Question for Everyone in regards History


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim? They make the claim over and over and never once link to an actual source, a document or communique that supports their claim?
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim?

You could just ignore them.

They want you to question them and give them a chance to repeat their claim.
Except if you don't point out they have no factual basis for the claim you concede to them a claim that others may start to believe.
If they believe it then there is nothing to argue about. Does the absence of proof mean that it did not happen? You can argue about it but it changes nothing. All you can do is place the seed of doubt and see what happens.
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim?

You could just ignore them.

They want you to question them and give them a chance to repeat their claim.
Except if you don't point out they have no factual basis for the claim you concede to them a claim that others may start to believe.
. . . then counter claim something equally ludicrous w/o any sourcing.

Play by their rules.

If they claim that Aliens seeded the Earth with all human life. . .

. . . counter claim that opposing aliens attacked those aliens and destroyed that human life and then the human life we have now sprang up how we think it did . .

.etc etc. etc.

IOW, two can play stupid games w/o any sources to back up what they say. :rolleyes:
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim?

You could just ignore them.

They want you to question them and give them a chance to repeat their claim.
Except if you don't point out they have no factual basis for the claim you concede to them a claim that others may start to believe.

I regularly hear from people who tell me The Holocaust against The Jews didn't happen.

There is nothing I can say, no evidence I can provide, and no reasoning I can argue that will change their claim.

But, at the end of the day, they want me to argue with them. When you bring up evidence, they will bring out false facts and more claims and then declare victory, in their own minds.

At some point, you just have to let the pig have its grunt.
If it's not true, then you should be able to post links showing it is n o t true.

That's all you can do.
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim? They make the claim over and over and never once link to an actual source, a document or communique that supports their claim?
You accept their genius theory to be fact, and move on with your life.
Founded in 2018, is a satire website created as part of the Last Line of Defense Network, which is a network of websites that publishes satire/fake news that is frequently shared by conservative sources. The founder is Christopher Blair who fully states his websites are satire.

That is how you have your cake and eat it. In fine print admit that it is satire /fake news but print fake news anyway and there are those who accept it as truth and ignore the fine print.
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim? They make the claim over and over and never once link to an actual source, a document or communique that supports their claim?
I remember that this is the internet and try not to get wound up
Don't bother; the History Forum died a long time ago; right wing trolls actually killed it, ironically, and turned it into Conspiritard Central. they got tire of having their own Forum so they moved their clown car rodeo to the History Forum. No need to worry about facts, either, since they can't refute anything anybody else says, so just post facts anybody can look up for themselves; no need to care what morons believe or don't believe, nor any reason to try and have serious discussions with idiots, so just mock them and laugh at them.
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim? They make the claim over and over and never once link to an actual source, a document or communique that supports their claim?

Most just say" I'm sorry Mr. President. It just didn't happen that way"
What do you do when someone claims a historical fact but can not cite nor link to a single source for the claim? They make the claim over and over and never once link to an actual source, a document or communique that supports their claim?
Do our own research. Maybe you'll learn something new.

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