Question, how many right wing trolls on the USMB are paid by Russia or from a Russian troll farm?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Uh-Oh: Putin Hired Internet Trolls To Pretend To Be Pro-Trump Conservatives

Chen was interviewed by Max Linsky of Longform, he asserted, "A very interesting thing happened. I created this list of Russian trolls when I was researching. And I check on it once in a while, still. And a lot of them have turned into conservative accounts, like fake conservatives. I don't know what's going on, but they're all tweeting about Donald Trump and stuff.”

When Linsky asked Chen who he thought "was paying for that,” Chen answered, "I don't know. I feel like it's some kind of really opaque strategy of electing Donald Trump to undermine the US or something. Like false-flag kind of thing. You know, that's how I started thinking about all this stuff after being in Russia."


That was 2015. Two years before Trump was elected, someone figured it out.

Now what about here at the USMB? There are things we know, yet right wing Trolls deny in the face of overwhelming evidence. And the conspiracies. Not even good or sensible ones. All the lies and character smearing.

And it seems that right wing trolls undermine this country. They want this country dismantled. And they are racist. How much belongs to Russian Trolls and how much is just simply the positions of the 90% white Republican Party?
Not enough ..

Dean is just pissed because he gets paid what he's worth.

in rubles
Sounds like Russian troll factory is a myth created by Soros owned Media.

However even on this forum we see quite a few Soros paid trolls who may have graduated from Soros troll factory.

An observation: Real trolls always try to portray the people who present the truth vs. their fake stories as trolls just to distract public attention from their own trolling.
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Well duh!! Of course this story is 100% true.

Everyone knows the most effective method of changing hearts and minds is by arguing with strangers on the internet!!

The Russians love my quirky posts so I yam making a gigantinormous fortune!
many here think you get paid dean.....i mean how many people come up with the shit you do about republicans unless you are paid or obsessed with republicans?....
I think Deans bag had a hole in it and many of his marbles escaped.
Uh-Oh: Putin Hired Internet Trolls To Pretend To Be Pro-Trump Conservatives

Chen was interviewed by Max Linsky of Longform, he asserted, "A very interesting thing happened. I created this list of Russian trolls when I was researching. And I check on it once in a while, still. And a lot of them have turned into conservative accounts, like fake conservatives. I don't know what's going on, but they're all tweeting about Donald Trump and stuff.”

When Linsky asked Chen who he thought "was paying for that,” Chen answered, "I don't know. I feel like it's some kind of really opaque strategy of electing Donald Trump to undermine the US or something. Like false-flag kind of thing. You know, that's how I started thinking about all this stuff after being in Russia."


That was 2015. Two years before Trump was elected, someone figured it out.

Now what about here at the USMB? There are things we know, yet right wing Trolls deny in the face of overwhelming evidence. And the conspiracies. Not even good or sensible ones. All the lies and character smearing.

And it seems that right wing trolls undermine this country. They want this country dismantled. And they are racist. How much belongs to Russian Trolls and how much is just simply the positions of the 90% white Republican Party?

While left wing trolls really can't seem to post anything that does not look stupid.
many here think you get paid dean.....i mean how many people come up with the shit you do about republicans unless you are paid or obsessed with republicans?....
It's more believable than "born in Kenya" and "child sex ring out of a pizza parlor". Don't you think?
Especially since there is evidence and recordings.
The USMB right wing obsession with the former first lady is awful. The reason is to stir up the racial divide. Then the USMB right wing blames it on black people.
The USMB right wing obsession with the former first lady is awful. The reason is to stir up the racial divide. Then the USMB right wing blames it on black people.
you talking about obsession?....and like you dont stir up racial divide with some of the shit you post?...and you blame every fucking thing bad that happens on the are describing yourself.....
The USMB right wing obsession with the former first lady is awful. The reason is to stir up the racial divide. Then the USMB right wing blames it on black people.
you talking about obsession?....and like you dont stir up racial divide with some of the shit you post?...and you blame every fucking thing bad that happens on the are describing yourself.....
I only blame them for what is their fault. I don't believe in lying. The right does. Always trying to blame their failure on others.

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