Purpose of media misunderstood by conservatives: A Cons Opinion


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

and who said leftist werent authoritarian despots,,,
Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”
Is he actually saying we are being too mean to the meanest Americans since the confederacy? That's rich. If rank and file republicans didn't like the whackadoodles who speak for them they would tell them to shut up.
“…counteract perceived liberal bias.”

An incorrect perception.

That the press reports factual accounts of events which conflict with conservative political, social, and fiscal dogma – exposing that dogma to be false and wrong – isn’t ‘liberal bias.’

“Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.”

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of the press to coddle or placate citizens because of their partisan beliefs. It’s the role and responsibility of the press to report the facts and truth – even if that should upset partisan conservatives.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled…”

And, again, the way to address the fact that those who vote Republican have been misled is for the press to report factually and truthfully – even if that conflicts with wrongheaded conservative dogma.
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

LOL, what a crock of shit. These so-called journalists in the main stream media do not investigate the facts, they just push an Agenda. Their far left Agenda.
the MSM also does not cover emergent events if they are positive for Trump. I watched CNN the other night when the whole ballot fraud controversy was going on. CNN was reporting on COVID only.
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

The Main Stream Media, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the "very fine people" lie, that they are the one waging a political war against their enemies.

Any conservatives reporters, who feel that there is a liberal bias to the industry as a whole, are just demonstrating that they have an awareness of their environment.

If the accusations of the OP are true, that would be a good thing. THe Left needs fought against, on ever level and every front.
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

The Main Stream Media, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the "very fine people" lie, that they are the one waging a political war against their enemies.

Any conservatives reporters, who feel that there is a liberal bias to the industry as a whole, are just demonstrating that they have an awareness of their environment.

If the accusations of the OP are true, that would be a good thing. THe Left needs fought against, on ever level and every front.
The enemy of MSM is lies and deception. The media will call your ass out and that’s why right wingers hate it. It shines a bright ass light at your lies and distortions and like cockroaches you scurry to dark places like OAN and 8chan.
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

The Main Stream Media, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the "very fine people" lie, that they are the one waging a political war against their enemies.

Any conservatives reporters, who feel that there is a liberal bias to the industry as a whole, are just demonstrating that they have an awareness of their environment.

If the accusations of the OP are true, that would be a good thing. THe Left needs fought against, on ever level and every front.
The enemy of MSM is lies and deception. The media will call your ass out and that’s why right wingers hate it. It shines a bright ass light at your lies and distortions and like cockroaches you scurry to dark places like OAN and 8chan.

Except I mentioned in my post, that you hit the "reply" button too, a very significant example of the msm doing the lying and deception.

So, your point was refuted before you even started.

That you just repeated something that was already addressed, without any attempt to counter it, is your admission that you cannot counter it, that it is the truth and the final word on this issue.

THe MSM, are the lying whores, and you love them for it.
Interesting article...and some good points, especially about listening to the other side.

The Examiner was the first place where Sheffield says he saw the kind of standards that differentiate “actual media and reporting institutions” — which may have inherent or even conscious bias — from right-wing websites for which partisan bias is the north star, the guiding principle.​


He told Yahoo News that his advice for Americans of all political ideologies is to make sure they don’t retreat into an information bubble.
“If you’re not seeing what the other side has to say, then you’ll miss stuff that’s true and inconvenient. If you can’t confront information that’s inconvenient to you, then you’re not serious about the information,” he said. “Your opinions are not informed. They are ignorant. If you don’t encounter information that makes you say, ‘Huh, maybe I was wrong about that’ — if you never think that to yourself — you’re not doing it right.”
Interesting article...and some good points, especially about listening to the other side.

