Public Service Reminder From Mitt Romney


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by directorblue @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Public Service Reminder From Mitt Romney

...what’s more telling are a series of quotes from Romney campaign officials. Again, there are the normal caveats about the private polling showing their man holding onto a tight lead.
But then we get this: “At a rally this morning in New Hampshire, I asked a senior Mitt Romney campaign adviser what the campaign had planned in the final crucial days. His answer was swift. 'Praying'.”
And this: “One adviser this morning was even more candid: "I'm not saying (Mr. Obama) is definitely going to lose."
And finally this: "We're the challengers. We always knew we could lose," one aide told me here in Dubuque. "They [the Obama camp] never contemplated they could lose."

Mitt Romney's campaign is finally admitting to itself that the election has slipped away – Telegraph Blogs
Romney says, "Do you want real change"?


That's all he would leave you. "Change".
Seriously, if Romney has the bulk of his money overseas and he has millions invested in China paying people 99 cents an hour without anything but government health care, does he have more money in China than the US?
And he wants to get rid of the minimum wage here? Why don't right wingers just move to China? I'm sure Mitt will get you a job and it won't be minimum wage.
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