Q. For Small Government Adherents

Liberals are totally against people making profits and creating jobs.
That's a shining example of total bigotry.

No, it isn't. Liberals openly despise the private sector and think government is better. The private sector would handle a lot of things better and cheaper. Only reason to object would be because someone is making a profit by providing a service.
No, it isn't. Liberals openly despise the private sector and think government is better. The private sector would handle a lot of things better and cheaper. Only reason to object would be because someone is making a profit by providing a service
Maybe a small percentage of far left wingnuts, but you are making an all inclusive statement. And the predominant reason for private sector suspicion is not because liberals don't want creation of jobs. That is pure nuts.
There is so much that needs elimination it is difficult to know where to start.

How about this? Let the Fed Gov do only what the Constitution grants it. That means eliminating most of it. Then put term limits on Congress. Eliminate the party system...no political parties period. Limit campaign funding to a small dollar amount and corporations can't provide campaign funds.

The Fed Gov has no authority to subsidize ANYTHING. End the subsidy entirely.

Let the states decide how they will handle things....hence, the people in each state get to decide.
I would start with entitlements ie social programs and the dept of defense. From there I would look at each agency within its dept. I wouldn't even know where to begin about how much to cut...probably around 10 percent.

Since you only look at cuts, and not the consequences of cuts, we can all be thankful you've never been in charge of anything.
Government is rife with fraud, waste and abuse. I'd shrink government by going for the low hanging fruit first. Medicare has $20-30 Billion in waste alone...and there are so many stupid and redundant programs and departments....it's a clusterfuck.

from Heritage - Top 10 Examples of Government Waste
. Medicare Overspending

  • Medicare wastes more money than any other federal program, yet its strong public support leaves lawmakers hesitant to address program efficiencies, which cost taxpayers and Medicare recipients billions of dollars annually.

    For example, Medicare pays as much as eight times what other federal agencies pay for the same drugs and medical supplies.[6] The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently compared the prices paid by Medicare and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care program for 16 types of medical equipment and supplies, which account for one-quarter of Medicare's equipment and supplies purchases. The evidence showed that Medicare paid an average of more than double what the VA paid for the same items. The largest difference was for saline solution, with Medicare paying $8.26 per liter compared to the $1.02 paid by the VA.[7] (See Table 1.)


    These higher prices not only cost the program more money, but also take more money out of the pockets of Medicare beneficiaries. In 2002, senior citizens' co-payments accounted for 20 percent of the $9.4 billion in allowed claims for medical equipment and supplies.[8] Higher prices mean higher co-payments.

    Medicare also overpays for drugs. In 2000, Medicare's payments for 24 leading drugs were $1.9 billion higher than they would have been under the prices paid by the VA or other federal agencies. Although Medicare is supposed to pay wholesale prices for drugs, it relies on drug manufacturers to define the prices, and manufacturers have strong incentives to inflate their prices.[9]

    Nor are inflated prices for drugs and supplies the most expensive examples of Medicare's inefficiencies. Basic payment errors-the results of deliberate fraud and administrative errors-cost $12.3 billion annually. As much as $7 billion owed to the program has gone uncollected or has been written off.[10] Finally, while Medicare contracts claims processing and administration to several private companies, 19 cases of contractor fraud have been settled in recent years, with a maximum settlement of $76 million.[11]

    Putting it all together, Medicare reform could save taxpayers and program beneficiaries $20 billion to $30 billion annually without reducing benefits. That would be enough to fund a $3,000 refundable health care tax credit for nearly 10 million uninsured low-income households.

Unused Flight Tickets Totaling $100 Million

A recent audit revealed that between 1997 and 2003, the Defense Department purchased and then left unused approximately 270,000 commercial airline tickets at a total cost of $100 million. Even worse, the Pentagon never bothered to get a refund for these fully refundable tickets. The GAO blamed a system that relied on department personnel to notify the travel office when purchased tickets went unused.

Auditors also found 27,000 transactions between 2001 and 2002 in which the Pentagon paid twice for the same ticket. The department would purchase the ticket directly and then inexplicably reimburse the employee for the cost of the ticket. (In one case, an employee who allegedly made seven false claims for airline tickets professed not to have noticed that $9,700 was deposited into his/her account). These additional transactions cost taxpayers $8 million.