The Examiner was the first place where Sheffield says he saw the kind of standards that differentiate “actual media and reporting institutions” — which may have inherent or even conscious bias — from right-wing websites for which partisan bias is the north star, the guiding principle.​


He told Yahoo News that his advice for Americans of all political ideologies is to make sure they don’t retreat into an information bubble.
“If you’re not seeing what the other side has to say, then you’ll miss stuff that’s true and inconvenient. If you can’t confront information that’s inconvenient to you, then you’re not serious about the information,” he said. “Your opinions are not informed. They are ignorant. If you don’t encounter information that makes you say, ‘Huh, maybe I was wrong about that’ — if you never think that to yourself — you’re not doing it right.”

How do you explain how the "very fine people" lie became the Party Line of the MSM?
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

The Main Stream Media, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the "very fine people" lie, that they are the one waging a political war against their enemies.

Any conservatives reporters, who feel that there is a liberal bias to the industry as a whole, are just demonstrating that they have an awareness of their environment.

If the accusations of the OP are true, that would be a good thing. THe Left needs fought against, on ever level and every front.
The enemy of MSM is lies and deception. The media will call your ass out and that’s why right wingers hate it. It shines a bright ass light at your lies and distortions and like cockroaches you scurry to dark places like OAN and 8chan.

Except I mentioned in my post, that you hit the "reply" button too, a very significant example of the msm doing the lying and deception.

So, your point was refuted before you even started.

That you just repeated something that was already addressed, without any attempt to counter it, is your admission that you cannot counter it, that it is the truth and the final word on this issue.

THe MSM, are the lying whores, and you love them for it.
I’m sure you were embarrassed by Trump so I am sorry for what you experienced. If you can pull yourself together and watch the MSM present DTs own words in context you’ll probably agree he was wrong. I’ll pray for your ability to see reason.

In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

The Main Stream Media, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the "very fine people" lie, that they are the one waging a political war against their enemies.

Any conservatives reporters, who feel that there is a liberal bias to the industry as a whole, are just demonstrating that they have an awareness of their environment.

If the accusations of the OP are true, that would be a good thing. THe Left needs fought against, on ever level and every front.
The enemy of MSM is lies and deception. The media will call your ass out and that’s why right wingers hate it. It shines a bright ass light at your lies and distortions and like cockroaches you scurry to dark places like OAN and 8chan.

Except I mentioned in my post, that you hit the "reply" button too, a very significant example of the msm doing the lying and deception.

So, your point was refuted before you even started.

That you just repeated something that was already addressed, without any attempt to counter it, is your admission that you cannot counter it, that it is the truth and the final word on this issue.

THe MSM, are the lying whores, and you love them for it.
I’m sure you were embarrassed by Trump so I am sorry for what you experienced. If you can pull yourself together and watch the MSM present DTs own words in context you’ll probably agree he was wrong. I’ll pray for your ability to see reason.

I've watched them and repeatedly linked the complete transcripts here with clear in context excerpts proving that he was clear that he did not say that.

Trump is notorious for being a sloppy speaking and unclear and off message.

BUT, in this case, he managed to be perfectly clear and completely on message and almost perfectly and explicitly clear.

He repeatedly condemned the ws, and was clear that the people on "both sides" were both sides of the issue of historical statues, not the "ws" and "antifa" divide.

You are a filthy liar.
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

The Main Stream Media, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the "very fine people" lie, that they are the one waging a political war against their enemies.

Any conservatives reporters, who feel that there is a liberal bias to the industry as a whole, are just demonstrating that they have an awareness of their environment.

If the accusations of the OP are true, that would be a good thing. THe Left needs fought against, on ever level and every front.
The enemy of MSM is lies and deception. The media will call your ass out and that’s why right wingers hate it. It shines a bright ass light at your lies and distortions and like cockroaches you scurry to dark places like OAN and 8chan.

Except I mentioned in my post, that you hit the "reply" button too, a very significant example of the msm doing the lying and deception.

So, your point was refuted before you even started.

That you just repeated something that was already addressed, without any attempt to counter it, is your admission that you cannot counter it, that it is the truth and the final word on this issue.

