QAnon Freshman Congresswoman Faces Arrest After Live Tweeting Speaker Pelosi’s Location During Riot

These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.

Interesting that you immediately took the linked story as the truth, and formed an opinion based on it.

I can't find this anywhere else.
So this could be a complete bogus story.
We see how quickly you took it as fact
My statement applied to the whole, ugly terrorist attack, not to one specific case.
:rolleyes: :doubt:
Oh, I don't know. Maybe to get the mob that would gleefully harm Pelosi to stop looking for her in the House? Once she's been removed and is clearly under protection, why bother going after her? Sounds more like she was protecting Pelosi and the rest of Congress. Of course, the hysterical narrative demands otherwise.

You are bound to fail when trying to reason with an 80 IQ zealot.

All that matters to the faithful IS the hysteria. They don't care whether of not something is true. They don't ask questions and lack the ability to reason. All they can do is react like they have been programmed to react.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.

She had also claimed she'd carry a gun into Congress so apparently she didn't know that's illegal either.

Not to mention simple common frickin' sense.
Just today she refused to go through newly installed metal detectors

She's the literally LAST yahoo anyone would want to see armed in there.

And you can send your Thank you notes to the ones that brought this nightmare to you. It's how Colorado gives the rest of the Nation the Finger and laughs it's fool head off. I didn't vote for Rump but I did vote primarily a Rep down ballot. Except I didn't vote for that gun totin fruitcake.

Are you aware that more than once, her Shooters license was revoked over having a 16 year old waitress carrying a gun on her hip? I think the only reason that we sent her was to get her the hell out of Colorado.
Sure you did, asshole. No one in this forum believes you have ever voted for a Republican in your entire life.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
I could only hope.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.
She needs to be immediately expelled from the House and charged with abetting sedition.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
If... IF... true, she should immediately be expelled from the US House of Representatives.

Then (metaphorically) crucified in the criminal law courts... aiding and abetting insurrection and endangering the lives of fellow Congress Folk.
She needs to be immediately expelled from the House and charged with abetting sedition.
The Law & Order Party rofl

What a joke the Rubepublican Party has become.
Nothing will probably come of this but Boebert seems like she's probably one of the dumber people in Congress, right down there with Gohmert and Greene.
Holy Shit you safe space needing, fragile, triggered pussies are facinating....Haven’t you devalued enough of those silly buzzwords that drive your narratives?

Grab your straight jacket and shut the fuck up for a minute, get ahold of your pussy selves.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.

That bitch gotta go.
She has also bypassed the magnetometers with her Glock and combined with the Q crap?

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
Oh look, a "news" article promoting FAKE NEWS and a bunch of leftists believe it.

Did you by any chance read the actual tweet? In no way did she reveal the location of the speaker.

You and all those after you are moronic. Stop taking your precious msm seriously

She's looking at 20 years in prison, and she's already facing censure, and possible expulsion from the House.

Of course you think she's just great. You want incompetents and seditionists to be power.
Vile toothless threats will do you no good.

This one has teeth. Big long sharp ones that will put her boney ass in prison.

She was also refused admission to the Floor of the House for bringing a gun. This one won't last long. She's not there to do the People's work.

$5,000 fine on first offense - $10,000 on subsequents. Is this bitch rich?
She needs to be immediately expelled from the House and charged with abetting sedition.

And you need to immediately get kamala's dildo out of your ass and Biden's cock out of your mouth.

Why do right wing assholes always come up with highly sexualized homo-erotic imagery that decent folk would think of. Is this the kind of stuff you jerk off to Marty? When I think of politics, I'm not visualizing them in any kind of sexual way. EWWWW!

One of MANY reasons this one, and a few others are unreadable.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
Oh look, a "news" article promoting FAKE NEWS and a bunch of leftists believe it.

Did you by any chance read the actual tweet? In no way did she reveal the location of the speaker.

You and all those after you are moronic. Stop taking your precious msm seriously

She's looking at 20 years in prison, and she's already facing censure, and possible expulsion from the House.

Of course you think she's just great. You want incompetents and seditionists to be power.
You're delusional.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.

She had also claimed she'd carry a gun into Congress so apparently she didn't know that's illegal either.

Not to mention simple common frickin' sense.
In all seriousness, this is the kind of behavior we can expect when people are living in a separate reality.

I don't like using the word, but this really is one of the ways that cults function. They just have their own, enclosed world, with its own rules, expectations and standards.

In this “SEPERATE REALITY” you speak of are boys girls and girls boys because they say so?
Do they pretend blacks are America’s greatest treasure, our most valuable ASSET?
Do people who proclaim their allegiance to America trample on our 1st and 2nd Amendments, do they champion oppression?
Do they reject our Declaration Of Independence and America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t that LibTardia which you describe?