This $108 million could have purchased seven Blackhawk helicopters, 17 M1 Abrams tanks, or a large supply of additional body armor for U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Redundancy Piled on Redundancy

Government's layering of new programs on top of old ones inherently creates duplication. Having several agencies perform similar duties is wasteful and confuses program beneficiaries who must navigate each program's distinct rules and requirements.

Some overlap is inevitable because some agencies are defined by whom they serve (e.g., veterans, Native Americans, urbanites, and rural families), while others are defined by what they provide (e.g., housing, education, health care, and economic development). When these agencies' constituencies overlap, each relevant agency will often have its own program. With 342 separate economic development programs, the federal government needs to make consolidation a priority.

Consolidating duplicative programs will save money and improve government service. In addition to those programs that should be eliminated completely, Congress should consolidate the following sets of programs:

  • 342 economic development programs;
  • 130 programs serving the disabled;
  • 130 programs serving at-risk youth;
  • 90 early childhood development programs;
  • 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities;
  • 72 federal programs dedicated to assuring safe water;
  • 50 homeless assistance programs;
  • 45 federal agencies conducting federal criminal investigations;
  • 40 separate employment and training programs;
  • 28 rural development programs;
  • 27 teen pregnancy programs;
  • 26 small, extraneous K-12 school grant programs;
  • 23 agencies providing aid to the former Soviet republics;
  • 19 programs fighting substance abuse;
  • 17 rural water and waste-water programs in eight agencies;
  • 17 trade agencies monitoring 400 international trade agreements;
  • 12 food safety agencies;
  • 11 principal statistics agencies; and
  • Four overlapping land management agencies

Top 10 Examples of Government Waste

How many jobs would be cut, and what impact would that have on other jobs? Yes Virginia, the devil is in the details.

What might be the consequences of cutting food safety agencies to our people? The same must be asked of each agency, for surely their are cost deficits which may out weigh cost-benefits.
How would YOU shrink the Federal Government. Since you believe it will be a good thing, I must suppose you have thought of the cost-benefits and cost-deficits. Please include them with any cut you propose.

Thanks in advance for your thoughtful explanation.

First - I would DEMAND that the federal government follow the letter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (especially the 9th and 10th amendment respectively).

Second - I would abolish nearly every "program" that Fed has instituted over the last 50 years, the majority of which the Federal government has no Constitutional authority whatsoever - never has had and never will. For example - The Department of Education, The FDA, The ATF, The DEA, The NSA, The NRO, Homeland Security, The Commerce Department, The Department of the Interior, The Highway Administration, OSHA, etc etc. Nearly ALL of the functions belong to the STATES and NOT the federal government.

Third - I would IMMEDIATELY abolish the vast majority of the IRS and institute a flat tax - one that is fair for all and would not require an agency of 500,000 men and women to collect it. All security forces within the IRS would be terminated IMMEDIATELY.

Fourth - I would stop the vast majority of International "aid" to countries that we "pay" each year for their supposed "allegiance" - while they laugh at us, protect our enemies and work toward our demise. Example? Pakistan a country that we ship over a Billion dollars a year and we receive nothing in return.

Fifth - I would require ALL Senators and Congressmen to live in their home states - it would be illegal for a member to be in Washington DC for anything OTHER than his term and it would be a Federal offense for him to own property within a hundred square mile radius of DC. Additionally, it would be a federal offense for him to accept ANY donation greater than $100 from a private individual and $200 from a corporate entity. Lobbyists who remain would be barred from any government building and any contribution to a Senator or Congressman would be punishable by law.

Sixth - Term limits would be IMMEDIATELY instituted. Senators - 2 six year terms. Congressmen - 3 two year terms.

Seventh - There would be a Balanced budget law passed and enforced. You can NOT spend what you do not have.

Whew! That's only a "start".
Government is rife with fraud, waste and abuse. I'd shrink government by going for the low hanging fruit first. Medicare has $20-30 Billion in waste alone...and there are so many stupid and redundant programs and departments....it's a clusterfuck.

from Heritage - Top 10 Examples of Government Waste
. Medicare Overspending

  • Medicare wastes more money than any other federal program, yet its strong public support leaves lawmakers hesitant to address program efficiencies, which cost taxpayers and Medicare recipients billions of dollars annually.

    For example, Medicare pays as much as eight times what other federal agencies pay for the same drugs and medical supplies.[6] The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently compared the prices paid by Medicare and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care program for 16 types of medical equipment and supplies, which account for one-quarter of Medicare's equipment and supplies purchases. The evidence showed that Medicare paid an average of more than double what the VA paid for the same items. The largest difference was for saline solution, with Medicare paying $8.26 per liter compared to the $1.02 paid by the VA.[7] (See Table 1.)


