QAnon Is a Valid Mental Illness

Found one.

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"What's Q? I've never heard of Q???"

Oh look!! Here's a Q Thread I started in 2019, way before Exponential even dreamed of working at a grocery store to stock shelves for Joe Biden

Mar 7, 2019

If Qanon is for real, then that would explain why the democrat Party has moved to full Jihad on removing Trump.

They must remove him before Declas, where it's fully revealed beyond all doubt the Obama Administration, with the help of a perverted US Intelligence Structure, knowingly provided false information to obtain a FISA warrant against a Presidential candidate and engaged in a failed coup d'etat.
Is Comey Q?

" Yeah, the whole "Huber has 60,000 - no 62,000 'sealed indictments!" was what soured me on it and I'm pretty sure it's a Comey backed LARP"

Is Comey Q?

Sep 18, 2019

I've been thinking about this.

Since it's pretty obvious that ALL of the Failed Coup Plotters will walk, you have to wonder if Comey and his FBI minions aren't really QAnon.

They claim to "have it all" meaning everything from Hillary's "Let's make an example of that motherfucker Seth Rich" emails, to Obama's Foamy Parties, to everything and anything every transmitted electronically the past 30 years. But notice, even "having it all" the Pedos are still fucking little kids, the traffickers are still kidnapping attractive American women and shipping them to the Middle East, and Epstein is in a safe house. McCabe and Comey are Guilty as sin and free as birds.

We lived through a genuine FBI Coup, we saw Hillary get all of our Chinese CIA assets killed and -- crickets. Nothing. Nada. No fucks are given.

This only works if Comey is in fact the LARP known as Q.

Makes sense, no?"

Hey XponentialChaos go stock the cereal shelves for Joe
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Its fascinating to talk to these people and learn more about how they got so sick.

It is indeed. So is being a leftist who believes that men may identify as women, that white privilege exists and that America is a systemically racist country.

Each side has its crazy people. Hence I am an Independent.
White privilege does exist in this country...

Which is why dic suckers like you are so scared to death of becoming the minority...

If we are all truly treated as equal by this system; why would being a minority be so scary for you fragile minded cucks??

Do yall think minorities get treated bad or something?
Dickhead, what can I legally do in this country that you cannot? Stop acting like a victim, it’s frankly pathetic. You talk a big game for a prancing Nancy boy behind a keyboard.

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