
There is little doubt that PTSD is real. There is also little doubt that it is way over diagnosed.

For example; The Former Chaplain (now finance offcer) of my American legion post is a battle of the Bulge veteran. Last year a VA Doctor told him he had PTSD. He came to the next meeting telling us all about it and laughing his head off.

But then on the other hand.
Our newest member has served 2 tours in Afghanistan Came home got hit by a car and has had 4 surgeries and looking at another 6 months of Rehab. No PTSD diagnosed so far.....

The American Legion and the VFW are great places to see how the VA over diagnoses PTSD. Everyone knows what job the other did and it is funny to see how many people who never saw combat get compenation for combat injuries. Over diagnosing is a serious problem in the VA. Thats not to say people don't have it, however, there is a giant chunk who do not.
I'm going to share an unpopular opinion. I'm SICK OF PTSD. I've served in theater, pulled triggers, watched incoming shit and have had bullets nearly take me out. Unless you've done that or you've picked a soldier's guts up off the ground and helped carry them to a MEDEVAC, you certainly deserve all the respect and benefits the empire can provide. If you're some bed wetter who heard a loud noise in the middle of the night and woke up terrified there were incoming mortars you deserve nothing.

There are too many people getting shit they don't deserve and they're taking resources away from people who've seen and felt REAL trauma. How did all those WW2 vets come back and lead prosperous lives after YEARS of combat and NO LEAVE? Last I looked there were no Burger Kings on the Western Front. Americans please stop being such pussies, or we're going to fall like Rome.

PTSD is as much bullshit as MMGW.


Those links do not support your claims.

And...the military is a SOCIALIST organization. You are about as wrong as a person can be.

Excuse me. The military is the most ideologically conservative organization in the United States. There, problem fixed.

The fact that you don't recognize the military times polls doesn’t surprise me. Likewise, the fact that you didn't tell me why doesn’t surprise me. So, are we just going to debate whether it is duck or rabbit season? or are you here just so that you can tell yourself that you are right with no refutation to the facts?

Lone Laugher has never heard of the OathKeepers. What would scare him more is the majority of the military supports them, even if they aren't Oathkeepers themselves.

The Progressives will never achieve their goals with a non-compliant military, but they have an alternate global military force at their command to carry forth their agenda, and this is what's frightening.
Its all a racket. And notice the disappearance of opposition in this thread.

Likely because they were a bunch of people that never served and therefore do not have the firsthand experiences that tell us how fucked up the system is.

That could be so, however, it is more likely that they got hooked on the VA trough, they now vote for democrats to keep the trough full, and they will suck on that government teat for the rest of their lives. Indeed, there are thousands of vets who enjoyed the leisure of Deep South Vietnam where they got to walk off base and have a beer with a local lady of the evening, and now, theyre running to the VA for crap they never came in contact with.

I would not go that far. Neither party disparages the VA and both are willing to overfill the trough. A few years ago, it was the dems that were increasing military pay and benefits OVER what the repubs asked for. Both parties like using the military as a political stomping point even if they don’t give a rats ass after they go home.

With the distribution of republicans to democrats in the military AND the fact that I believe (don’t have the numbers to support me but I have my own observations) true combat veterans are MUCH more likely to be active in the VA than non-combat veterans that they VA is likely even more tilted to the right.

It is one of my complaints about the current government, EVERYONE want to cut but NO ONE want to cut their piece of the government cheese. Republicans are just as bad as democrats here clining to their programs that they use just as much as the dems do theirs. Most vets that are pulling benefits don’t want to see them cut even when they are way too excessive.

I’ll use my neighbor as an example again. He is a republican through and through, hates Obama and all his policies to the core. He is now on disability of which he does deserve but he is getting 100 percent AND works full time for the VA pulling another check along with other benefits as well. None of them should be cut according to him. He does not want his cheese cut even though for this budgetary fiasco to resolve, everything is going to get hit.
I did notice they don't say much.

If it doesn't take long to say what you have to say, what's wrong with that? saves bandwidth for the blowhards! :D

The problem is that since Progressives/Liberals never write more than one or two lines, we can never understand their side of the argument. They tell us what they are against, but never what they are for. They ridicule the philosophies of Natural Rights and Capitalism, but they do not praise any philosophy of their own.

Although I am free to form my own opinions about which philosophies are guiding modern progressives and liberals, I have yet to see their own opinions about which philosophies guide them, or are Progressive unaware of their right to form their own thoughts?

It is difficult to engage in discourse with you opponent, when you provide your arguments, but they provide none. It creates a lopsided debate where you are constantly under attack, because your opponent conceals their beliefs, thus making them immune to attack. Then they triumphantly declare victory, while not possessing any tangible thing or logical idea of which to boast. Unfortunately, for the masses, this tactic is brilliant, because you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

This is off subject for this thread, so I'll only answer it once.