THe MSM, are the lying whores, and you love them for it.
I’m sure you were embarrassed by Trump so I am sorry for what you experienced. If you can pull yourself together and watch the MSM present DTs own words in context you’ll probably agree he was wrong. I’ll pray for your ability to see reason.

I've watched them and repeatedly linked the complete transcripts here with clear in context excerpts proving that he was clear that he did not say that.

Trump is notorious for being a sloppy speaking and unclear and off message.

BUT, in this case, he managed to be perfectly clear and completely on message and almost perfectly and explicitly clear.

He repeatedly condemned the ws, and was clear that the people on "both sides" were both sides of the issue of historical statues, not the "ws" and "antifa" divide.

You are a filthy liar.
Bitch please. Go to 1:05 in my link unless you are a coward. You cried in the last post you didn’t want to watch. Well watch this shit sandwich at 1:05. You are lying to yourself. Everyone on this board can see it. 1:05 bitch. 1:05.
In a moment of transcendental awakening (or “no duh”) one of the early conservative media pioneers says the conservative media institutions have lost their way and do not understand the purpose of journalism:

After Sheffield went to work at the Washington Examiner, where he was the newspaper’s first online editor, he says he realized that “U.S. conservatives do not understand the purpose of journalism.”

“Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact,” he wrote. “I eventually realized that most people who run right-dominated media outlets see it as their DUTY to be unfair and to favor Republicans because doing so would somehow counteract perceived liberal bias.”

Sheffield believes that much of the mainstream press doesn’t write empathetically enough about most conservative voters.

“The tens of millions of people who vote Republican are not deplorable. They are misled,” he wrote. “And the mocking and tribalistic coverage that lefty media often engage in only makes things worse.”

The Main Stream Media, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the "very fine people" lie, that they are the one waging a political war against their enemies.

Any conservatives reporters, who feel that there is a liberal bias to the industry as a whole, are just demonstrating that they have an awareness of their environment.

If the accusations of the OP are true, that would be a good thing. THe Left needs fought against, on ever level and every front.
The enemy of MSM is lies and deception. The media will call your ass out and that’s why right wingers hate it. It shines a bright ass light at your lies and distortions and like cockroaches you scurry to dark places like OAN and 8chan.

Except I mentioned in my post, that you hit the "reply" button too, a very significant example of the msm doing the lying and deception.

So, your point was refuted before you even started.

That you just repeated something that was already addressed, without any attempt to counter it, is your admission that you cannot counter it, that it is the truth and the final word on this issue.

THe MSM, are the lying whores, and you love them for it.
I’m sure you were embarrassed by Trump so I am sorry for what you experienced. If you can pull yourself together and watch the MSM present DTs own words in context you’ll probably agree he was wrong. I’ll pray for your ability to see reason.

I've watched them and repeatedly linked the complete transcripts here with clear in context excerpts proving that he was clear that he did not say that.

Trump is notorious for being a sloppy speaking and unclear and off message.

BUT, in this case, he managed to be perfectly clear and completely on message and almost perfectly and explicitly clear.

He repeatedly condemned the ws, and was clear that the people on "both sides" were both sides of the issue of historical statues, not the "ws" and "antifa" divide.

You are a filthy liar.
Bitch please. Go to 1:05 in my link unless you are a coward. You cried in the last post you didn’t want to watch. Well watch this shit sandwich at 1:05. You are lying to yourself. Everyone on this board can see it. 1:05 bitch. 1:05.

Yep. "On both sides" of hte issue of historical statues, on which Trump was very clear.

He explicitly stated that repeatedly and, for the slower kids in the class, he then repeatedly explicitly condemned the ws.

AND my point that this lie is so blatant that is proves the point of this thread, ie that it is the RIGHT that is fucked up, for seeing a leftward "bias" in the Mainstream Media,

those conservative media, are completely right.

From your video, ,time 1:58,

" and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. "

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