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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
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My brother, Mike the Californian voted for Obama. He said: "I'm voting for the first black man in history for president of the United States" . I was shocked, it's like saying "I voted for Mitt Romney, the white candidate for vague reasons"....
Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
No. I did not vote for Obama.

In his autobiography he proclaimed that he was a natural born British subject, rather than a natural born U.S. citizen.

I think he probably did that for one of 2 reasons.

1) He hates Americans in general.

2) He's clueless, and didn't know that the US Constitution had a clause that required the president of the USA to be a natural born citizen of the USA.

And there's a lot of other reasons I wouldn't vote for him.
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I lost my political hymen on this issue. Obama was mediocre and a nobody, what made him was his ambiguous race, was he white or black? YES! Wait a minute, he is mixed race...UM. I am lost here.
The democrats are using race as a wedge issue. The US census doesn't have a category for "mixed" race, they still use the "one drop rule", which makes no sense to me.

So I have two solutions:
1. Eliminate race altogether from all forms, you are either an American citizen or you are not.
2. Add "mixed race" as a race selection on all forms.

If the US truly is a "melting pot" we need to eliminate the "one drop rule".
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Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
Nope. I didn't.

He's still living rent free in your head huh?
I lost my political hymen on this issue. Obama was mediocre and a nobody, what made him was his ambiguous race, was he white or black? YES! Wait a minute, he is mixed race...UM. I am lost here.
He had better economic policies. And, turned a Republican, Recession around.
No. O was just another neocon. He took two wars and made it seven. He threw 5 million Americans out of their homes, while protecting and enriching the big banks and wall street. He dropped more bombs on brown people than W. He nearly doubled the national debt, after W blew it up massively, but did almost nothing for the American people. He divided Americans on race like never before. Passed a HC plan that greatly enriched big hospital and insurance, but did little for the uninsured.

Is Gitmo closed?
Major Hasan still lives!
I lost my political hymen on this issue. Obama was mediocre and a nobody, what made him was his ambiguous race, was he white or black? YES! Wait a minute, he is mixed race...UM. I am lost here.
He had better economic policies. And, turned a Republican, Recession around.
No. O was just another neocon. He took two wars and made it seven. He threw 5 million Americans out of their homes, while protecting and enriching the big banks and wall street. He dropped more bombs on brown people than W. He nearly doubled the national debt, after W blew it up massively, but did almost nothing for the American people. He divided Americans on race like never before. Passed a HC plan that greatly enriched big hospital and insurance, but did little for the uninsured.

Is Gitmo closed?
Major Hasan still lives!
Healthcare reform was nothing? Right-wingers have been trying to repeal it ever since.

President Obama's first inauguration was held during the depths of the Great Recession. The situation was dire; the economy had lost nearly 3.6 million jobs in 2008 and was shedding jobs at a nearly 800,000 per month rate when he took office.
On February 17, 2009, Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $831 billion economic stimulus package aimed at helping the economy recover from the deepening worldwide recession.[28]
Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
No. I did not vote for Obama.

In his autobiography he proclaimed that he was a natural born British subject, rather than a natural born U.S. citizen.

I think he probably did that for one of 2 reasons.

1) He hates Americans in general.

2) He's clueless, and didn't know that the US Constitution had a clause that required the president of the USA to be a natural born citizen of the USA.

And there's a lot of other reasons I wouldn't vote for him.

Obama didn't write the blurb in the flyleaf of his book

Obama couldn't have been born in British East Africa.. If he had, his birth would have been registered at the nearest US Consulate.. Otherwise his mother would NEVER have been able to bring him thru US Customs and Immigration.

Americans are so bloody ignorant about their laws... including their citizenship laws.

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United ...
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof; (b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe: Provided, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other …
I lost my political hymen on this issue. Obama was mediocre and a nobody, what made him was his ambiguous race, was he white or black? YES! Wait a minute, he is mixed race...UM. I am lost here.
He had better economic policies. And, turned a Republican, Recession around.
No. O was just another neocon. He took two wars and made it seven. He threw 5 million Americans out of their homes, while protecting and enriching the big banks and wall street. He dropped more bombs on brown people than W. He nearly doubled the national debt, after W blew it up massively, but did almost nothing for the American people. He divided Americans on race like never before. Passed a HC plan that greatly enriched big hospital and insurance, but did little for the uninsured.

