Put up or shut up:

I lost my political hymen on this issue. Obama was mediocre and a nobody, what made him was his ambiguous race, was he white or black? YES! Wait a minute, he is mixed race...UM. I am lost here.
The democrats are using race as a wedge issue. The US census doesn't have a category for "mixed" race, they still use the "one drop rule", which makes no sense to me.

So I have two solutions:
1. Eliminate race altogether from all forms, you are either an American citizen or you are not.
2. Add "mixed race" as a race selection on all forms.

If the US truly is a "melting pot" we need to eliminate the "one drop rule".

I’m shocked that race is a question on any form
Do you mean like most Americans who have convict blood way back in their genes?
It might be because you hate democrats.
Thought so.
Obama never identified as anything than what he was. He and we all knew He was mixed race so where's this false identification come in.
I don't recall him ever calling himself white or black. It's simply not true.
Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
Of course they did. Any of them saying policy was why are liars. It’s why whenever you didn’t like one of his policies they immediately said what? That’s right, you’re a racist.
This racism scam is the biggest lie ever perpetuated in history of the United States of America ever. Its worse than the Salem witch hunt or McCarthyism. These are indeed scary times we live in, we have the modern equivalent of Warsaw Jewish kapos, collaborators and American version of Vici French dictating to us WE ARE BAD if we resent them...
I lost my political hymen on this issue. Obama was mediocre and a nobody, what made him was his ambiguous race, was he white or black? YES! Wait a minute, he is mixed race...UM. I am lost here.
He had better economic policies. And, turned a Republican, Recession around.
No. O was just another neocon. He took two wars and made it seven. He threw 5 million Americans out of their homes, while protecting and enriching the big banks and wall street. He dropped more bombs on brown people than W. He nearly doubled the national debt, after W blew it up massively, but did almost nothing for the American people. He divided Americans on race like never before. Passed a HC plan that greatly enriched big hospital and insurance, but did little for the uninsured.

Is Gitmo closed?
Major Hasan still lives!

None of these facts are trues because first black president and stuff.
This racism scam is the biggest lie ever perpetuated in history of the United States of America ever. Its worse than the Salem witch hunt or McCarthyism. These are indeed scary times we live in, we have the modern equivalent of Warsaw Jewish kapos, collaborators and American version of Vici French dictating to us WE ARE BAD if we resent them...
This is far worse than what was even done then. Back then they chose a race to go after and even if you didn’t agree if you weren’t of that race you could slide by. Now everyone IS a racist and it can’t even be confined to a race. Blacks that don’t toe the line are racist, Hispanics that speak out are racist and of course all whites are racist. Even the Asians need to STFU or they’re racist. Actual racism has nothing to do with anything. It’s ideology. Not being all in on an ideology is what makes you racist. It’s fucking bad.
Obama never identified as anything than what he was. He and we all knew He was mixed race so where's this false identification come in.
I don't recall him ever calling himself white or black. It's simply not true.
The majority of what you believe is simply not true.
barry soetoro was a ghost.... a stolen SSN, a ham-handedly back-dated selective service registration and a birth certificate that looked like it was crafted by a 7-year old... obviously nobody thought the little dog-eating shitlet would be installed as POTUS one day when they were putting together his documentation.

It's starting to look like Dominion installed that faggot in the white house too....
barry soetoro was a ghost.... a stolen SSN, a ham-handedly back-dated selective service registration and a birth certificate that looked like it was crafted by a 7-year old... obviously nobody thought the little dog-eating shitlet would be installed as POTUS one day when they were putting together his documentation.

It's starting to look like Dominion installed that faggot in the white house too....
Far be it from me to defend Obama, but the stolen SSN story is pure bullshit. The SSN he has is for CT but because the Hawaii zip code he used is almost the same as a location in CT, some government clerk misread a 9 as a 0.

Where did you get the backdated selective service registration from? That's the first I have heard of it.

I saw nothing wrong with his birth certificate from Hawaii. Why do you believe it was faked?

