Putin loves Trump's foreign policy speech...

Were you as supportive of Obama's opening diplomatic ties with Cuba? All I read was right wing condemnation for weeks.
Yes I was supportive. Right wingers are cuckservatives. A majority of Trump supporters are pretty socially liberal or just don't plain give a fuck about labels or what it is to be conservative.

Have you not noticed that the cucks often say that Trump isn't a real conservative or he's actually a liberal? Those are the wacked RWNJ's. You won't find a rwnj's supporting Trump. Those supporters go to Cruz and Kasich.

Trump supporters have been often described as the alt-right

Really? I see Trump supporters saying they will vote for him because everyone else is a RINO. I'd find you an example but I don't feel like... oh shit. Look at the post right after yours. RINO call.
Yes really. Thats why his supporters don't care about his stance on abortion or gay marriage for that matter. It's just not important to a majority, if not all, of his supporters. I figure he's pro-choice, but doesn't like the idea of abortion and he's probably ok with gay marriage. I'm the same way. I'm pro choice but I'm not jumping up and down at the thought of abortion and I don't care who the fuck marries who. Does that make me any less of a "conservative" or not conservative? If so, so be it. Call me a goblin for all I care :lol:

Lets get America back on track is the numero uno important thing for me. Who marries who or who uses what bathroom rates a ZERO on the importance scale

Aside from building a wall can you tell me where Trump honestly stands on anything? Your post suggests that he's only saying what he wants his supporters to hear, and that I can agree on.
I can tell you where he stands on everything. What in particular are you looking for? His stance on what? and my post didn't suggest shit ;) it was a general statement with no mention of what he wants his supporters to hear

How about his stance on abortion?

And there's no need for cursing. I'm totally reporting you to an administrator.
Trump's speech was awesome. He will make America great again.

You will see.

Putin and all US citizens with an IQ of 10 or less liked Trump's speech.

Actually Tom Coburn liked Trumps' speech and wants to hear more specifics down the road. Coburn only chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee and realizes that Obie and the Dems have not had a coherent foreign affairs strategy in 7+ years..........ya', dolt!

He is not the head of the CIA. Coburn said this yesterday according to the Washington Examiner.
Coburn endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential bid, and when asked whether Trump has Coburn's vote, the former senator responded, "not yet."
You are full of BS and an IQ below 10

Rubio is out (duhhh!) and I guessed you missed the interview with Coburn on CNN today. True that Coburn has not endorsed Trump, but he definitively said that he liked Trumps foreign policy speech. Nice try at doing a 'Lyin' Ted Cruz' number on my post, but like Ted, it's a fail.............

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