Putin loves Trump's foreign policy speech...

You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability

Were you as supportive of Obama's opening diplomatic ties with Cuba? All I read was right wing condemnation for weeks.
Yes I was supportive. Right wingers are cuckservatives. A majority of Trump supporters are pretty socially liberal or just don't plain give a fuck about labels or what it is to be conservative.

Have you not noticed that the cucks often say that Trump isn't a real conservative or he's actually a liberal? Those are the wacked RWNJ's. You won't find a rwnj's supporting Trump. Those supporters go to Cruz and Kasich.

Trump supporters have been often described as the alt-right

Really? I see Trump supporters saying they will vote for him because everyone else is a RINO. I'd find you an example but I don't feel like... oh shit. Look at the post right after yours. RINO call.
Yes really. Thats why his supporters don't care about his stance on abortion or gay marriage for that matter. It's just not important to a majority, if not all, of his supporters. I figure he's pro-choice, but doesn't like the idea of abortion and he's probably ok with gay marriage. I'm the same way. I'm pro choice but I'm not jumping up and down at the thought of abortion and I don't care who the fuck marries who. Does that make me any less of a "conservative" or not conservative? If so, so be it. Call me a goblin for all I care :lol:

Lets get America back on track is the numero uno important thing for me. Who marries who or who uses what bathroom rates a ZERO on the importance scale

We have complex issues and problems. The establishment tries to divide the nation by framing the choices as either black or white, yes or no with no middle ground. Trump will have none of that.

The Donald and I share tiny hands
Donald Trump's foreign policy speech earns praise in Russia - CNNPolitics.com

Moscow (CNN)After Donald Trump gave a much-anticipated foreign policy speech Wednesday, some of the most glowing reviews that he received were from a place that doesn't often see eye-to-eye with American politicians.

Trump's speech was more than well-received in Russia. In Moscow's Red Square, passersby speaking to CNN praised the New York tycoon. And Russian politicians from President Vladimir Putin on down have been quoted saying favorable things about the GOP presidential front-runner.

Putin recently called Trump "a brighter person, talented without a doubt." Trump returned the compliment saying: "I like him because he called me a genius. He said Trump is the real leader."
And in his address in Washington Wednesday, the billionaire businessman expressed hope about the potential for improvement in American-Russian relations.

Could you imagine the threads created if a Communist dictator has spoken so highly of Obama? Trump supporters prove once again that they really don't give a fuck what he or anyone else says. They are ANGRY.

strong leaders respect strong leaders. strong leaders laugh at weak leaders (like obozo).
You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability

Were you as supportive of Obama's opening diplomatic ties with Cuba? All I read was right wing condemnation for weeks.
Yes I was supportive. Right wingers are cuckservatives. A majority of Trump supporters are pretty socially liberal or just don't plain give a fuck about labels or what it is to be conservative.

Have you not noticed that the cucks often say that Trump isn't a real conservative or he's actually a liberal? Those are the wacked RWNJ's. You won't find a rwnj's supporting Trump. Those supporters go to Cruz and Kasich.

Trump supporters have been often described as the alt-right

Really? I see Trump supporters saying they will vote for him because everyone else is a RINO. I'd find you an example but I don't feel like... oh shit. Look at the post right after yours. RINO call.
Yes really. Thats why his supporters don't care about his stance on abortion or gay marriage for that matter. It's just not important to a majority, if not all, of his supporters. I figure he's pro-choice, but doesn't like the idea of abortion and he's probably ok with gay marriage. I'm the same way. I'm pro choice but I'm not jumping up and down at the thought of abortion and I don't care who the fuck marries who. Does that make me any less of a "conservative" or not conservative? If so, so be it. Call me a goblin for all I care :lol:

Lets get America back on track is the numero uno important thing for me. Who marries who or who uses what bathroom rates a ZERO on the importance scale

Aside from building a wall can you tell me where Trump honestly stands on anything? Your post suggests that he's only saying what he wants his supporters to hear, and that I can agree on.
You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability

Were you as supportive of Obama's opening diplomatic ties with Cuba? All I read was right wing condemnation for weeks.
Yes I was supportive. Right wingers are cuckservatives. A majority of Trump supporters are pretty socially liberal or just don't plain give a fuck about labels or what it is to be conservative.

Have you not noticed that the cucks often say that Trump isn't a real conservative or he's actually a liberal? Those are the wacked RWNJ's. You won't find a rwnj's supporting Trump. Those supporters go to Cruz and Kasich.