    These higher prices not only cost the program more money, but also take more money out of the pockets of Medicare beneficiaries. In 2002, senior citizens' co-payments accounted for 20 percent of the $9.4 billion in allowed claims for medical equipment and supplies.[8] Higher prices mean higher co-payments.

    Medicare also overpays for drugs. In 2000, Medicare's payments for 24 leading drugs were $1.9 billion higher than they would have been under the prices paid by the VA or other federal agencies. Although Medicare is supposed to pay wholesale prices for drugs, it relies on drug manufacturers to define the prices, and manufacturers have strong incentives to inflate their prices.[9]

    Nor are inflated prices for drugs and supplies the most expensive examples of Medicare's inefficiencies. Basic payment errors-the results of deliberate fraud and administrative errors-cost $12.3 billion annually. As much as $7 billion owed to the program has gone uncollected or has been written off.[10] Finally, while Medicare contracts claims processing and administration to several private companies, 19 cases of contractor fraud have been settled in recent years, with a maximum settlement of $76 million.[11]

    Putting it all together, Medicare reform could save taxpayers and program beneficiaries $20 billion to $30 billion annually without reducing benefits. That would be enough to fund a $3,000 refundable health care tax credit for nearly 10 million uninsured low-income households.

Unused Flight Tickets Totaling $100 Million

A recent audit revealed that between 1997 and 2003, the Defense Department purchased and then left unused approximately 270,000 commercial airline tickets at a total cost of $100 million. Even worse, the Pentagon never bothered to get a refund for these fully refundable tickets. The GAO blamed a system that relied on department personnel to notify the travel office when purchased tickets went unused.

Auditors also found 27,000 transactions between 2001 and 2002 in which the Pentagon paid twice for the same ticket. The department would purchase the ticket directly and then inexplicably reimburse the employee for the cost of the ticket. (In one case, an employee who allegedly made seven false claims for airline tickets professed not to have noticed that $9,700 was deposited into his/her account). These additional transactions cost taxpayers $8 million.

This $108 million could have purchased seven Blackhawk helicopters, 17 M1 Abrams tanks, or a large supply of additional body armor for U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Redundancy Piled on Redundancy

Government's layering of new programs on top of old ones inherently creates duplication. Having several agencies perform similar duties is wasteful and confuses program beneficiaries who must navigate each program's distinct rules and requirements.

Some overlap is inevitable because some agencies are defined by whom they serve (e.g., veterans, Native Americans, urbanites, and rural families), while others are defined by what they provide (e.g., housing, education, health care, and economic development). When these agencies' constituencies overlap, each relevant agency will often have its own program. With 342 separate economic development programs, the federal government needs to make consolidation a priority.

Consolidating duplicative programs will save money and improve government service. In addition to those programs that should be eliminated completely, Congress should consolidate the following sets of programs:

  • 342 economic development programs;
  • 130 programs serving the disabled;
  • 130 programs serving at-risk youth;
  • 90 early childhood development programs;
  • 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities;
  • 72 federal programs dedicated to assuring safe water;
  • 50 homeless assistance programs;
  • 45 federal agencies conducting federal criminal investigations;
  • 40 separate employment and training programs;
  • 28 rural development programs;
  • 27 teen pregnancy programs;
  • 26 small, extraneous K-12 school grant programs;
  • 23 agencies providing aid to the former Soviet republics;
  • 19 programs fighting substance abuse;
  • 17 rural water and waste-water programs in eight agencies;
  • 17 trade agencies monitoring 400 international trade agreements;
  • 12 food safety agencies;
  • 11 principal statistics agencies; and
  • Four overlapping land management agencies

Top 10 Examples of Government Waste

Bravo!!! :happy-1:
Government is rife with fraud, waste and abuse. I'd shrink government by going for the low hanging fruit first. Medicare has $20-30 Billion in waste alone...and there are so many stupid and redundant programs and departments....it's a clusterfuck.

from Heritage - Top 10 Examples of Government Waste
. Medicare Overspending

  • Medicare wastes more money than any other federal program, yet its strong public support leaves lawmakers hesitant to address program efficiencies, which cost taxpayers and Medicare recipients billions of dollars annually.

