Quietly and/or Loudly Wanting Trump To Fail

knowing who & what donny has been for the past 40 years, i have been praying something like this wouldn't happen precisely because he is totally incapable of handling it.
Is Trump handling Corona better than obie handled H1N1?
Drumpf is handling Corna way worse than the Great Obama handled Ebola.
You’re an idiot. H1N1 isn’t Ebola, they’re two different things. Not that I expect you to pay attention and know WTF you’re talking about before spouting off your bullshit.
ok but I didn’t say he was failing. I said that we as a country should be rooting for his administrations success with coronavirus.
When is it ever OK for Americans NOT to be rooting for the currennt Administration to succeed?

Isn't that a fairly easy question to answer? Insofar as the current administration's policies would be detrimental to the common welfare, it isn't just acceptable, it is required to root for the administration's failure.

Like, when he tried to finance corona preparations by depriving folks of heating assistance.

Or, when he declined the WHO corona test, thus causing weeks of delay, with devastating consequences. Sadly, Trump was "successful" in this, and people are dying for it.

It takes a demented Trumpleton to equate "Trump's success" and "the country's success". In Trump's case, the two are distinct, and often mutually exclusive. It takes a malign case of idiocy to confuse rooting against Trump's incompetence and lack of care for ordinary folks with rooting against the country.
This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Yep. When I hear see all the Trump lovers on this board saying his response to this virus was beautiful, I start pouring through the multiple press conferences they held warning the American people about the virus threat. The weeks leading up to last Wednesday night when government agencies were mobilized to enable states to respond to the coming virus outbreak......oh wait...yeah, that didn't happen. That was Trump following the Democrats around to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina ranting about how it would soon be gone with warmer weather and this was just the latest Democrat hoax.
The Lies continue............He said we might catch a break in April with Warmer weather.....

But of course ......your side long ago stop caring about the Truth.

Again, just can't stop the gymnastics huh? :)
Ok, I'll give you an 8. You've constantly failed to stick the landing.

Here's the record of an internal tele-briefing the CDC held. The first one I can find a complete record of. Where was the sense of urgency? The multiple press conferences? You know what was happening in the White House? It was being squashed by the likes of the worst of the worst that Trump has surrounded himself with.

Transcript for the CDC Telebriefing Update on COVID-19 | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC
More lies.....I have put up data showing the actions time and time again......Your side was a little busy trying to sell a Fake Impeachment.......and your side said XENOPHOBIA when he tried to stop the thread.

You are just on spin........and nothing more.....your purpose is daily attacks and nothing more.......

No spin necessary. Again, Trump delayed, denied, campaigned, and brushed aside the severity of this virus.....and then last Wednesday night went before the nation to sell his sewage in an attempt to reassure the country. Damn, did that backfire. Cause the next day, the markets tanked, and on Friday, Pence was out front with the experts while Trump was largely sidelined.
holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Yep. When I hear see all the Trump lovers on this board saying his response to this virus was beautiful, I start pouring through the multiple press conferences they held warning the American people about the virus threat. The weeks leading up to last Wednesday night when government agencies were mobilized to enable states to respond to the coming virus outbreak......oh wait...yeah, that didn't happen. That was Trump following the Democrats around to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina ranting about how it would soon be gone with warmer weather and this was just the latest Democrat hoax.
The Lies continue............He said we might catch a break in April with Warmer weather.....

But of course ......your side long ago stop caring about the Truth.

Again, just can't stop the gymnastics huh? :)
Ok, I'll give you an 8. You've constantly failed to stick the landing.

Here's the record of an internal tele-briefing the CDC held. The first one I can find a complete record of. Where was the sense of urgency? The multiple press conferences? You know what was happening in the White House? It was being squashed by the likes of the worst of the worst that Trump has surrounded himself with.

Transcript for the CDC Telebriefing Update on COVID-19 | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC
More lies.....I have put up data showing the actions time and time again......Your side was a little busy trying to sell a Fake Impeachment.......and your side said XENOPHOBIA when he tried to stop the thread.

You are just on spin........and nothing more.....your purpose is daily attacks and nothing more.......

No spin necessary. Again, Trump delayed, denied, campaigned, and brushed aside the severity of this virus.....and then last Wednesday night went before the nation to sell his sewage in an attempt to reassure the country. Damn, did that backfire. Cause the next day, the markets tanked, and on Friday, Pence was out front with the experts while Trump was largely sidelined.
The purpose is to not fan the flames of Panic.......something that you and your side didn't want...

