Putin Attacks Nuclear Power Plant

But off topic there.
Get on with openly supporting freedom and democracy. Youve got no guts.
Since Putin is now doing a drug bust in Ukraine, one can understand the frustration of reactionary forces calling Hunter's drug addictions, like Zelenskiy's drug addictions, off topic. Frankly, Norris wasn't that impressive discussing virology, either.

More on the connections in Ukraine:

Helena Glass Blog 2022
'....Kolomoyskyi's TV station aired Zelenskiy's comedy....Kolomoyskyi decided he would appoint board members from the U.S., including Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and David Leiter, all bundled under John Kerry....Joseph Cofer Black, former CIA, Alan Apter of Morgan Stanley and Aleksander Kwasniewski, former president of Poland.
Kolomoyskyi was operating Burisma out of Cyprus. When the Obama administration learned that Ukraine's newly appointed prosecutor, Lutsenko, was going to open investigations into Burisma and Biden, Obama demanded the investigation be shut down. "He gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute." One of the groups on that list to stop investigating was AntAc, the Anti-Corruption Action Center, put together by Obama and George Soros.'
Seems NATO wanted Ukraine to join NATO alliance even though it did not qualify. You are correct IMO we are not getting the whole truth. It seems that NATO wanted this conflict.
We can't help you being information compromised. Already posted to USMB is the Swedish Viking link to Ukraine's history as well as the Swedish swastika Link to the Ukraine.
Seems NATO wanted Ukraine to join NATO alliance even though it did not qualify. You are correct IMO we are not getting the whole truth. It seems that NATO wanted this conflict.
I need to review this more but it also seems that the attempt was initially made in Syria to expand, and after failing (not having the foresight it would create not just two oppositional factions but 3 and then 4-with ISIS entering) producing a no-win result.

The pro-Russian separatists who reportedly asked for Putin’s help in Donbas is either a false or true flag. It depends on the political stance of the source one reads or views. For instance, some media sources have used the word Nazis to describe these pro-Russian separatists, implying that they are over the top irrational fanatics, while other sources indicate that the 2 provinces of Donbas voted to break off from Ukraine, and the leaders of each province asked for Putin’s help and Putin responded. Were these fair or staged elections? If Putin went in to “help” Donbas separate, why didn’t he place focus there instead of entering on 3 fronts into Ukraine? Again, why is NATO staying so silent about their own bylaws?

Where are the independent media sources getting out the truth by interviewing Ukrainians who live outside of Kyiv? If anyone has a link please share.
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So the POSPOTUS afghan debacle links to a popular drug in the Ukraine partly due to Ukraine's poverty: opium straw. Has Hunter Biden also snorted opium straw extract? Why are the drug traffic routes through Ukraine now perfectly superimposed over where the Russian military is now positioned?

The traditional Ukraine drug is this one:

The reader is free to superimpose any Ukraine maps they wish over this one:
I need to review this more but it also seems that the attempt was initially made in Syria to expand, and after failing (not having the foresight it would create not just two oppositional factions but 3 and then 4-with ISIS entering) producing a no-win result.

The pro-Russian separatists who reportedly asked for Putin’s help in Donbas is either a false or true flag. It depends on the political stance of the source one reads or views. For instance, some media sources have used the word Nazis to describe these pro-Russian separatists, implying that they are over the top irrational fanatics, while other sources indicate that the 2 provinces of Donbas voted to break off from Ukraine, and the leaders of each province asked for Putin’s help and Putin responded. Were these fair or staged elections? If Putin went in to “help” Donbas separate, why didn’t he place focus there instead of entering on 3 fronts into Ukraine? Again, why is NATO staying so silent about their own bylaws?

Where are the independent media sources getting out the truth by interviewing Ukrainians who live outside of Kyiv? If anyone has a link please share.
No, you must go back to Korea.
We can't help you being information compromised. Already posted to USMB is the Swedish Viking link to Ukraine's history as well as the Swedish swastika Link to the Ukraine.
Why not just post a link in your reply to my post then? What is the purpose of insulting me?
Since Putin is now doing a drug bust in Ukraine, one can understand the frustration of reactionary forces calling Hunter's drug addictions, like Zelenskiy's drug addictions, off topic. Frankly, Norris wasn't that impressive discussing virology, either.

