around then walk out. From Inside the house he couldn't see anyone calling the cops.

No one called the police until the chasing and after daddy McMichael threatened to blow Arbery's head off, remember?!

And Arbery was wearing shorts, a tee shirt and sneakers, so as far as anyone knows he was out for a jog, saw the house, and decided to look inside the house...

When I was growing up in the south it was not uncommon for people to go inside New houses being built to look at the floor plan & see what the inside of the house would look like...of course, this was when you could leave your doors unlocked at night...

You just said it - no one saw Arbery steal anything. In fact, he had nothing on him, no stolen property, no weapon. NO CRIME.

If I am a black person (or native American, which I am) and 2 rednecks in their truck, with guns, come pulling up and demand to know what I am doing, my 1st thought/ answer is, 'None of your fucking business', especially if I haven't done anything wrong.

If the rednecks keep following me, I try to get away from them. If they keep demanding that I stop and put myself at risk (2 rednecks with guns following me, insisting that I comply with their demands) I try harder to get away.

This is the point of view of a minority, assuming I haven't done anything illegal, which no one has.

Like the dude who killed Trayvon Martin, McMichael had a serious case of 'Rambo Neighborhood Watch vigilante'. The guy who killed Martin called the cops...then just had to follow Martin, too...just like McMichael. McMichael didn't even stop to check if daddy had called them, which he didn't.

He admitted they had stalked, harassed and even threatened to kill Arbery. They chased him. Cornered him.

McMichael admitted Arbery never talked to him, never threatened them, never made a threatening move / gesture...which led to McMichael shooting unarmed Arbery 3 times with a shotgun.

McMichael was never In any true danger from was the other way around
Nope.....if he was innocent why did he start running when the neighbor called the cops?
The fact is.....these guys would have been considered good citizens 30 years ago.....but today....a black man is innocent even when he throws the first punch. It's black privilege.
Maybe if he hadn't trespassed on that construction site they wouldn't have called the cops....and maybe if he hadn't jumped the guy with the gun he wouldn't have been shot.
If you don't want to run into angry first suggestion is DON'T BREAK THE GOD DAMNED LAW!!!!
I've looked at construction sites myself ---- I don't see a problem with that, there's nothing to steal, just studs. They are building a bridge near us and we get tourists there ALL THE TIME --- we try to go ourselves on the weekends, check out how it's coming along. There's a tall black guy with a tiny white dog he walks down there to look at it; I see no problem with this (and a white guy, separately, who walks a little black dog: really. This is all true. Go figure.)

Sounds to me like he didn't commit a crime at all, just looking at a construction site, and if he grabbed for a gun, that's pretty clearly self-defense. I sure would!! At least TRY, don't just stand there and get shot.
He was in shorts, a T-shirt. & running shoes - where was he going to hide things he took.?

People who steal from Constructiln sites usually drive there and put things in their car. Easier to carry & more room to steal / carry things.

The surveillance video of him in the house shows him look around then walk out. From Inside the house he couldn't see anyone calling the cops.

No one called the police until the chasing and after daddy McMichael threatened to blow Arbery's head off, remember?!

And Arbery was wearing shorts, a tee shirt and sneakers, so as far as anyone knows he was out for a jog, saw the house, and decided to look inside the house...

When I was growing up in the south it was not uncommon for people to go inside New houses being built to look at the floor plan & see what the inside of the house would look like...of course, this was when you could leave your doors unlocked at night...

You just said it - no one saw Arbery steal anything. In fact, he had nothing on him, no stolen property, no weapon. NO CRIME.

If I am a black person (or native American, which I am) and 2 rednecks in their truck, with guns, come pulling up and demand to know what I am doing, my 1st thought/ answer is, 'None of your fucking business', especially if I haven't done anything wrong.

If the rednecks keep following me, I try to get away from them. If they keep demanding that I stop and put myself at risk (2 rednecks with guns following me, insisting that I comply with their demands) I try harder to get away.

This is the point of view of a minority, assuming I haven't done anything illegal, which no one has.

Like the dude who killed Trayvon Martin, McMichael had a serious case of 'Rambo Neighborhood Watch vigilante'. The guy who killed Martin called the cops...then just had to follow Martin, too...just like McMichael. McMichael didn't even stop to check if daddy had called them, which he didn't.

He admitted they had stalked, harassed and even threatened to kill Arbery. They chased him. Cornered him.

McMichael admitted Arbery never talked to him, never threatened them, never made a threatening move / gesture...which led to McMichael shooting unarmed Arbery 3 times with a shotgun.

McMichael was never In any true danger from was the other way around
He wasn't just there to steal something.....he was poking thru everything to see what was there to steal. My guess is he would have taken tools or whatever he could carry and come back later for something else. But when he noticed neighbors calling the cops...he bolted.

Drop the stereotypes and anti-white prejudices and start thinking rationally. The media started this shit by claiming Arbery was just jogging. Jogging, my ass. He was trying to leave the scene of the crime which was at that moment trespassing.
I've looked at construction sites myself ---- I don't see a problem with that, there's nothing to steal, just studs. They are building a bridge near us and we get tourists there ALL THE TIME --- we try to go ourselves on the weekends, check out how it's coming along. There's a tall black guy with a tiny white dog he walks down there to look at it; I see no problem with this (and a white guy, separately, who walks a little black dog: really. This is all true. Go figure.)