It's almost funny watching some of these more extreme partisan hacks operate. A biased article is posted with an accusation that is CLEARLY untrue, yet these true believers are triggered by it and so cling to their emotional narratives no matter what. They WANT it to be true, so they simply ignore the fact it isn't while indulging in some absolutely insane feats of projection by accusing others as being the cultists for pointing out it isn't true.
She needs to be immediately expelled from the House and charged with abetting sedition.

And you need to immediately get kamala's dildo out of your ass and Biden's cock out of your mouth.

Why do right wing assholes always come up with highly sexualized homo-erotic imagery that decent folk would think of. Is this the kind of stuff you jerk off to Marty? When I think of politics, I'm not visualizing them in any kind of sexual way. EWWWW!

One of MANY reasons this one, and a few others are unreadable.

Fuck off you commie cum-guzzler.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.

She had also claimed she'd carry a gun into Congress so apparently she didn't know that's illegal either.

Not to mention simple common frickin' sense.
Just today she refused to go through newly installed metal detectors

She's the literally LAST yahoo anyone would want to see armed in there.

And you can send your Thank you notes to the ones that brought this nightmare to you. It's how Colorado gives the rest of the Nation the Finger and laughs it's fool head off. I didn't vote for Rump but I did vote primarily a Rep down ballot. Except I didn't vote for that gun totin fruitcake.

Are you aware that more than once, her Shooters license was revoked over having a 16 year old waitress carrying a gun on her hip? I think the only reason that we sent her was to get her the hell out of Colorado.

So she was a waitress?
Let's see how much that gets mentioned next to calling AOC a bartender.

Here and her Husband owns the small bar and grill called Shooters in Rifle, Colorado. It's about 15 feet wide and 50 feet deep. By Colorado standards, it's a hole in the wall. She's had her license revoked numerous times over guns (allowing a 16 year old to carry an open carry weapon while on duty and refusing to stop it) and then the Corona Virus where the masks and social distancing was in violation a few times. She's a backer of QAnon as well.

She's an embarrassment.

I wouldn't walk in this dive on a bet.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.

She had also claimed she'd carry a gun into Congress so apparently she didn't know that's illegal either.

Not to mention simple common frickin' sense.
In all seriousness, this is the kind of behavior we can expect when people are living in a separate reality.

I don't like using the word, but this really is one of the ways that cults function. They just have their own, enclosed world, with its own rules, expectations and standards.

In this “SEPERATE REALITY” you speak of are boys girls and girls boys because they say so?
Do they pretend blacks are America’s greatest treasure, our most valuable ASSET?
Do people who proclaim their allegiance to America trample on our 1st and 2nd Amendments, do they champion oppression?
Do they reject our Declaration Of Independence and America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t that LibTardia which you describe?
Sure, okay.

It's almost funny watching some of these more extreme partisan hacks operate. A biased article is posted with an accusation that is CLEARLY untrue, yet these true believers are triggered by it and so cling to their emotional narratives no matter what. They WANT it to be true, so they simply ignore the fact it isn't while indulging in some absolutely insane feats of projection by accusing others as being the cultists for pointing out it isn't true.
Even worse when that person spends hours a day berating others for doing the same thing
Any legislators who were involved "however remotely" are principals in treason

Was wondering if anyone had posted this yet. Still no names, but betting it was the one or more of the new QAnon Karens.
Many wondered how these Fascist Kooks new exactly where offices like Pelosi's were and now we know.
They've GOT to go! :mad:
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week.

This is going to have serious implications.
These people are so detached from reality that they don't even realize they could get in trouble for this.

Fuckin' amazing.

She had also claimed she'd carry a gun into Congress so apparently she didn't know that's illegal either.

Not to mention simple common frickin' sense.
Just today she refused to go through newly installed metal detectors

She's the literally LAST yahoo anyone would want to see armed in there.

And you can send your Thank you notes to the ones that brought this nightmare to you. It's how Colorado gives the rest of the Nation the Finger and laughs it's fool head off. I didn't vote for Rump but I did vote primarily a Rep down ballot. Except I didn't vote for that gun totin fruitcake.

Are you aware that more than once, her Shooters license was revoked over having a 16 year old waitress carrying a gun on her hip? I think the only reason that we sent her was to get her the hell out of Colorado.

Well, we should see if she's said anything relating to the riot Amazon has been releasing quotes last night and this morning from some Parler user's to the FBI. One they released I've seen quite a few times on this board is "The only good democrat is a dead democrat" Amazon didn't say who said that but there were quite a few they have turned over so far. To think Parler users thought their shit was private.

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