Trump supporters have been often described as the alt-right

Really? I see Trump supporters saying they will vote for him because everyone else is a RINO. I'd find you an example but I don't feel like... oh shit. Look at the post right after yours. RINO call.
Yes really. Thats why his supporters don't care about his stance on abortion or gay marriage for that matter. It's just not important to a majority, if not all, of his supporters. I figure he's pro-choice, but doesn't like the idea of abortion and he's probably ok with gay marriage. I'm the same way. I'm pro choice but I'm not jumping up and down at the thought of abortion and I don't care who the fuck marries who. Does that make me any less of a "conservative" or not conservative? If so, so be it. Call me a goblin for all I care :lol:

Lets get America back on track is the numero uno important thing for me. Who marries who or who uses what bathroom rates a ZERO on the importance scale

We have complex issues and problems. The establishment tries to divide the nation by framing the choices as either black or white, yes or no with no middle ground. Trump will have none of that.

With foreign policy, there isn't a lot of disagreement, really, between the middle of each party. It's more about degrees. You ask Bob Corker if he wants to see 20K GI's in Syria, and he'll look like he's having a coronary. The gop, has both a neocon wing, who'd like nothing better than 20K GI's in Syria, and possibly the Ukraine as well just because it might hasten Putin's exit from the political stage, and they'll grasp at any crazy notion that has any possible effect on that. The GOP, and oddly to a lesser extent, the Dems have quasi-isolationist wings.

Since 1947, with a brief foray into isolationism by the dems, both parties have favored non-isolationism, with coalition ties, with the common interest of free market open trading.
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

Yeah, and he was all over the place on most of it. Like, his statement that other nations need to pay the US for our military support, or we will take our military out of their country.

He then says that Israel is an ally and must be defended at all costs.

Which is it? Does Israel (a foreign country) pay for US military support or not?

And the only reason his speech sounded so good is that he was reading it from a teleprompter instead of doing his usual stream of thought speeches.

Even so, it still made little sense if you actually listened to the words being said.
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

Yeah, and he was all over the place on most of it. Like, his statement that other nations need to pay the US for our military support, or we will take our military out of their country.

He then says that Israel is an ally and must be defended at all costs.

Which is it? Does Israel (a foreign country) pay for US military support or not?

And the only reason his speech sounded so good is that he was reading it from a teleprompter instead of doing his usual stream of thought speeches.

Even so, it still made little sense if you actually listened to the words being said.

What would anyone listen to other than the words being said? :poke:
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

Yeah, and he was all over the place on most of it. Like, his statement that other nations need to pay the US for our military support, or we will take our military out of their country.

He then says that Israel is an ally and must be defended at all costs.

Which is it? Does Israel (a foreign country) pay for US military support or not?

And the only reason his speech sounded so good is that he was reading it from a teleprompter instead of doing his usual stream of thought speeches.

Even so, it still made little sense if you actually listened to the words being said.

What would anyone listen to other than the words being said? :poke:

Some people only hear political speeches in sound bites and bumper sticker rhetoric. Which is what explains why Palin did the speeches that she did.

Trump is the same way, he throws out things that will get cheers, but then 5 min later in the speech, he contradicts the very thing he said 5 min before. When I say listen to the words, I mean listen to the whole speech for continuity and cogent thoughts that flow together.

Trump's speech doesn't do that.
You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability
Putin does not reason. Putin's agenda is not about reason.
No it isn't. None of it makes sense.
Putin wants both an economic alliance of NON-free market economies with the former soviet bloc territories AND he wants NO country on his border to have an economic alliance with the EU, and he especially doesn't want any country on his border to have Nato ties, because if they have those ties, he cannot use force to blackmail them into a NON-free market economic alliance.

That said, it was the neocons, like Bill Kristol, Krauthammer, Bolton and Cheney who encouraged the revolt in the Ukraine. As usual, Obama was late to the party and left with a mess to try and manage.

Trump's right we shouldn't be carrying the EU's defense load, but every potus since WWII has said that, and Trump has no "magic" to be different, and in fact, Europe has increased spending .... and they did help in Afghanistan. And never forget, Trump suggesting Japan and S.Korea get their own nukes. IF you thought Obama was not fit to handle foreign policy ... you ain't seen nothing yet.

Trump's speech was Rand Paul on Europe, Bomb them NOW McCain on Iran, and confused on Isis and Iraq. He's all over the place with no actual consistent or principled ideology.

Obama's was a fool, though, on Egypt and Libya, and imo we were always wrong on supporting rebels in Syria. But the Saudis are not very good allies, and we had two options with Iran - do a deal or bomb them with only Israel for an ally. He took the deal, thank God.