    For example, Medicare pays as much as eight times what other federal agencies pay for the same drugs and medical supplies.[6] The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently compared the prices paid by Medicare and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care program for 16 types of medical equipment and supplies, which account for one-quarter of Medicare's equipment and supplies purchases. The evidence showed that Medicare paid an average of more than double what the VA paid for the same items. The largest difference was for saline solution, with Medicare paying $8.26 per liter compared to the $1.02 paid by the VA.[7] (See Table 1.)


    These higher prices not only cost the program more money, but also take more money out of the pockets of Medicare beneficiaries. In 2002, senior citizens' co-payments accounted for 20 percent of the $9.4 billion in allowed claims for medical equipment and supplies.[8] Higher prices mean higher co-payments.

    Medicare also overpays for drugs. In 2000, Medicare's payments for 24 leading drugs were $1.9 billion higher than they would have been under the prices paid by the VA or other federal agencies. Although Medicare is supposed to pay wholesale prices for drugs, it relies on drug manufacturers to define the prices, and manufacturers have strong incentives to inflate their prices.[9]

    Nor are inflated prices for drugs and supplies the most expensive examples of Medicare's inefficiencies. Basic payment errors-the results of deliberate fraud and administrative errors-cost $12.3 billion annually. As much as $7 billion owed to the program has gone uncollected or has been written off.[10] Finally, while Medicare contracts claims processing and administration to several private companies, 19 cases of contractor fraud have been settled in recent years, with a maximum settlement of $76 million.[11]

    Putting it all together, Medicare reform could save taxpayers and program beneficiaries $20 billion to $30 billion annually without reducing benefits. That would be enough to fund a $3,000 refundable health care tax credit for nearly 10 million uninsured low-income households.

Unused Flight Tickets Totaling $100 Million

A recent audit revealed that between 1997 and 2003, the Defense Department purchased and then left unused approximately 270,000 commercial airline tickets at a total cost of $100 million. Even worse, the Pentagon never bothered to get a refund for these fully refundable tickets. The GAO blamed a system that relied on department personnel to notify the travel office when purchased tickets went unused.

Auditors also found 27,000 transactions between 2001 and 2002 in which the Pentagon paid twice for the same ticket. The department would purchase the ticket directly and then inexplicably reimburse the employee for the cost of the ticket. (In one case, an employee who allegedly made seven false claims for airline tickets professed not to have noticed that $9,700 was deposited into his/her account). These additional transactions cost taxpayers $8 million.

This $108 million could have purchased seven Blackhawk helicopters, 17 M1 Abrams tanks, or a large supply of additional body armor for U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Redundancy Piled on Redundancy

Government's layering of new programs on top of old ones inherently creates duplication. Having several agencies perform similar duties is wasteful and confuses program beneficiaries who must navigate each program's distinct rules and requirements.

Some overlap is inevitable because some agencies are defined by whom they serve (e.g., veterans, Native Americans, urbanites, and rural families), while others are defined by what they provide (e.g., housing, education, health care, and economic development). When these agencies' constituencies overlap, each relevant agency will often have its own program. With 342 separate economic development programs, the federal government needs to make consolidation a priority.

Consolidating duplicative programs will save money and improve government service. In addition to those programs that should be eliminated completely, Congress should consolidate the following sets of programs:

  • 342 economic development programs;
  • 130 programs serving the disabled;
  • 130 programs serving at-risk youth;
  • 90 early childhood development programs;
  • 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities;
  • 72 federal programs dedicated to assuring safe water;
  • 50 homeless assistance programs;
  • 45 federal agencies conducting federal criminal investigations;
  • 40 separate employment and training programs;
  • 28 rural development programs;
  • 27 teen pregnancy programs;
  • 26 small, extraneous K-12 school grant programs;
  • 23 agencies providing aid to the former Soviet republics;
  • 19 programs fighting substance abuse;
  • 17 rural water and waste-water programs in eight agencies;
  • 17 trade agencies monitoring 400 international trade agreements;
  • 12 food safety agencies;
  • 11 principal statistics agencies; and
  • Four overlapping land management agencies

Top 10 Examples of Government Waste

How many jobs would be cut, and what impact would that have on other jobs? Yes Virginia, the devil is in the details.

What might be the consequences of cutting food safety agencies to our people? The same must be asked of each agency, for surely their are cost deficits which may out weigh cost-benefits.

Actually, no, it isn't. Yes, there would be tens of thousands of jobs lost. About time THEY felt some of the pain that the rest of us have felt for the last 10 years. Learn a new trade. Suffer through figuring out how 30 hours a week is now "full-time" or - on the other hand - do as Nancy Pelosi stated: They can focus on dance or photography or whatever".