I've probably left more words on this board than anyone else currently here and I've answered every question you raised at some point, in some thread or other, probably several times over. If you haven't seen it, I'd suggest it's because you're not looking. You're so close-minded, so obsessed with "libtards," or whatever term you're using today, that you're really not listening. If someone takes the time to explain anything to you and it's contrary to whatever you already believe, you just skim over it and ignore it. I've seen you do it in thread after thread after thread.

I'm not condemning you. That's just who you are. But, understand that if you think you're not getting what you want or ask for from the "left," it's not because it hasn't been offered. It's because you're so focused on what YOU believe that you're simply not paying attention.
Well I can speak for retired military, we just got screwed again. for 2 years they claim ther was no rise in the cost of living so we received no COLA increase. I can live with that. But This year my Military retirement went up $37 a month, and then they took it all back plus in the cost of my prescriptions.

From $3 to $5, $9 to $12, and $25 to $43..... Depending on what your script is for depends which of the three you pay. Far cry from the free healthcare we were promised.........
I'm not condemning you. That's just who you are. But, understand that if you think you're not getting what you want or ask for from the "left," it's not because it hasn't been offered. It's because you're so focused on what YOU believe that you're simply not paying attention.

I believe in the Constitution and the founding histories and philosophies behind it.

When a Republican tries to impose their religious views, I look to the First Amendment.

When a Democrat tries to impose Gun Control, I look to the Second Amendment.

When both parties try to quarter drones over our skies to create a police state, I look to the Third Amendment.

When Republicans pass the Patriot Act, I look to the Fourth Amendment.

When Democrats pass the NDAA, I look to Amendment Five through Eight.

When both parties advocate that the government creates privileges, I look to the Ninth Amendment.

When Congress passes laws outside its enumerated powers, I look to the Tenth Amendment.


You're all deluded if you think either party cares about you or our rights in general.

We no longer have a Natural Bill of Rights that can be neither denied nor disparaged, we have an Artificial List of Privileges, that must be earned and can be revoked at any time without reason. Unknown to most Republicans is that they are Progressives themselves, they are simply promoting a parallel Progressive agenda.

Here is a sample of what I'm writing for the Aegis of Liberty Foundation:

a. Classical Liberalism vs Progressivism

One of the most polysemous words in American vernacular is the word liberal. The meaning of this word has evolved over the centuries, whilst the meaning itself has had several different variations at any point in time. The history of the word's transformation is fascinating, for the examination of the subject provides the reader with both invaluable and essential knowledge, knowledge that is requisite to understand the very philosophical foundations of our Constitution.

Although the basic concepts of Classical Liberalism have existed since antiquity, it is best to begin this inquiry at the inception of Classical Liberalism during the Age of Enlightenment, founded by the philosopher John Locke. In order to understand John Locke, we must also understand one of those most responsible for influencing his development of Classical Liberal ideology.

Our investigation beings with a man named John Milton and the concept of the Divine Right of Kings. The theory of Divine Right asserts that God divides men by certain distinctions, Kings and Subjects, just as God divides the human species into male and female. The King is Sovereign, exercising supreme authority in all spheres of government, in all places subject to his jurisdiction; therefore, the King is endowed by the Creator with unlimited rights, for all decisions made by the King are in fact the will of God.

The Subject is inferior to the King, and must accept any edict from the King without question. The Subject only has those rights which the King permits. Those rights may be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Some Subjects will enjoy being in a privileged class (so long as they remain in favor with the King), elevating their status in both government and society, for if God can create the Distinction of King and Subject, then the King, who rules by the will of God, can create the Distinction of Nobility and Commoner among the Subjects.

Central to the doctrine of Divine Right, was that no Subject may question the King, for questioning any edict of the King was equivalent to challenging the will of God. The King being Sovereign over his Subjects, both Noble and Common, can only be judged by God, or another King, as other Kings rule by the will of God. Thus the Subjects have no power, on heaven or earth, to depose of their King.

However, during the middle of the 17th Century, a man named John Milton came to challenge the legitimacy of the Divine Right doctrine itself. Milton argued that the King's authority was derived from the people, and thus the King's power is only granted to him by Popular Sovereignty. Most important is that the people derive this sovereignty from God, and that these Sovereigns have both the right and the obligation to overthrow a tyrannical King. Here the roles of King and Subject are reversed, the Subjects, are Sovereign over the King; the King only rules as a privilege extended to him by the people, a privilege that can be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Overall, the King is a Servant to the Public, hence the term public servant.

The theory presented by John Milton was only rudimentary at best. It was from this idea that great philosophers and other writers would build upon, paving the way towards republican form of government, social contract and natural rights. The first of these philosophers to whom we pay homage if John Locke, the most influential of all the Enlightenment thinkers upon the Constitution of the United States.

