Questions for Biden voters


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Should the US:

1. Renew the Iran nuclear deal?
2. Move our embassy out of Jerusalem?
3. Raise personal income tax rates?
4. Open our borders?
5. Grant citizenship for illegals?
6. Make DC and Puerto Rico US states?
7. Add SCOTUS justices?
8. End the filibuster in Senate?
9. Mandate unsolicited mail-in ballots?
10. Prohibit ownership of semi-automatic weapons?

NOTE: These are YES/NO questions. Please answer as such before prevaricating. :)
Should the US:

1. Renew the Iran nuclear deal?
2. Move our embassy out of Jerusalem?
3. Raise personal income tax rates?
4. Open our borders?
5. Grant citizenship for illegals?
6. Make DC and Puerto Rico US states?
7. Add SCOTUS justices?
8. End the filibuster in Senate?
9. Mandate unsolicited mail-in ballots?
10. Prohibit ownership of semi-automatic weapons?

NOTE: These are YES/NO questions. Please answer as such before prevaricating. :)

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.
4. No
5. Don't Know. Plusses and Minuses
6. Meld them into existing states.
7. No
8. That's not up to the President
9. YES!!!!!
10. No.
Should the US:

1. Renew the Iran nuclear deal?
2. Move our embassy out of Jerusalem?
3. Raise personal income tax rates?
4. Open our borders?
5. Grant citizenship for illegals?
6. Make DC and Puerto Rico US states?
7. Add SCOTUS justices?
8. End the filibuster in Senate?
9. Mandate unsolicited mail-in ballots?
10. Prohibit ownership of semi-automatic weapons?

NOTE: These are YES/NO questions. Please answer as such before prevaricating. :)

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.
4. No
5. Don't Know. Plusses and Minuses
6. Meld them into existing states.
7. No
8. That's not up to the President
9. YES!!!!!
10. No.
Interesting answer to #6. How would that work? The residents of those two areas would lose significant tax advantages if that occurred.

P.S. Do you think the Senate filibuster (#8) should be eliminated? I see pluses and minuses to that issue, too.
Should the US:

1. Renew the Iran nuclear deal?
2. Move our embassy out of Jerusalem?
3. Raise personal income tax rates?
4. Open our borders?
5. Grant citizenship for illegals?
6. Make DC and Puerto Rico US states?
7. Add SCOTUS justices?
8. End the filibuster in Senate?
9. Mandate unsolicited mail-in ballots?
10. Prohibit ownership of semi-automatic weapons?

NOTE: These are YES/NO questions. Please answer as such before prevaricating. :)

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.
4. No
5. Don't Know. Plusses and Minuses
6. Meld them into existing states.
7. No
8. That's not up to the President
9. YES!!!!!
10. No.
Interesting answer to #6. How would that work? The residents of those two areas would lose significant tax advantages if that occurred.

P.S. Do you think the Senate filibuster (#8) should be eliminated? I see pluses and minuses to that issue, too.

Why would DC lose tax advantages?
I didn't vote for Biden........

I care less.
Stupid question. It's never going to happen.
Some sort.
Up to them
Don't know
Should the US:

1. Renew the Iran nuclear deal?
2. Move our embassy out of Jerusalem?
3. Raise personal income tax rates?
4. Open our borders?
5. Grant citizenship for illegals?
6. Make DC and Puerto Rico US states?
7. Add SCOTUS justices?
8. End the filibuster in Senate?
9. Mandate unsolicited mail-in ballots?
10. Prohibit ownership of semi-automatic weapons?

NOTE: These are YES/NO questions. Please answer as such before prevaricating. :)

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.
4. No
5. Don't Know. Plusses and Minuses
6. Meld them into existing states.
7. No
8. That's not up to the President
9. YES!!!!!
10. No.
Interesting answer to #6. How would that work? The residents of those two areas would lose significant tax advantages if that occurred.

P.S. Do you think the Senate filibuster (#8) should be eliminated? I see pluses and minuses to that issue, too.

8. No.

6: Puerto Rico and US VI becomes part of Florida or SC or Whatever. DC becomes Part of Maryland. Guam, Wake, Midway become part of Hawaii. The 3 electoral votes DC currently has disappear and 535 becomes the new number. It's crazy to have an even number of electoral votes anyway. The population increases may give MD/SC/FL/HI more reps and thus more electors but that happens in 2030 for re-apportionment. We have 50 states. Thats plenty.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.

About half of Americans pay no Federal income taxes at all. Do you?
Yes. The Federal government is the one entity in the world that has fooled itself into thinking that the prices of materials and labor never ever go up.
Thanks for the reply.

Personally, I think spending should be cut. That's what I used to do with my own finances when I started to run short of funds.

Of course, tax receipts for the Treasury have continued to increase over time (generally), but the rate has not nearly been in pace with the spending.

IMO, spending in excess of receipts should only be done under dire national emergency, such as an attack by a foreign power.

As hard as it may be to believe, we are all spending our great grandchildren's money on things like the self-imposed plandemic shutdown, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.

About half of Americans pay no Federal income taxes at all. Do you?
Yes. The Federal government is the one entity in the world that has fooled itself into thinking that the prices of materials and labor never ever go up.
Thanks for the reply.

Personally, I think spending should be cut. That's what I used to do with my own finances when I started to run short of funds.

Of course, tax receipts for the Treasury have continued to increase over time (generally), but the rate has not nearly been in pace with the spending.