Nice job......Hell nice job in the world........People about ready to kill each other over Toilet Paper...

Perhaps we need Captain Trips.......if we are that far gone.
Fuck Drump. If he catches the virus and dies, I'm going to throw a block party. He is useless and a incompetent fool. He isnt doing shit that someone smarter than him is telling him to do so he is no loss.
I would do the same for your death, but no one would notice
There is a difference between pointing out his abject failures and wanting him to fail.

There are a lot of pathetic threads along a similar vein. Claiming Dems are fomenting panic, or that the media is, accusing Dems of politicizing the pandemic, basically finding fault with others or deflecting blame all with one thing in mind. Protecting Dear Leader.from being held accountable for failing to do those things that were under his control early on. But he chose to pretend this was not going to be a crisis because he didn't want it to be one.
That is exactly what you are doing........every day..........for 3 years.......You have no Shame or Honor even as Americans suffer.......

You are a Troll...........you live for others misery..........perhaps because you are a miserable person......or perhaps you sniffed glue as a kid........

Who knows what drives a Hateful Troll to spout this nonsense every day...........Maybe you could put your finger ina socket and try shock therapy. Might help
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

I am unaware of anyone who has hoped for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. Right wingers often make that claim, but I haven't seen it. Do you have a link?
Bill Maher is 'hoping for' an economic collapse so he can 'get rid of Trump': 'Sorry if that hurts people'

I'm curious how you're going to weasel out of this. Will you claim Maher isn't hoping for an economic collapse? Will you claim an economic collapse won't harm the country? Will you claim Trump has nothing to do with the economy?

Thank you. That is the only example i have seen. You might note that Maher is a self avowed bomb thrower, and doesn't represent much of anybody. Certainly not as many people as Hannity or Limbaugh who both called for the failure or our last president. Can you point out a few more fringe left wingers who have said the same? I can give you a long list of main stream right wingers who did the same under the previous president.
Can you give me any evidence? Pointing out that Obama was a failure was not a wish that he failed.
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

I am unaware of anyone who has hoped for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. Right wingers often make that claim, but I haven't seen it. Do you have a link?
Bill Maher is 'hoping for' an economic collapse so he can 'get rid of Trump': 'Sorry if that hurts people'

I'm curious how you're going to weasel out of this. Will you claim Maher isn't hoping for an economic collapse? Will you claim an economic collapse won't harm the country? Will you claim Trump has nothing to do with the economy?

Thank you. That is the only example i have seen. You might note that Maher is a self avowed bomb thrower, and doesn't represent much of anybody. Certainly not as many people as Hannity or Limbaugh who both called for the failure or our last president. Can you point out a few more fringe left wingers who have said the same? I can give you a long list of main stream right wingers who did the same under the previous president.
Can you give me any evidence? Pointing out that Obama was a failure was not a wish that he failed.

There is a difference between pointing out his abject failures and wanting him to fail.

There are a lot of pathetic threads along a similar vein. Claiming Dems are fomenting panic, or that the media is, accusing Dems of politicizing the pandemic, basically finding fault with others or deflecting blame all with one thing in mind. Protecting Dear Leader.from being held accountable for failing to do those things that were under his control early on. But he chose to pretend this was not going to be a crisis because he didn't want it to be one.
That is exactly what you are doing........every day..........for 3 years.......You have no Shame or Honor even as Americans suffer.......

You are a Troll...........you live for others misery..........perhaps because you are a miserable person......or perhaps you sniffed glue as a kid........

Who knows what drives a Hateful Troll to spout this nonsense every day...........Maybe you could put your finger ina socket and try shock therapy. Might help

Berg is right about trump. Telling the truth about him is not hatred. It's telling the truth.
There is a difference between pointing out his abject failures and wanting him to fail.

There are a lot of pathetic threads along a similar vein. Claiming Dems are fomenting panic, or that the media is, accusing Dems of politicizing the pandemic, basically finding fault with others or deflecting blame all with one thing in mind. Protecting Dear Leader.from being held accountable for failing to do those things that were under his control early on. But he chose to pretend this was not going to be a crisis because he didn't want it to be one.
That is exactly what you are doing........every day..........for 3 years.......You have no Shame or Honor even as Americans suffer.......