Sounds to me like he didn't commit a crime at all, just looking at a construction site, and if he grabbed for a gun, that's pretty clearly self-defense. I sure would!! At least TRY, don't just stand there and get shot.
He was trespassing....and then left the scene in a hurry.
And if he's trying to grab a gun from someone...he's committed assault.
Anyone with half a brain who's had a gun trained on them like I have knows you don't ever try to disarm the person holding the gun...especially when he's pointing it at you. Chances are pretty good you're gonna get shot. If you keep your fucking mouth shut and do what you're told chances are you'll live thru it.
Wouldn't you? I bet you would, rather than just stand there like a dodo and get shot. I sure would try.
You're assuming that the evil white man wanted to shoot that innocent black many running away from the scene of a crime.

I time someone points a gun at you...try jumping them....and let me know how it turns out.
If you don't want to run into angry first suggestion is DON'T BREAK THE GOD DAMNED LAW!!!!

I'm waiting for the trial on the Babbitt case.
That SOB murdered that woman.
If I don't get a guilty verdict I'm gonna riot and steal some shit.

What is the difference?
I'm sure the answer is as simple as black and white.
He wasn't just there to steal something.....he was poking thru everything to see what was there to steal. My guess is he would have taken tools or whatever he could carry and come back later for something else. But when he noticed neighbors calling the cops...he bolted.

Drop the stereotypes and anti-white prejudices and start thinking rationally. The media started this shit by claiming Arbery was just jogging. Jogging, my ass. He was trying to leave the scene of the crime which was at that moment trespassing.
The same videos also showed other people, white people “poking through everything”….why the difference?

What is the difference?
I'm sure the answer is as simple as black and white.
The difference is you don't know how to spot sarcasm.
I pay for my shit.
Unlike some who like cases like Kyle Rittenhouse so the hoodrats have an excuse to riot and maybe get a new pair of Air Jordans or maybe a free Flat-Panel TV.
The same videos also showed other people, white people “poking through everything”….why the difference?
I didn't see white people poking through anything in the videos I saw....but I'm sure CNN wanted to attach some sort of moral relativism to it.
And white people would be just as wrong as Abery was.
Today Travis McMichael took the stand in his own defense in the case of killing Ahmaud Arbery...and it could not gave hone much worse.

Perhaps he was inspired by Kyle Rittenhouse's decision to do the same and his outstanding job in doing so....but McMichael proved today he is no Kyle Rittenhouse.

On the stand he admitted he never saw Arbery steal anything, that his mind was already made up that Arbery was a criminal - despite his mother telling him others thought he was not the one who had been stealing.

Be admitted that he got in his truck with his gun and went after Arbery, who was wearing sorts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes but had no gun.

McMichael pretty much painted a picture of a couple of good ol' boys deciding a black man was guilty, and went 'HUNTING' the 'black guy' .... how they chased him, kept telling him to stop because they wanted to talk to him, told him they had called the cops/ the cops would be there soon (which was not true because his dad never called the police)....

McMichael Told how Arbery had to have been guy because he kept avoiding/ refusing to talk to his 'White stalkers', and kept running from them ... ESPECIALLY WHEN HIS DAD YELLED TO ARBERY THAT HE WAS GOING TO BLOW ARBERY'S FUCKING HEAD OFF IF HE DIDN'T STOP.

Yeah, what black person would not stop and talk to these nice gentlemen in this situation?


At one point the lawyer asked McMichael if he really thought Arbery, who was unarmed, had avoided talking to them all that time, who had run from them, who had heard his dad threaten to blow his head off, would suddenly turn and run towards their vehicle to seek refuge or attack them....and that he - McMichael - holding the shotgun actually felt his life was in danger from unarmed Arbery....and McMichael responded by saying, 'Yes, that's what I was thinking.'

:shok: :auiqs.jpg:

As I said, McMichael and his dad, in his testimony, came across as a couple of white, racist vigilantes hell-bent on hunting down and holding, if not killing, this black guy they knew to be a thief, despite not having witnessed him committing robberies and not having any evidence.

McMichael wanted to paint him and his father as neighborhood watch heroes protecting their neighbors....but that blew up / went all wrong.

These 'stereotypical white redneck racists' (as they came across) jumped in their truck with their guns, chased down the negro, kept chasing him while threatening to kill him (blow his head off), and in the end McMichael shot the unarmed Arbery 3 (THREE) times with a SHOTGUN, killing him.

Where Rittenhouse has a legitimate argument for self-defense, the McMichael, especially after today, made it clear today they were the aggressors and if anyone had a right of self-defense in this case it was Arbery.

At some point his defense team should have thrown a white towel out in the middle of the floor in front of the was that bad.

It is what it is, a coward with a gun was afraid of unarmed man. That tells the whole story. The guy is dickless.
The difference is you don't know how to spot sarcasm.
I pay for my shit.
Unlike some who like cases like Kyle Rittenhouse so the hoodrats have an excuse to riot and maybe get a new pair of Air Jordans or maybe a free Flat-Panel TV.

I know how to spot an obvious's the same person you see when you look in the mirror.

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