More on the connections in Ukraine:

Helena Glass Blog 2022
'....Kolomoyskyi's TV station aired Zelenskiy's comedy....Kolomoyskyi decided he would appoint board members from the U.S., including Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and David Leiter, all bundled under John Kerry....Joseph Cofer Black, former CIA, Alan Apter of Morgan Stanley and Aleksander Kwasniewski, former president of Poland.
Kolomoyskyi was operating Burisma out of Cyprus. When the Obama administration learned that Ukraine's newly appointed prosecutor, Lutsenko, was going to open investigations into Burisma and Biden, Obama demanded the investigation be shut down. "He gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute." One of the groups on that list to stop investigating was AntAc, the Anti-Corruption Action Center, put together by Obama and George Soros.'
Not interested in your pathetic justifications for supporting Trump and the communists.
You squalid opportunists.
You are all americas enemy now .
Yeah, yeah, everyone who isn't tripping over themselves to gush and swoon for the criminal miscreants running the Ukraine must be a Russian troll. You folks get more pathetic by the day. Run along now, that dirtbag Zelensky should be announcing more lies for you to swallow soon.
We confronted another nasty little prick using the 'Russian troll' approach. The Wee Folk also seem to be envious of others who are interested in other languages besides their mother tongue.
" Because I'm strong enough and Smart enough and doggone it
People like Joe Biden like me. " ?

Doctor No can only spank his monkey with one hand.

Has Biden been previously exposed to high levels of radiation or was it fentanyl from Hunter's briefcase?
This is the third time I have posted the following fact, so sorry for anyone allergic to redundancy, but I can’t get over the following aspect: where are the NATO members speaking out publicly that no country can be allowed membership that has territories under dispute? NATO members have surely not forgotten this and ever since 2000 1314 with disputed Crimea, they know this is the case?

A public statement would’ve gone viral about this and reached Putin‘s ears. It would also remove one of Putin‘s justification that he’s mentioned, that Ukraine becoming a NATO member is his backyard and only neutrality would be a satisfying outcome. Leaders need to have some sense of a win to end the war, unless they’re completely defeated. Why are the countries stalling and don’t want this war to end?

Why should I believe that Zelensky, the Ukrainian president is a “democratic hero”, when he jailed his political opposition (the mayor who placed 2nd) after winning, and shut down 4 oppositional news stations for criticizing him? Ukraine has never been a democracy.

My question remains (while continuing to scour the Internet) can people living in Ukraine speak out publicly against Zelensky without being jailed?

Live footage on TikTok depict many claiming to be Ukrainian living in Kyiv and in other parts of Ukraine. Video footage also supports the claim that Poland is placing “Ukrainians first, Indians second, and Africans third” in acceptance for a train ride to Poland.

The problem is there is no way to verify individual footage, particularly nowadays with shysters, although many appear to be legit. Some footage supports Zelensky, others not so much. US soldiers stationed in Poland are also providing info live, according to their take.

It is a sad day when you cannot 100% know if primary statements made by Ukrainians on live feeds are truthful or not, and which side is telling the truth. The truth on the ground in Kyiv must come out directly from the Ukrainian citizens and Ukrainian/Russians, not from various governmental posturing.
Very well written Claire.. Thanks
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How can we be sure Russian troops attacked the power plant instead of it being Ukrainian agents setting off charges then claiming it was the Russians to draw us into a war with Russia?



That's just it, we can't be sure because we only have a super dishonest (proven during the Trump year's), media attempting to report the news. All of a sudden we are to believe anything it says now ? Crazy times we're living in that's for sure. It all (over time) may have led us to where we are now. Another 4 years of Trump wouldn't have brought about the madness we've seen since he got alledgedly shafted, but here we are as the proof is in abundance that the nation made a huge mistake if they had legitimately voted this administration into power.

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