Putin proposes to enshrine God, heterosexual marriage in constitution

Can you imagine if Mayor Pete". Buttigieg had won the Presidency? Meetings between Pete and Putin would have been interesting to say the least,

Manly men like Putin really like to keep light-in-the-loafer type fellows at arms length. I can't see this as helping US relations with our allies in the Russian Federation.
Can you imagine if Mayor Pete". Buttigieg had won the Presidency? Meetings between Pete and Putin would have been interesting to say the least,
How do you say "you got a purty mouth" in Russian?
Can you imagine if Mayor Pete". Buttigieg had won the Presidency? Meetings between Pete and Putin would have been interesting to say the least,

Manly men like Putin really like to keep light-in-the-loafer type fellows at arms length. I can't see this as helping US relations with our allies in the Russian Federation.
DId you know that LOTS of manly men are being "manly" for other men?
the most dangerous dictator in the world, trying to gain support. Yawn.
Faggot lover.
Oh look, there's the self loathing closet gay guy again, putting on his usual act for himself...

That doesn't negate the fact that you're a faggot lover. What are you afraid of? Your liberal peers you applaud you for coming out of the closet.


most gays are decent people

trump supporters, on the other hand, are human scum.

Human scum we might be, but we are your overlords. Enjoy four more years of Trump, underling.

Can you imagine if Mayor Pete". Buttigieg had won the Presidency? Meetings between Pete and Putin would have been interesting to say the least,

Putin would have disrespected him as much as he did Hillary or Obama. He thought both of them were ass-clowns.

It took a Trump to get some respect from Putin.
Can you imagine if Mayor Pete". Buttigieg had won the Presidency? Meetings between Pete and Putin would have been interesting to say the least,

Manly men like Putin really like to keep light-in-the-loafer type fellows at arms length. I can't see this as helping US relations with our allies in the Russian Federation.
DId you know that LOTS of manly men are being "manly" for other men?
They should be locked up.
If that's what you vermin filth call your brainwashing I don't want any part of it.
But Mikey, you say the same thing about science education. So you're not really scoring any points, except for maybe whiny little bitch points.
Long ago the "family pride" flag is the symbol of what a clkean a decent society must be not only in Russia but also all around the globe


This flag have been already carried in protests against same sex marriage in Paris


In my opinion, the sexual orientation of each individual is his own business, but the responsibility of the government is to foment what is in accord with the laws of nature when is in reference to human sexual behavior.

It is great to know that Russia is looking for a path making its society to preserve its integrity and decency, and this is something that here in the US our government must copy and paste in our laws as well.
What? Dictator?
Correct. And the most dangerous one in the world.

You CAN read!

I can read, but also I can think! :)
Well, don't let Daddy Vladdy hear you say that... he might "journalist" you into another dimension...

Do you mean, you intend to write denunciation on me to "competent authorities" of Putin?
No need. His paid trolls are here. Just don't give your real name.
What? Dictator?
Correct. And the most dangerous one in the world.

You CAN read!

I can read, but also I can think! :)
Well, don't let Daddy Vladdy hear you say that... he might "journalist" you into another dimension...

Do you mean, you intend to write denunciation on me to "competent authorities" of Putin?
No need. His paid trolls are here. Just don't give your real name.

I only see here anti-Russian paid trolls these years... Putin's team are not dictators or anything else... they just very lazy guys :(
No wonder. All one needs to do is see America and what happens when you let the pirates rule and you'd want to preserve the integrity and sanctity of hetero-sexual marriage in your own country too. If I were Russian then I would support these changes. Be nice if they did that here but they like catheters too much.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has submitted to parliament a number of new constitutional changes, including amendments that mention God and stipulate that marriage is a union of a man and woman.

Putin in January unleashed a political storm by proposing an overhaul of the constitution, the first changes to the basic law since 1993.

Last month the Russian parliament's lower house unanimously approved the constitutional reform bill in a first reading after less than two hours of debate.

Ahead of a second and key reading set for next week, Putin submitted 24 pages worth of amendments, said State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

"The president's amendments are the result of his dialogue with representatives of all factions (and) civil society," he said in comments released by the State Duma.

The amendments enshrine the mention of Russians' "faith in God" and also stipulate that marriage is a heterosexual union, Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy told AFP.

Most Russians identify as Orthodox Christians but Russia is officially a secular state.

The new amendments also ban giving away Russian territory and any call promoting such a move would also be outlawed.

A member of a Kremlin-appointed constitutional working group, actor Vladimir Mashkov, has suggested that such an amendment would ensure that Russia keeps Crimea -- which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014 -- or the Kuril Islands -- disputed with Japan for decades -- even after Putin quits power.


(Excerpt) Read more at france24.com ...


i am no friend of Putin but he does show signs of having some genuine faith, or else at least he’s an excellent politician and he shows respect for people who do

he’d never make it in today’s anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-Bible, anti-morals, party of INFANTICIDE 9in America!
i dont see a problem here, move to putlerstan , we dont need the garbage (hordemen)


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