AS for "food safety" - it goes back to the states - where it belongs.
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There is no such thing as 'small' government, or 'big' government, for that matter – government exists at the behest of the people, acting at the behest of the people, performing services at the behest of the people, and doing so in a manner consistent with the Constitution and its case law – having nothing to do with the 'size' of government.

Says the man who enjoys feeding the monster.......
1) Fix the income tax system. Eliminate all deductions and move to a 3-tier tax system that is indexed to inflation.

Something simple like this:

0-50,000 = 7.5% tax on first 50K
50,000--500,000 = 12.5% tax on income above 50k up to 500K
500,000+ = 17.5% tax on all income above 500K

All income would be withheld as earned - a simple one page tax form confirming income is all that would be required. NO DEDUCTIONS, NO PREFERENCES, NO EXEMPTIONS.

2) Fix Social security - Eliminate the cap on taxable earnings and the system is solvent.

3) Cap federal spending at 18% of GDP (or less!). Require a 2/3 majority of Congress AND the approval of 2/3 of the STATES, to raise federal taxes or increase spending beyond 18%.

Again - BRAVO!!!!
Liberals are totally against people making profits and creating jobs.
That's a shining example of total bigotry.

No, it isn't. Liberals openly despise the private sector and think government is better. The private sector would handle a lot of things better and cheaper. Only reason to object would be because someone is making a profit by providing a service.

The EXACT same thing happened in Red China and the Soviet Union. Only "government" can serve the people. We all saw where that got those poor souls, didn't we?
1) Fix the income tax system. Eliminate all deductions and move to a 3-tier tax system that is indexed to inflation.

Something simple like this:

0-50,000 = 7.5% tax on first 50K
50,000--500,000 = 12.5% tax on income above 50k up to 500K
500,000+ = 17.5% tax on all income above 500K

All income would be withheld as earned - a simple one page tax form confirming income is all that would be required. NO DEDUCTIONS, NO PREFERENCES, NO EXEMPTIONS.

2) Fix Social security - Eliminate the cap on taxable earnings and the system is solvent.

3) Cap federal spending at 18% of GDP (or less!). Require a 2/3 majority of Congress AND the approval of 2/3 of the STATES, to raise federal taxes or increase spending beyond 18%.

Again - BRAVO!!!!

Unfortunately, it will never happen. Those 500,000 assholes that rob from us each day will not go "gently into that good night".......
Liberals are totally against people making profits and creating jobs.
That's a shining example of total bigotry.

No, it isn't. Liberals openly despise the private sector and think government is better. The private sector would handle a lot of things better and cheaper. Only reason to object would be because someone is making a profit by providing a service.

You must'n own a home, many private sector providers are incompetent, dishonest and inconsiderate. Public sector employees who are incompetent and inconsiderate will receive progressive discipline - counseling memos, written reprimands, suspension and yes, termination. Those who are dishonest, will jump to the final solution.

I know, I meted it out.
Liberals are totally against people making profits and creating jobs.
That's a shining example of total bigotry.

No, it isn't. Liberals openly despise the private sector and think government is better. The private sector would handle a lot of things better and cheaper. Only reason to object would be because someone is making a profit by providing a service.

You must'n own a home, many private sector providers are incompetent, dishonest and inconsiderate. Public sector employees who are incompetent and inconsiderate will receive progressive discipline - counseling memos, written reprimands, suspension and yes, termination. Those who are dishonest, will jump to the final solution.

I know, I meted it out.

Uh-huh. How long does it take to fire a federal employee? 5 years? 10 Years? How many have actually retired before termination? Sorry, but I don't buy the idea. What president was it who stated "Public Sector Unions will destroy the federal government and create a beauracracy that we will not recover from"?? Oh, that's right...it was FDR.

And as to your assertion of "unscrupulous" lenders - there is something called "State Law" that would take care of those...
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There is so much that needs elimination it is difficult to know where to start.

How about this? Let the Fed Gov do only what the Constitution grants it. That means eliminating most of it. Then put term limits on Congress. Eliminate the party system...no political parties period. Limit campaign funding to a small dollar amount and corporations can't provide campaign funds.

The Fed Gov has no authority to subsidize ANYTHING. End the subsidy entirely.

Let the states decide how they will handle things....hence, the people in each state get to decide.