I am interested in your conspiracy theory.

It's a good thing there are no socialists in the Democrat party. Now all we have to do is get rid of those corrupt dinosaurs like McConnell etc.

Try you mealy mouthed words on someone else. You're just another hate filled repigs.

Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
No. I did not vote for Obama.

In his autobiography he proclaimed that he was a natural born British subject, rather than a natural born U.S. citizen.

I think he probably did that for one of 2 reasons.

1) He hates Americans in general.

2) He's clueless, and didn't know that the US Constitution had a clause that required the president of the USA to be a natural born citizen of the USA.

And there's a lot of other reasons I wouldn't vote for him.

Obama didn't write the blurb in the flyleaf of his book
I wasn't talking about that telling blurb in a literary agency's promotional flyleaf of a book that was never published, I was talking about what the autobiography, "Dreams From My father", that Obama wrote several years after that.

But of course, you obviously don't read many books, so I seriously doubt that you've read it.

Obama never claimed he was born in Kenya or British East Arica. NEVER.. How could you be so stupid? Read the statute.
I never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Yes, it's slightly possible that he was born in Kenya, but very doubtful.

Put yourself in his mother's shoes. If you were a pregnant woman about to give birth, would you rather give birth in the USA, or desperately, fighting morning sickness and motion sickness, get on a plane to travel to some third world shithole in Africa?

That doesn't make Obama a natural born citizen of the USA, in the context of the US constitution.

A natural born citizen of the USA is a person who was born in the USA to parents who are US citizens. His father was not a citizen of the USA. He was a communist Kenyan politician.

To comprehend the difference between a natural born subject and natural born citizen, I recommend reading Emerich de Vattel's Law of Nations and compare that to William Blackstone's books.

Also note that the records at the Library of Congress show that Vattel's Law of Nations was the most requested book during the constitutional conventions.

Natural Born Citizen vs. Natural Born Subjects to the British monarchy.

Hell, the USA fought the war of 1812 over this subject.

In 1961 Kenya had no international airport so it was at minimum a 3 day trip to Hawaii. Women didn't fly such routes after the first trimester and for 6 weeks after giving birth.

Do you know the meaning of the word "jurisdiction"?

You should actually READ the statute.

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United ...
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof; (b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe: Provided, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other …
Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
Of course they did. Any of them saying policy was why are liars. It’s why whenever you didn’t like one of his policies they immediately said what? That’s right, you’re a racist.

People voted for Obama because W and the Republicans had completely fucked the country, and crashed the economy.

Just like they voted for Biden because Trump and the Republicans had completely fucked the country, killed 500,000 Americans and crashed the economy.

Younger voters who are being struck crushed with $50,000 in student debt before they get their first job, are voting Democrat so that they will at least have an economic chance in life.

Republicans don’t know how to do anything except cut taxes and crash the economy. 40 years of Republican economic failure has left the American workers sick, broke and unemployed.
Did you vote for Obama strictly on race? Being that he was mixed race sort muddies the water, so to speak.
Of course they did. Any of them saying policy was why are liars. It’s why whenever you didn’t like one of his policies they immediately said what? That’s right, you’re a racist.

People voted for Obama because W and the Republicans had completely fucked the country, and crashed the economy.

Just like they voted for Biden because Trump and the Republicans had completely fucked the country, killed 500,000 Americans and crashed the economy.

Younger voters who are being struck crushed with $50,000 in student debt before they get their first job, are voting Democrat so that they will at least have an economic chance in life.

Republicans don’t know how to do anything except cut taxes and crash the economy. 40 years of Republican economic failure has left the American workers sick, broke and unemployed.
Democrat policies caused the housing crisis and crash. Obie did nothing but slow the recovery.

Again, democrat policies caused the COVID problems to be much worse than necessary and you idiots still won’t stop being idiots.

Younger voters need a fucking lesson in finance and making wise decisions. Saddling yourself with that much debt isn’t my problem. STFU, learn from your mistakes and pay your own fucking debts.

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