We need to make a deal of some kind with China.
That said, it was the neocons, like Bill Kristol, Krauthammer, Bolton and Cheney who encouraged the revolt in the Ukraine. As usual, Obama was late to the party and left with a mess to try and manage.

You are way off base here. Ukraine happened on Obama's watch. It was Clinton's State Dept. that orchestrated the coup with Victoria Nuland at the helm.

And Putin's aversion to NATO being at his doorstep is more about security than it is economics.
You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability
Putin does not reason. Putin's agenda is not about reason.
No it isn't. None of it makes sense.
Putin wants both an economic alliance of NON-free market economies with the former soviet bloc territories AND he wants NO country on his border to have an economic alliance with the EU, and he especially doesn't want any country on his border to have Nato ties, because if they have those ties, he cannot use force to blackmail them into a NON-free market economic alliance.

That said, it was the neocons, like Bill Kristol, Krauthammer, Bolton and Cheney who encouraged the revolt in the Ukraine. As usual, Obama was late to the party and left with a mess to try and manage.

Trump's right we shouldn't be carrying the EU's defense load, but every potus since WWII has said that, and Trump has no "magic" to be different, and in fact, Europe has increased spending .... and they did help in Afghanistan. And never forget, Trump suggesting Japan and S.Korea get their own nukes. IF you thought Obama was not fit to handle foreign policy ... you ain't seen nothing yet.

Trump's speech was Rand Paul on Europe, Bomb them NOW McCain on Iran, and confused on Isis and Iraq. He's all over the place with no actual consistent or principled ideology.

Obama's was a fool, though, on Egypt and Libya, and imo we were always wrong on supporting rebels in Syria. But the Saudis are not very good allies, and we had two options with Iran - do a deal or bomb them with only Israel for an ally. He took the deal, thank God.

We need to make a deal of some kind with China.
That said, it was the neocons, like Bill Kristol, Krauthammer, Bolton and Cheney who encouraged the revolt in the Ukraine. As usual, Obama was late to the party and left with a mess to try and manage.

You are way off base here. Ukraine happened on Obama's watch. It was Clinton's State Dept. that orchestrated the coup with Victoria Nuland at the helm.

And Putin's aversion to NATO being at his doorstep is more about security than it is economics.
Neocons and the Ukraine Coup
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

The former head of the CIA was fine with his speech so speaking of low IQ's ^^^
The high ranking former military people I heard interviewed on various TV channels were horrified by his speech. What former CIA chief liked it.

The best I heard from anyone who had an IQ above 10 and SUPPORTS Trump was don not worry it is just a start. No one said it was a good speech.
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

Actually Tom Coburn liked Trumps' speech and wants to hear more specifics down the road. Coburn only chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee and realizes that Obie and the Dems have not had a coherent foreign affairs strategy in 7+ years..........ya', dolt!
Last edited:
You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability
Putin does not reason. Putin's agenda is not about reason.
No it isn't. None of it makes sense.
Putin wants both an economic alliance of NON-free market economies with the former soviet bloc territories AND he wants NO country on his border to have an economic alliance with the EU, and he especially doesn't want any country on his border to have Nato ties, because if they have those ties, he cannot use force to blackmail them into a NON-free market economic alliance.

That said, it was the neocons, like Bill Kristol, Krauthammer, Bolton and Cheney who encouraged the revolt in the Ukraine. As usual, Obama was late to the party and left with a mess to try and manage.

Trump's right we shouldn't be carrying the EU's defense load, but every potus since WWII has said that, and Trump has no "magic" to be different, and in fact, Europe has increased spending .... and they did help in Afghanistan. And never forget, Trump suggesting Japan and S.Korea get their own nukes. IF you thought Obama was not fit to handle foreign policy ... you ain't seen nothing yet.

Trump's speech was Rand Paul on Europe, Bomb them NOW McCain on Iran, and confused on Isis and Iraq. He's all over the place with no actual consistent or principled ideology.

Obama's was a fool, though, on Egypt and Libya, and imo we were always wrong on supporting rebels in Syria. But the Saudis are not very good allies, and we had two options with Iran - do a deal or bomb them with only Israel for an ally. He took the deal, thank God.

We need to make a deal of some kind with China.
That said, it was the neocons, like Bill Kristol, Krauthammer, Bolton and Cheney who encouraged the revolt in the Ukraine. As usual, Obama was late to the party and left with a mess to try and manage.

You are way off base here. Ukraine happened on Obama's watch. It was Clinton's State Dept. that orchestrated the coup with Victoria Nuland at the helm.