Let's see, Alabama reinstates separate but equal and eliminates the income tax. The State collects a sales tax and shares property taxes with the counties. All public hospitals are closed, staff laid off and each school district is responsible for it's own curriculum. Libraries are privatized and all social services are to be provided by religious institution and private for profit charities. As a Free to Work state each individual must negotiate their pay and benefits with no expectation of equal pay for equal work.

How long until Alabama will need to build a Berlin Wall?
Liberals are totally against people making profits and creating jobs.
That's a shining example of total bigotry.

No, it isn't. Liberals openly despise the private sector and think government is better. The private sector would handle a lot of things better and cheaper. Only reason to object would be because someone is making a profit by providing a service.

You must'n own a home, many private sector providers are incompetent, dishonest and inconsiderate. Public sector employees who are incompetent and inconsiderate will receive progressive discipline - counseling memos, written reprimands, suspension and yes, termination. Those who are dishonest, will jump to the final solution.

I know, I meted it out.

Uh-huh. How long does it take to fire a federal employee? 5 years? 10 Years? How many have actually retired before termination? Sorry, but I don't buy the idea. What president was it who stated "Public Sector Unions will destroy the federal government and create a beauracracy that we will not recover from"?? Oh, that's right...it was FDR.

And as to your assertion of "unscrupulous" lenders - there is something called "State Law" that would take care of those...

I'm not selling it. I ran IA, I recommended termination of government employees, most were fired.

I took the badge, ID and gun/cuffs away form probationary employees, and all I needed to say, and all I did say, was this: "I'm sorry, not everyone is cut out for this career. Please give me your badge and ID and utilities. Your final check will be computed and mailed to you.
There is so much that needs elimination it is difficult to know where to start.

How about this? Let the Fed Gov do only what the Constitution grants it. That means eliminating most of it. Then put term limits on Congress. Eliminate the party system...no political parties period. Limit campaign funding to a small dollar amount and corporations can't provide campaign funds.

The Fed Gov has no authority to subsidize ANYTHING. End the subsidy entirely.

Let the states decide how they will handle things....hence, the people in each state get to decide.

Let's see, Alabama reinstates separate but equal and eliminates the income tax. The State collects a sales tax and shares property taxes with the counties. All public hospitals are closed, staff laid off and each school district is responsible for it's own curriculum. Libraries are privatized and all social services are to be provided by religious institution and private for profit charities. As a Free to Work state each individual must negotiate their pay and benefits with no expectation of equal pay for equal work.

How long until Alabama will need to build a Berlin Wall?

Let me get this straight....You ASSUME Alabama (for some reason) will what? re-institute "separate but equal" when the majority of Alabamians are black? Then you suggest that they will build a "Berlin Wall" - but you have faith in the federal government.....

Let the states decide what the states want to do. My suggestion? you actually READ the 9th and 10th amendment......
Liberals are totally against people making profits and creating jobs.
That's a shining example of total bigotry.

No, it isn't. Liberals openly despise the private sector and think government is better. The private sector would handle a lot of things better and cheaper. Only reason to object would be because someone is making a profit by providing a service.

You must'n own a home, many private sector providers are incompetent, dishonest and inconsiderate. Public sector employees who are incompetent and inconsiderate will receive progressive discipline - counseling memos, written reprimands, suspension and yes, termination. Those who are dishonest, will jump to the final solution.

I know, I meted it out.

Uh-huh. How long does it take to fire a federal employee? 5 years? 10 Years? How many have actually retired before termination? Sorry, but I don't buy the idea. What president was it who stated "Public Sector Unions will destroy the federal government and create a beauracracy that we will not recover from"?? Oh, that's right...it was FDR.

And as to your assertion of "unscrupulous" lenders - there is something called "State Law" that would take care of those...

I'm not selling it. I ran IA, I recommended termination of government employees, most were fired.

I took the badge, ID and gun/cuffs away form probationary employees, and all I needed to say, and all I did say, was this: "I'm sorry, not everyone is cut out for this career. Please give me your badge and ID and utilities. Your final check will be computed and mailed to you.

And I carried a gun and (sometimes) a badge with the DIA for 20 years. Your point? How many desk sitters have you "fired"? How many of them have DARED the system to "fire" them - then file a grievance and initiate the paperwork and wait YEARS for it to go through the system?

My guess? There are (at a minimum) 250,000 worthless assholes who are collecting checks each pay period and laughing their asses off at us.

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