You are a Troll...........you live for others misery..........perhaps because you are a miserable person......or perhaps you sniffed glue as a kid........

Who knows what drives a Hateful Troll to spout this nonsense every day...........Maybe you could put your finger ina socket and try shock therapy. Might help

Berg is right about trump. Telling the truth about him is not hatred. It's telling the truth.

Obviously. But telling the truth about Trump hurts the Dear Leader, and in a rare case of empathy the Trumpletons are hurting as well, hence the collective screeching and bellowing at that insubordinate truth teller.
So in your hate of the President.....you want the whole country to fail and you don't even realize it's going to effect you as well.

Lord have mercy on your souls
Who said anything about wanting the country to fail? I said fuck that incompetent fuckup Drumpf. If he goes to sleep for a thousand years we will be better off for it no matter who takes over for him.

Since Trump is the President of this country and what happens to him does effect the rest of us......yeah, it does mean exactly that.

Besides, go back & reread the OP...….she's talking about the country not your nemesis

Trump is not the country dumb ass.

No but he is the President and leader.....much to your sorrow dumbass

But again, as I've said to the other dumbasses here...….go back & reread the OP. It has little to do with him or his position...…...it has everything to do with how people like you wanting the COUNTRY to fail in order to make that orange man bad
Show me 2 people that want the country to fail in order to make Drumpf look even more incompetent than he already does?
There's you, and every other TDS moron in this forum.
knowing who & what donny has been for the past 40 years, i have been praying something like this wouldn't happen precisely because he is totally incapable of handling it.
Is Trump handling Corona better than obie handled H1N1?
Drumpf is handling Corna way worse than the Great Obama handled Ebola.
You’re an idiot. H1N1 isn’t Ebola, they’re two different things. Not that I expect you to pay attention and know WTF you’re talking about before spouting off your bullshit.
Hey retard. I didnt say H1N1. I specifically said Ebola. Cant you read?
Who said anything about wanting the country to fail? I said fuck that incompetent fuckup Drumpf. If he goes to sleep for a thousand years we will be better off for it no matter who takes over for him.

Since Trump is the President of this country and what happens to him does effect the rest of us......yeah, it does mean exactly that.

Besides, go back & reread the OP...….she's talking about the country not your nemesis

Trump is not the country dumb ass.

No but he is the President and leader.....much to your sorrow dumbass

But again, as I've said to the other dumbasses here...….go back & reread the OP. It has little to do with him or his position...…...it has everything to do with how people like you wanting the COUNTRY to fail in order to make that orange man bad
Show me 2 people that want the country to fail in order to make Drumpf look even more incompetent than he already does?
There's you, and every other TDS moron in this forum.
So show us where anyone has ever said they want Drumpf to fail and fuck up the country like he has already done? You cant you fucking idiot.
The deadbeat liberals who want Trump to fail and the country to go to pot are called 'defeatists.' In war, defeatism by military personnel in the front lines is considered treason and punishable by death.
The deadbeat liberals who want Trump to fail and the country to go to pot are called 'defeatists.' In war, defeatism by military personnel in the front lines is considered treason and punishable by death.
Drumpfs an incompetent fuck-up. Now what?

No he isn't. He's the best president in my lifetime going back to FDR.
knowing who & what donny has been for the past 40 years, i have been praying something like this wouldn't happen precisely because he is totally incapable of handling it.
Is Trump handling Corona better than obie handled H1N1?

Drumpf is handling Corna way worse than the Great Obama handled Ebola.

Why is it that every time Obama's handling of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic comes up on this forum, you people start talking about Ebola. This is like the 10th time I've seen this in the past 2 days. Very odd.

I'm not sure whether there are people dumb enough to actually think H1N1 and Ebola are the same thing, or whether you know damn well they're different and you're just pretending to be stupid so you don't have to address the merits.
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

USMB is starting to see an avalanche of "I didn't vote for Trump but..." statements which are probably not true but reflect a growing avalanche of dissatisfaction with Donald Trump's performance.

Dopey Donald Trump is incompetent and lies. That is Dopey Donald Trump's expertise, lying.

Red hat Trumper's are starting to overcome their cognitive dissonance and admit that Donald Trump is incompetent and shouldn't have even qualified, let alone be lected on policies of bigotry, racism, and destruction of world economics.

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