IMO, spending in excess of receipts should only be done under dire national emergency, such as an attack by a foreign power.

As hard as it may be to believe, we are all spending our great grandchildren's money on things like the self-imposed plandemic shutdown, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

We've not increased taxes since what, Clinton? 20 years ago?

We need a mix of both cuts and revenue enhancements.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.

About half of Americans pay no Federal income taxes at all. Do you?
Yes. The Federal government is the one entity in the world that has fooled itself into thinking that the prices of materials and labor never ever go up.
Thanks for the reply.

Personally, I think spending should be cut. That's what I used to do with my own finances when I started to run short of funds.

Of course, tax receipts for the Treasury have continued to increase over time (generally), but the rate has not nearly been in pace with the spending.

IMO, spending in excess of receipts should only be done under dire national emergency, such as an attack by a foreign power.

As hard as it may be to believe, we are all spending our great grandchildren's money on things like the self-imposed plandemic shutdown, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

We've not increased taxes since what, Clinton? 20 years ago?

We need a mix of both cuts and revenue enhancements.

Look at you pretending to be rational and capable of a serious conversation. Baby steps. I'm proud of you!
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.

About half of Americans pay no Federal income taxes at all. Do you?
Yes. The Federal government is the one entity in the world that has fooled itself into thinking that the prices of materials and labor never ever go up.
Thanks for the reply.

Personally, I think spending should be cut. That's what I used to do with my own finances when I started to run short of funds.

Of course, tax receipts for the Treasury have continued to increase over time (generally), but the rate has not nearly been in pace with the spending.

IMO, spending in excess of receipts should only be done under dire national emergency, such as an attack by a foreign power.

As hard as it may be to believe, we are all spending our great grandchildren's money on things like the self-imposed plandemic shutdown, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

We've not increased taxes since what, Clinton? 20 years ago?

We need a mix of both cuts and revenue enhancements.
You don't need to increase tax rates. Tax revenue naturally increases as income and the economy do.

When revenue decreases (like is happening all over America in Blue cities that are shutdown due to the plandemic), the first thing Dem leaders want to do, is to make everyone who has less revenue themselves, pay more in taxes. That's not what should happen.

Government can continue to operate, because they make the rules and declare themselves essential, while they forcibly close the small businesses that fund the government? This is nonsense. Government makes almost nothing, other than regulations. They collect money from those who do make things, and redistribute this money to themselves and others.

Government that requests increases in tax rates is a failed government. Successful government increases prosperity and therefore their own tax revenue.
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.

About half of Americans pay no Federal income taxes at all. Do you?
Yes. The Federal government is the one entity in the world that has fooled itself into thinking that the prices of materials and labor never ever go up.
Thanks for the reply.

Personally, I think spending should be cut. That's what I used to do with my own finances when I started to run short of funds.

Of course, tax receipts for the Treasury have continued to increase over time (generally), but the rate has not nearly been in pace with the spending.

IMO, spending in excess of receipts should only be done under dire national emergency, such as an attack by a foreign power.

As hard as it may be to believe, we are all spending our great grandchildren's money on things like the self-imposed plandemic shutdown, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

We've not increased taxes since what, Clinton? 20 years ago?

We need a mix of both cuts and revenue enhancements.

Look at you pretending to be rational and capable of a serious conversation. Baby steps. I'm proud of you!

Something I'm sure you never heard in your life...
3. Yes. We should have had a tax increase about two decades ago.

About half of Americans pay no Federal income taxes at all. Do you?
Yes. The Federal government is the one entity in the world that has fooled itself into thinking that the prices of materials and labor never ever go up.
Thanks for the reply.

Personally, I think spending should be cut. That's what I used to do with my own finances when I started to run short of funds.

Of course, tax receipts for the Treasury have continued to increase over time (generally), but the rate has not nearly been in pace with the spending.

IMO, spending in excess of receipts should only be done under dire national emergency, such as an attack by a foreign power.

As hard as it may be to believe, we are all spending our great grandchildren's money on things like the self-imposed plandemic shutdown, and we should be ashamed of ourselves.

We've not increased taxes since what, Clinton? 20 years ago?

We need a mix of both cuts and revenue enhancements.
You don't need to increase tax rates. Tax revenue naturally increases as income and the economy do.

When revenue decreases (like is happening all over America in Blue cities that are shutdown due to the plandemic), the first thing Dem leaders want to do, is to make everyone who has less revenue themselves, pay more in taxes. That's not what should happen.

Government can continue to operate, because they make the rules and declare themselves essential, while they forcibly close the small businesses that fund the government? This is nonsense. Government makes almost nothing, other than regulations. They collect money from those who do make things, and redistribute this money to themselves and others.

Government that requests increases in tax rates is a failed government. Successful government increases prosperity and therefore their own tax revenue.

I disagree. Multi trillion dollar deficits over the span of six administrations would seem to indicate I'm right.
Should the US:

1. Renew the Iran nuclear deal?
2. Move our embassy out of Jerusalem?
3. Raise personal income tax rates?
4. Open our borders?
5. Grant citizenship for illegals?
6. Make DC and Puerto Rico US states?
7. Add SCOTUS justices?
8. End the filibuster in Senate?
9. Mandate unsolicited mail-in ballots?
10. Prohibit ownership of semi-automatic weapons?

NOTE: These are YES/NO questions. Please answer as such before prevaricating. :)

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