Pythagoras, Plato & The Secret Teachings


May 18, 2012
Most scientists and biologists today, teach us that all the objects around us (matter) are being held together simply by resonant sound frequencies, or vibrations, and therefore our perception of the world is false, none of this actually exists as far as importance, but what does exist is our very souls (our true self, not our false ego).

"The consciousness of our universe is responsible for the form and purpose all matter assumes. The earth's resonant frequencies are a result of its form."
Excerpt from Kymatica
(watch video, at the bottom of Pythagoras, Plato & The Secret Teachings part 2)

Toward the end of Einstein's life he came to the conclusion that the universe is very much alive and that we are all a part of it. Knowing this, however, is only scratching the surface. Executing a plan to tap into this conscious being is something entirely different. This would require letting go of our false ego, learning geometry, learning to accept ourselves (and our imperfections) and letting go of all negative thoughts and actions.

"For Pythagoras, mathematics was a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds. He pursued the study of mathematics not only as a way of understanding and manipulating nature, but also as a means of turning the mind away from the physical world, which he held to be transitory and unreal, and leading it to the contemplation of eternal and truly existing things that never vary. He taught his students that by focusing on the elements of mathematics, they could calm and purify the mind, and ultimately, through disciplined effort, experience true happiness."
John Strohmeier and Peter Westbrook,
The Life and Teachings of Pythagoras

After the United States congress got their hands on the data from the Stanford research institute and universities around the country and all over the world, basically covering the real power of the mind, they were terrified at what would happen if everyone around the world started to develop these powers. They then pulled off a propaganda and smear campaign with the media to discredit this discovery. The discovery was that the mind used subliminal suggestions, shapes and sigils to create its reality. Not only would this put people on an even playing field if they were aware or harnessed this power, but this would mess up the propaganda tools and subliminal messages the elite use to trick the people into being robot consumers.

In 1957, Professor Hans Eysenck, then-chairman of the University of London, claimed that there was a huge conspiracy involving 30 major colleges all over the world, and hundreds of respected scientists, to silence the truth about the powers of the human consciousness.

Read more: Pythagoras, Plato & The Secret Teachings part 1 - Mind Invasions
The ancient philosophers were spoiled and self-indulgent. This led to escapist dream worlds that would bring back their most spoiled period, when they were children. We should realize this slant they had and subtract that selfish and irrational element from everything they wrote.

Aristotle starts the Metaphysicswith the statement, realistic from his perspective, that everything inventable has already been discovered. So physics has come to a dead end, and it would be more profitable from a mental masturbation perspective to study warm and fuzzy wandering speculations while the world around him was about to fall apart. This perversion is still with us, when we are brainwashed into honoring theoretical scientists more than practical ones. When prestige is given to something as useless as astronomy, it tells something about the cheap thrills motivating what could have been our most productive minds.
The ancient philosophers were spoiled and self-indulgent. This led to escapist dream worlds that would bring back their most spoiled period, when they were children. We should realize this slant they had and subtract that selfish and irrational element from everything they wrote.

Aristotle starts the Metaphysicswith the statement, realistic from his perspective, that everything inventable has already been discovered. So physics has come to a dead end, and it would be more profitable from a mental masturbation perspective to study warm and fuzzy wandering speculations while the world around him was about to fall apart. This perversion is still with us, when we are brainwashed into honoring theoretical scientists more than practical ones. When prestige is given to something as useless as astronomy, it tells something about the cheap thrills motivating what could have been our most productive minds.

You're clearly a dullard.
Most scientists and biologists today, teach us that all the objects around us (matter) are being held together simply by resonant sound frequencies, or vibrations, and therefore our perception of the world is false, none of this actually exists as far as importance, but what does exist is our very souls (our true self, not our false ego).

"The consciousness of our universe is responsible for the form and purpose all matter assumes. The earth's resonant frequencies are a result of its form."
Excerpt from Kymatica
(watch video, at the bottom of Pythagoras, Plato & The Secret Teachings part 2)

Toward the end of Einstein's life he came to the conclusion that the universe is very much alive and that we are all a part of it. Knowing this, however, is only scratching the surface. Executing a plan to tap into this conscious being is something entirely different. This would require letting go of our false ego, learning geometry, learning to accept ourselves (and our imperfections) and letting go of all negative thoughts and actions.

"For Pythagoras, mathematics was a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds. He pursued the study of mathematics not only as a way of understanding and manipulating nature, but also as a means of turning the mind away from the physical world, which he held to be transitory and unreal, and leading it to the contemplation of eternal and truly existing things that never vary. He taught his students that by focusing on the elements of mathematics, they could calm and purify the mind, and ultimately, through disciplined effort, experience true happiness."
John Strohmeier and Peter Westbrook,
The Life and Teachings of Pythagoras

After the United States congress got their hands on the data from the Stanford research institute and universities around the country and all over the world, basically covering the real power of the mind, they were terrified at what would happen if everyone around the world started to develop these powers. They then pulled off a propaganda and smear campaign with the media to discredit this discovery. The discovery was that the mind used subliminal suggestions, shapes and sigils to create its reality. Not only would this put people on an even playing field if they were aware or harnessed this power, but this would mess up the propaganda tools and subliminal messages the elite use to trick the people into being robot consumers.

In 1957, Professor Hans Eysenck, then-chairman of the University of London, claimed that there was a huge conspiracy involving 30 major colleges all over the world, and hundreds of respected scientists, to silence the truth about the powers of the human consciousness.

Read more: Pythagoras, Plato & The Secret Teachings part 1 - Mind Invasions

"Most scientists and biologists today, teach us that all the objects around us (matter) are being held together simply by resonant sound frequencies, or vibrations"

Um, no.

How is matter held together? | Moleclues 2.0

Coulomb's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Coulomb potential

Chemical Bonds

A good summary of the basics:

Matter & Energy

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