Question for democrats, who is a white supremacist?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Serious question for democrats, who is a white supremacist?

With the recent accusations of white supremacy Joe Biden made regarding the shooter Rittenhouse, I began to wonder why Joe Biden knows so much about him, especially since Rittenhouse shot and killed white males.

Since democrats think that the whole country is systemically racist, does this include the DNC? Does it include the NAACP, et.c.? Or are those organizations that support the DNC exempt from the white supremacy charge? And should we only use the accusation that someone is a white supremacist based only on the occurrence that they oppose the DNC in any way?

In fact, why even have a trial for Rittenhouse since the President of the United States is telling the jury and judge that the man is a guilty white supremacist whose hate caused him to murder?

This could actually be good. We could fire all lawyers and judges and juries and let Biden declare edicts for everyone

Think of the savings.
I think the litmus test is that white supremacist are people who want a white ethno-state with zero minorities in it.


Also, it helps if your skin color is in the upper left in this chart.
White supremacist is a word that is easily thrown around. It has no real need to be true. It follows along with all the rest such as racist, nazi and others. It has no real meaning and is only used to try and belittle someone so that the person throwing it around can feel superior and does not have to back up their opinions with fact
I think the litmus test is that white supremacist are people who want a white ethno-state with zero minorities in it.


Also, it helps if your skin color is in the upper left in this chart.
Yeah. . . uh. . .

I see folks all over this forum, and all of the internet, and in political discussions in culture, make accusations of people who want a "white ethno-state," but then never back that shit up.

They somehow equate belief in western culture, or support of the free market, as desirous of a "white ethno-state," which, is a false equivalency. You call folks out on this, and they immediately start in on the slander, name calling, and fallacious accusations, or? They turn and run.

Are you saying he's a white supremecist?

I don't think so.

He doesn't believe in a white ethno-state, nor is he white.
This is a MSM article. Nearly as powerful as the NYT or WaPo. Stahp already.

It doesn't matter what you think, or what you believe. The ruling class journalists are the ones that control the propaganda.
This type of shit is despicable.

Column: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned​

Are you saying he's a white supremecist?

I don't think so.

He doesn't believe in a white ethno-state, nor is he white.
So you would say that Joe Biden calling him the face of white Supremacy is a lie?

Additionally, would you then say that the white woman in a gorilla mask throwing rotten eggs at him was a racist?

If so, where was the NAACP and BLM to speak out against it, or where they silent just because the black man was a Republican trying to win an election against the democrat what's his name?

Say, you don't suppose that the NAACP and BLM are merely souless partisan tools of the DNC do you that have no moral compass of any kind?
This is more crap from liberals.
Somebody who is Irish heads to an Irish pub to grab a pint and be with his Irish friends.
Somebody who is Italian heads to an Italian restaurant to eat a plate of spaghetti and be with his Italian friends.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be with your own type of people.
So you would say that Joe Biden calling him the face of white Supremacy is a lie?

Additionally, would you then say that the white woman in a gorilla mask throwing rotten eggs at him was a racist?

If so, where was the NAACP and BLM to speak out against it, or where they silent just because the black man was a Republican trying to win an election against the democrat what's his name?

Say, you don't suppose that the NAACP and BLM are merely souless partisan tools of the DNC do you that have no moral compass of any kind?

"So you would say that Joe Biden calling him the face of white Supremacy is a lie?"

Can't find it on google.

Did you hear this on a conservative talk show?
Yeah. . . uh. . .

I see folks all over this forum, and all of the internet, and in political discussions in culture, make accusations of people who want a "white ethno-state," but then never back that shit up.

They somehow equate belief in western culture, or support of the free market, as desirous of a "white ethno-state," which, is a false equivalency. You call folks out on this, and they immediately start in on the slander, name calling, and fallacious accusations, or? They turn and run.


Honestly I find a white ethno state desirable. Purely from the stand point of there would be less social friction.

LIke say Switzerland it's almost entirely white. They also don't have hardly any violent crime, they are generally polite and considerate of one another, they have good health care, good education and are generally relaxed people. Their samey society means they don't have social friction, everyone feel comfortable being around their own kind, there is a shared sense of similar values and so fourth.

America on the hand has all this forced diversity so much we have all these groups from different places in the world and different skin colors and different cultures all trying to create the society they want and none of them want to conform to American society.

I find myself more comfortable when around other white people, not because I despise blacks, but kind of the same way most animals in the wild don't intermingle with other animal species. You don't see ducks hanging out with horses, or rhinos with hyienas, most animals are comfortable with their own kind like them.

So I support a white ethno state and believe having huge groups of vastly diverse people put together is detrimental to their feelings of safety, peace, and what we lack the most in this country, harmony. We have no Harmony because we have too many different people together.
Honestly I find a white ethno state desirable. Purely from the stand point of there would be less social friction.
We almost had it. Lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to Africa after the Civil War. That never happened because John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln.
"So you would say that Joe Biden calling him the face of white Supremacy is a lie?"

Can't find it on google.

Did you hear this on a conservative talk show?
Biden called Larry Elder a clone of Trump

Now, you are not suggesting Trump is not a white supremacist, do you?

Biden certainly thinks he is.
Just from the number and character of white supremacists it is something to be proud of. Winsome Sears is a white supremacist, Larry Elder, Ben Carson, D'nesh D'sousa is a white supremacist, so is Condoleeza Rice. Anyone that disagrees with communists is now a white supremacist. That is something to be proud of.
The definition of "white supremacist" is flexible enough to encompass a whole range of racial attitudes and beliefs. Furthermore, it can reasonably be claimed that calling someone a "white supremacist" is not a slander at all, simply a statement of opinion, like "Bob is a football fan."

In addition, "Bob" believes that when considering the legal, cultural, technological, and spiritual culture of the United States, the contributions of Western European "white" people are predominant, and most valuable. That doesn't denigrate the contributions of others, it just assesses them on a lower level.

White supremacist? You bet.
The definition of "white supremacist" is flexible enough to encompass a whole range of racial attitudes and beliefs. Furthermore, it can reasonably be claimed that calling someone a "white supremacist" is not a slander at all, simply a statement of opinion, like "Bob is a football fan."
In addition, "Bob" believes that when considering the legal, cultural, technological, and spiritual culture of the United States, the contributions of Western European "white" people are predominant, and most valuable. That doesn't denigrate the contributions of others, it just assesses them on a lower level.
White supremacist? You bet.
Because you used logic, liberals won't be able to understand your post.
I think the litmus test is that white supremacist are people who want a white ethno-state with zero minorities in it.
Their approach appears to be that unless enough people (1) announce that they're a member of an officially-recognized "white supremacist" group, (2) carry around a membership card for that group in their wallets, and (3) regularly chant slogans and wear clothing for that group, that white racism no longer exists in America.

So they hid behind the term, hoping that no one will notice.
I think the litmus test is that white supremacist are people who want a white ethno-state with zero minorities in it.


Also, it helps if your skin color is in the upper left in this chart.
And that would be fewer 1/10th of 1% of the population. IOW, 99.9% of the population is not white supremacist. I personally have never met one.

Still, that doesn’t stop the radical left from screaming out “white supremacist” at every white person who doesn’t agree with the extreme leftwing agenda.

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