Racism in Homogeneous Nations


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Could it be argued that racism in racially homogeneous nations, like Japan or South Korea, is cultural? And if so, should we be more 'accepting' and 'tolerant' of something that's pervasive in these countries, but is rejected by mainstream Western society?

Behaviour and social standards that fit soundly within the definition of racism exist in places that overall enjoy a racial homogeneous demographic eg. the majority of the Far East and Africa.

So, should we condem their racism across the board; or accept/celebrate it as a part of their culture?
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Great question............

Only the western nations.............white people..........value diversity and fight against racism.

While most countries in the world; mainly those located in Asia and Africa, are extremely racist and xenophobic.
I have been to many different countries and experienced different cultures and i will tell you that in some cultures diversity is accepted. I believe that the perfect country is America, we are recently removed from slavery yet you can see that diversity is something that has become a staple of our country. " the melting pot". Where I believe it differentiates is when you start to speak about other countries such as those in Eastern Europe there are a lot of African Immigrants illegal and legal. They are not very welcome. People who dislike these immigrants then treat others in the same manner regardless if they are legal illegal etc.
I don't really believe that they are taught to be ashamed. It is clear that there were some unforgiveable acts taken to make the nation who it is today but ashamed? not too sure. On the other side of the coin there are those who are overly proud of our history and what we have done as a nation. What do you think about that
BET (Black Entertainment Network)........A-OK

Black Miss America........cool

Latin Music Awards.........nice

Negro College Fund......don't waste a mind

La Raza.........even a Supreme Court justice is a member.


But have a White people anything.........racist, bigot, intolerant, hate, evil, nazi, etc.
BET (Black Entertainment Network)........A-OK

Black Miss America........cool

Latin Music Awards.........nice

Negro College Fund......don't waste a mind

La Raza.........even a Supreme Court justice is a member.


But have a White people anything.........racist, bigot, intolerant, hate, evil, nazi, etc.

You're an idiot.

Knights of Columbus

Ancient Order of Hibernia

Portuguese American Club

Franco American Club

German Cultural Club

Greek American Political Club

British American Club

etc., etc. etc.
Knights of Columbus is a religious organization any race can be a member.

All of the rest on your list are based on country not race.

Whereas, all of the ones I listed are racial organizations formed to further advance members of their race.
BET (Black Entertainment Network)........A-OK

Black Miss America........cool

Latin Music Awards.........nice

Negro College Fund......don't waste a mind

La Raza.........even a Supreme Court justice is a member.


But have a White people anything.........racist, bigot, intolerant, hate, evil, nazi, etc.

Well, I have a great workaround. I belong to the National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People. I can say I support the NAACP and nobody bats an eye.

As much as I appreciate the comments thus far, my questions remain unanswered. Should the pervasive racism in homogeneous nations be regarded as cultural as opposed to unsavoury? And if we adopt the former perspective, should it accepted and celebrated as a part of their culture?
As much as I appreciate the comments thus far, my questions remain unanswered. Should the pervasive racism in homogeneous nations be regarded as cultural as opposed to unsavoury? And if we adopt the former perspective, should it accepted and celebrated as a part of their culture?

I was simply offering a bit of levity. Personally, I think it should never be celebrated, but a certain amount of acceptance should at least be considered. The Irish, for example, have never been known for their appreciation of black people, and are interestingly self-aware about it, as the mural on the side of a building in Belfast will demonstrate (attached below).

I only say that acceptance should be considered because I feel that a person who is culturally prejudiced seems to have the greatest ability to see it for what it is and rise above it.

For example, when I went through basic training in the Navy, a young man in my division hailed from a tiny town in North Dakota, grew up there, had never been outside of his environs, and had never seen a black person face to face in his tender 19 years. His only knowledge of black people was what he saw in movies and on TV, and what prejudices were fed to him by the people around him, who had about as much direct experience as he in most cases. I remember him well because he was the very picture of wide-eyed and naive, but one of the most genuine, and good-natured, people I had ever met. What he had was not a hatred of black people, but a heady combination of fear, fascination, naivete, and detached bigotry. Oddly enough, by the end of basic training, he was more robustly embraced by the blacks in the division than probably any other white person.