Is Gitmo closed?
Major Hasan still lives!
Healthcare reform was nothing? Right-wingers have been trying to repeal it ever since.

President Obama's first inauguration was held during the depths of the Great Recession. The situation was dire; the economy had lost nearly 3.6 million jobs in 2008 and was shedding jobs at a nearly 800,000 per month rate when he took office.
On February 17, 2009, Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $831 billion economic stimulus package aimed at helping the economy recover from the deepening worldwide recession.[28]
Means nothing. You can blame Rs for O’s many failures and corruption, like a good establishment lackey. The points I made are indisputable. They are facts.

Did he do some good things? Sure he did. Every potus does some good. Even dumb Don.
Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
No. I did not vote for Obama.

In his autobiography he proclaimed that he was a natural born British subject, rather than a natural born U.S. citizen.

I think he probably did that for one of 2 reasons.

1) He hates Americans in general.

2) He's clueless, and didn't know that the US Constitution had a clause that required the president of the USA to be a natural born citizen of the USA.

And there's a lot of other reasons I wouldn't vote for him.

Obama didn't write the blurb in the flyleaf of his book
I wasn't talking about that telling blurb in a literary agency's promotional flyleaf of a book that was never published, I was talking about the autobiography, "Dreams From My Father", that Obama wrote several years after that. The one where he confesses to eating dogs and bugs.

But you obviously do not read many, if any, books, so I seriously doubt that you've read that book. That's why you're so clueless.
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Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
No. I did not vote for Obama.

In his autobiography he proclaimed that he was a natural born British subject, rather than a natural born U.S. citizen.

I think he probably did that for one of 2 reasons.

1) He hates Americans in general.

2) He's clueless, and didn't know that the US Constitution had a clause that required the president of the USA to be a natural born citizen of the USA.

And there's a lot of other reasons I wouldn't vote for him.

Obama didn't write the blurb in the flyleaf of his book
I wasn't talking about that telling blurb in a literary agency's promotional flyleaf of a book that was never published, I was talking about what the autobiography, "Dreams From My father", that Obama wrote several years after that.

But of course, you obviously don't read many books, so I seriously doubt that you've read it.

Obama never claimed he was born in Kenya or British East Arica. NEVER.. How could you be so stupid? Read the statute.

Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
No. I did not vote for Obama.

In his autobiography he proclaimed that he was a natural born British subject, rather than a natural born U.S. citizen.

I think he probably did that for one of 2 reasons.

1) He hates Americans in general.

2) He's clueless, and didn't know that the US Constitution had a clause that required the president of the USA to be a natural born citizen of the USA.

And there's a lot of other reasons I wouldn't vote for him.

Obama didn't write the blurb in the flyleaf of his book
I wasn't talking about that telling blurb in a literary agency's promotional flyleaf of a book that was never published, I was talking about what the autobiography, "Dreams From My father", that Obama wrote several years after that.

But of course, you obviously don't read many books, so I seriously doubt that you've read it.

Obama never claimed he was born in Kenya or British East Arica. NEVER.. How could you be so stupid? Read the statute.
I never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Yes, it's slightly possible that he was born in Kenya, but very doubtful.

Put yourself in his mother's shoes. If you were a pregnant woman about to give birth, would you rather give birth in the USA, or desperately, fighting morning sickness and motion sickness, get on a plane to travel to some third world shithole in Africa?

That doesn't make Obama a natural born citizen of the USA, in the context of the US constitution.

A natural born citizen of the USA is a person who was born in the USA to parents who are US citizens. His father was not a citizen of the USA. He was a communist Kenyan politician.

To comprehend the difference between a natural born subject and natural born citizen, I recommend reading Emerich de Vattel's Law of Nations and compare that to William Blackstone's books.

Also note that the records at the Library of Congress show that Vattel's Law of Nations was the most requested book during the constitutional conventions.

Natural Born Citizen vs. Natural Born Subjects to the British monarchy.

Hell, the USA fought the war of 1812 over this subject.
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