Putin better choice over Biden/Harris in 2024 election

putin hitler 2024.jpg
You're a typical looney liberal always playing the victim card.
Grow up! ... :cuckoo:
December 6 2020
“We're all victims,” President Trump told his supporters. “Everybody here, all these thousands of people here tonight. They're all victims. Every one of you."

Trump pity rally.
Valdosta, Georgia
Is there an argument to be made that with too many American MAGAHats, that if you scratch one you find underneath an authoritarian Communist wannabe?

So, on a serious note, poster Sunni, do you think the above observation can apply to your avatar? An authoritarian Communist?

And, given that Putin is much in the news lately.......are you rooting for him to take over Ukraine?
You OK with his methods?
OK, with the civilian deaths?
But, if Putin/Russia loses......would you support requiring reparations to the Ukrainian people by Russia' treasury?
TDS is still an endemic mental disorder within the liberal loon crowd. ... :cuckoo:
Why doesn't the orange bloviator just STFU like most former presidents do?
The fat orange, traitor can't seem to keep his big mac eating hole shut.

March 4 2022
Former President Trump lashed out at his former Attorney General Bill Barr on Friday, calling him "weak" and "ineffective" and accusing Barr of failing to do more to tackle Trump's baseless claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

"Former Attorney General Bill Barr wouldn't know voter fraud if it was staring him in the face - and it was," Trump said in a statement. "The fact is, he was weak, ineffective, and totally scared of being impeached, which the Democrats were constantly threatening to do. They 'broke' him."

Gotta remain relevant, ALL THE TIME.
Trump is annoying as Roseann Barr, x 10.
I find it fascinating that lefty loons continually post about Trump, even though he's been out of office for over a year.
But interestingly they rarely, if ever, make any posts about Biden.
Seems they are embarrassed by vegetable Joe's lack of accomplishments and ongoing list of failures.
So it's back to their safe space; posting about Trump. .... :cuckoo:
If Putin could run for president in the next election I'd gladly vote for him.
But since he can't because of election laws.
Trump would be the next logical choice to save America. ... :cool-45:
Yes. Predictable. Muzzies routinely favor authoritarian strong-man types. There isn't a Muzzie-dominated democracy of any value anywhere on the planet.

Submission. The metaphorical journey from Slave of God to slave of strong-men - and being led by the nose and not thinking for one's self - is an easy one.
I find it fascinating that lefty loons continually post about Trump, even though he's been out of office for over a year.
But interestingly they rarely, if ever, make any posts about Biden.
Seems they are embarrassed by vegetable Joe's lack of accomplishments and ongoing list of failures.
So it's back to their safe space; posting about Trump. .... :cuckoo:
Trump is the last president we had. We have no president now. Lacking an effective head of state, President Zelenskyy is meeting with the senate directly. Senate invited to speak with Zelensky Saturday
Our brain damaged head Fuck sent the clueless, incompetent and ineffective Kumquat Harris to Europe where she promptly addressed LGBT rights. Knock knock you stupid whore, Europe is on the precipice of nuclear horror. Veggie Joe missed a chance to send a real statesman, Stormy Daniel's. Hey, it couldn't hurt.
socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried including in the USSR, and that's why Putin knows it can also destroy America. that's why he colluded to help Crooked Hillary in 2016, and Crazy Bernie in 2020, both times he failed, thank God for that. and thank God for President Trump!
December 6 2020
“We're all victims,” President Trump told his supporters. “Everybody here, all these thousands of people here tonight. They're all victims. Every one of you."

Trump pity rally.
Valdosta, Georgia
Trump and his Trumpsters are victimiest victimy victims in the history of historical histories.

Such is the mentality of a cult. They have The Truth, the rest of the world are the villains.

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