And Putin's aversion to NATO being at his doorstep is more about security than it is economics.
Neocons and the Ukraine Coup
Yes I understand the history and I respect Robert Parry's work. But the coup took place 2 years into Obama's second term. He had plenty of time to make a correction if he so desired and the neocons you named were not part of Obama's team.
You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability
Putin does not reason. Putin's agenda is not about reason.
No it isn't. None of it makes sense.
Putin wants both an economic alliance of NON-free market economies with the former soviet bloc territories AND he wants NO country on his border to have an economic alliance with the EU, and he especially doesn't want any country on his border to have Nato ties, because if they have those ties, he cannot use force to blackmail them into a NON-free market economic alliance.

That said, it was the neocons, like Bill Kristol, Krauthammer, Bolton and Cheney who encouraged the revolt in the Ukraine. As usual, Obama was late to the party and left with a mess to try and manage.

Trump's right we shouldn't be carrying the EU's defense load, but every potus since WWII has said that, and Trump has no "magic" to be different, and in fact, Europe has increased spending .... and they did help in Afghanistan. And never forget, Trump suggesting Japan and S.Korea get their own nukes. IF you thought Obama was not fit to handle foreign policy ... you ain't seen nothing yet.

Trump's speech was Rand Paul on Europe, Bomb them NOW McCain on Iran, and confused on Isis and Iraq. He's all over the place with no actual consistent or principled ideology.

Obama's was a fool, though, on Egypt and Libya, and imo we were always wrong on supporting rebels in Syria. But the Saudis are not very good allies, and we had two options with Iran - do a deal or bomb them with only Israel for an ally. He took the deal, thank God.

We need to make a deal of some kind with China.
Free Trade is killing the West. America's interventionism is killing the West. Go Trump!
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

Yeah, and he was all over the place on most of it. Like, his statement that other nations need to pay the US for our military support, or we will take our military out of their country.

He then says that Israel is an ally and must be defended at all costs.

Which is it? Does Israel (a foreign country) pay for US military support or not?

And the only reason his speech sounded so good is that he was reading it from a teleprompter instead of doing his usual stream of thought speeches.

Even so, it still made little sense if you actually listened to the words being said.
There are 6 million Jews in Israel. There are 740 million Europeans.
You're confusing Trump supporters with the cuckservatives Aaron. There's a huge difference. With that said, this a good thing (Putin liking Trumps FP). Hopefully in 2017 they can sit down like men and find common/neutral ground, which looks like a very good probability

Were you as supportive of Obama's opening diplomatic ties with Cuba? All I read was right wing condemnation for weeks.
Yes I was supportive. Right wingers are cuckservatives. A majority of Trump supporters are pretty socially liberal or just don't plain give a fuck about labels or what it is to be conservative.

Have you not noticed that the cucks often say that Trump isn't a real conservative or he's actually a liberal? Those are the wacked RWNJ's. You won't find a rwnj's supporting Trump. Those supporters go to Cruz and Kasich.

Trump supporters have been often described as the alt-right

Really? I see Trump supporters saying they will vote for him because everyone else is a RINO. I'd find you an example but I don't feel like... oh shit. Look at the post right after yours. RINO call.
Yes really. Thats why his supporters don't care about his stance on abortion or gay marriage for that matter. It's just not important to a majority, if not all, of his supporters. I figure he's pro-choice, but doesn't like the idea of abortion and he's probably ok with gay marriage. I'm the same way. I'm pro choice but I'm not jumping up and down at the thought of abortion and I don't care who the fuck marries who. Does that make me any less of a "conservative" or not conservative? If so, so be it. Call me a goblin for all I care :lol:

Lets get America back on track is the numero uno important thing for me. Who marries who or who uses what bathroom rates a ZERO on the importance scale

Aside from building a wall can you tell me where Trump honestly stands on anything? Your post suggests that he's only saying what he wants his supporters to hear, and that I can agree on.
I can tell you where he stands on everything. What in particular are you looking for? His stance on what? and my post didn't suggest shit ;) it was a general statement with no mention of what he wants his supporters to hear
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

Actually Tom Coburn liked Trumps' speech and wants to hear more specifics down the road. Coburn only chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee and realizes that Obie and the Dems have not had a coherent foreign affairs strategy in 7+ years..........ya', dolt!

He is not the head of the CIA. Coburn said this yesterday according to the Washington Examiner.
Coburn endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential bid, and when asked whether Trump has Coburn's vote, the former senator responded, "not yet."
You are full of BS and an IQ below 10

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