That is a single scenario, but one that has always affected my view of the origins of prejudice. People that grow up in an environment of homogeneous racism should be cut a little slack I think, if not a lot.


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Knights of Columbus is a religious organization any race can be a member.

All of the rest on your list are based on country not race.

Do you want to celebrate your heritage or the color of your skin? If the latter, you're just a plain idiot.

The Latin Music Awards are for a type of music, not a race. Participants in the Country Music Awards are mostly white, does that mean it's a 'white' music award? Of course not.

And of course 'Latino' encompasses a wide variety of what you would consider 'races.'

So all you're left with is 'black.' You are upset that Black Americans refer to themselves as Black or African? Have you ever stopped to think about why? Give it a try, it's not hard.

You're just bitching because you want 'permission' to be a racist shit without decent society recognizing you for what you are and treating you accordingly. Too bad, loser.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv9nVBBmSs0]LOSER! YOU'RE A LOSER! ARE YOU FEELIN' SORRY FOR YOURSELF? - YouTube[/ame]
NAAPC = champions blacks........PC certified A-OK :thup:

La Raza = champions hispanics.........also PC certified A-OK :thup:

Any pro White anything..........racist, bigoted, evil, etc. :eusa_hand:

You have trouble reading, champ?

I told you already that 'Latino' encompasses a wide range of what you want to call 'races.'

I also gave you a (partial) list of organizations that represent ethnicities that are largely 'white.'

What the hell do you want? Do you want to celebrate your heritage or the color of your skin? If the latter, you're just a plain idiot.

Are you frustrated that one of your favorite talking points has been proven false?

So all you're left with is 'black.' You are upset that Black Americans refer to themselves as Black or African? Have you ever stopped to think about why? Give it a try, it's not hard.
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Israel is the perfect example of a cultural/homogenous nation.

And anyone who speaks against it will be labeled an anti-semitic racist.

So I guess it's OK. :cool:

No group is that unified. There is dissension and diversity in all nations and groups.

I know plenty of Jewish Christian who speak out and challenge their own elders and teachings, and are NOT considered traitors. If you do things with respect, that is the correct way to address your own brethren and neighbors.

The issue, Sunni Man, is whether you push for correction out of FORGIVENESS and desire to RECONCILE the relationships.

It is not just Jewish or Israel but in ANY group, for example the political parties of Democrats and Republicans, if you speak out in a divisive way as to discredit and slam "the whole group" instead of trying to address and correct the issues to RESTORE good faith relations then OF COURSE you are going to meet with hostility and rejection!!!

That is just human nature and is true of ANY group.

Sunni Man what makes the difference is if you approach people or groups as ALLIES and ask to resolve issues out of mutual respect. So if you break that rule, with any group, then instead you get rejection if you preach that, you get attacked if you attack others, etc.
"I remember him well because he was the very picture of wide-eyed and naive, but one of the most genuine, and good-natured, people I had ever met. What he had was not a hatred of black people, but a heady combination of fear, fascination, naivete, and detached bigotry.

I underlined and put in bold the Words detached bigotry because i feel that this is very important as it pertains to this topic. I don't believe that it should be celebrated but the point to prove from the passage that was written above me is that a lot of people who are prejudiced especially now a days are those who have been affected by those before them. They are naive and all they have for judgement is what they see on TV what is told to them and the information muddled as it may be on that race. So I in some cases can agree that a little bit of slack needs to be given but this is only so that you can open yourself up show them who you are and what your culture or race is about to help that person understand and change their views.
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White people in America are taught to be ashamed of their race and history.

And to have a sense of pride in the achievements of other races. :cool:

Dear Sunni Man: I think it is because of the open media culture in America, the tradition of self-expression and immigrants bringing out their native culture here without having to compromise that, which shows in our expressions and society.

I don't think white or American/European people have any more or any less burdens to resolve about their identity than any other group does. We just have open communication to express that and affiliate in as many ways as we can come up with here in America.

In other countries, especially Asian, people are brought up to keep things to themselves.
Only in America could we have launched talk shows where incest and garbage is aired in public.

So issues that didn't come out before, find free expression here. We all have them.

All humanity, all nations, religions and cultures go through their stages of development.
it happens that by American traditions of civil laws that respect people's culture and religion of choice, then we see all these issues and phases coming out to be processed through.

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