In the year 1689, John Locke published Two Treatises on Government, in direct response to Sir Robert Filmer's Patriarcha, a book that declared that all government is absolute monarchy, and that no man is born free. In the very beginning of Filmer's book, he states:

'Mankind is naturally endowed and born with freedom from all subjection, and at liberty to choose what form of government it please, and that the power which any one man hath over others was at first bestowed according to the discretion of the multitude' …

But howsoever this vulgar opinion [above paragraph] hath of late obtained a great reputation, yet it is not to be found in the ancient fathers and doctors of the primitive Church. It contradicts the doctrine and history of the Holy Scriptures, the constant practice of all ancient monarchies, and the very principles of the law of nature. It is hard to say whether it be more erroneous in divinity or dangerous in policy …

This desperate assertion whereby kings are made subject to the censures and deprivations of their subjects follows — as the authors of it conceive — as a necessary consequence of that former position of the supposed natural equality and freedom of mankind, and liberty to choose what form of government it please …

Secondly, I am not to question or quarrel at the rights or liberties of this or any other nation; my task is chiefly to inquire from whom these first came, not to dispute what or how many these are, but whether they were derived from the laws of natural liberty or from the grace and bounty of princes. My desire and hope is that the people of England may and do enjoy as ample privileges as any nation under heaven; the greatest liberty in the world — if it be duly considered — is for a people to live under a monarch. It is the Magna Charta of this kingdom; all other shows or pretexts of liberty are but several degrees of slavery, and a liberty only to destroy liberty.

Notice the text in bold, Sir Robert would have his readers believe that we have no rights, only privileges which are extended by the grace and goodwill of the King. Herein exists the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings, where the King is Sovereign, and the Subjects are no more than serfs. In the words of John Locke, from the the first chapter of his Treatise:

...that in a book [Patriarcha], which was to provide chains for all mankind, I should find nothing but a rope of sand, useful perhaps to such, whose skill and business it is to raise a dust, and would blind the people, the better to mislead them; but in truth not of any force to draw those into bondage, who have their eyes open, and so much sense about them, as to consider, that chains are but an ill wearing, how much care soever hath been taken to file and polish them.

The ancient strife between Liberalism and Statism had been ever going, and continues to this very day. Either we are born with certain unalienable rights, bestowed upon us by the Creator, or we are born as Subjects, a distinction chosen for us by the Creator, and we exist at the mercy and grace of Kings. For the meantime, we will examine the former, and abandon the latter — at least for now.

Our study of John Locke shall consist of three pillars:
I. Natural Rights
II. Social Contract
III. Republicanism

We start with the theory of natural rights, established upon the axiom (quoted from the Declaration of Independence), that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. In order to fully comprehend this statement, we must first investigate the meaning of the word unalienable. According to Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, “Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred.” It is safe to assume that this is the meaning which Thomas Jefferson intended when composing the Declaration of Independence.

There also exists another word of which we must pay heed to, that is the word inalienable. Modern authorities would have us believe that there exists no difference between the words unalienable and inalienable, that the word unalienable was abandoned in favor of inalienable, because the 19th Century placed more emphasis on Latin variants of English than the Anglicized variants; the negative prefix in- is derived from Latin, where the negative prefix un- descends from the original Germanic roots of the English language.

However, there exists an acute difference between unalienable and inalienable, a difference which modern authorities wish you to remain ignorant of. In the year 1952, the Kansas City Court of Appeals made the ruling: Inalienable is defined as incapable of being surrendered or transferred; at least without one's consent.

The implications of the ruling are tremendous, but also necessary. There is nothing intrinsically evil in this ruling. For instance, your life is an unalienable right, it cannot be transferred to another; however, your property is an inalienable right, as it can be transferred to another upon your consent. Unfortunately, the word unalienable has been expunged from American vocabulary, and this was caused neither by coincidence nor the progression of time. This was a calculated effort made by the élite in order to impose Roman Civil Law upon the United States, instead of English Common Law. The former is adjudicated under Admiralty Jurisdiction, the latter falls under the jurisdiction of either Law or Equity. However, this deception by the élite is for another chapter, for now we continue with our study of Natural Rights.

Modern Progressive (both Democrats and Republicans) philosophy is identical to the Divine Right of Kings, except we replace the word King with Government.
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Those links do not support your claims.

And...the military is a SOCIALIST organization. You are about as wrong as a person can be.

IN FUCKING DEED!!!! You're absolutely right that the military is a "socialist" organization. It only exists to serve itself when it isn't busy killing mother fuckers and breaking shit. It also FAILS miserably in providing for all it's members.

Yet assholes like YOU seem to think Obama can make such a system work for everyone.

Good fucking luck with that. Has it occurred to you that ALL of us military people aren't exactly in love with the "services" provided by government? Yet you want everyone to be subjected to it?

I can see the emergency room already... The modern DMV is going to seem like tryouts for a porn video.
Well I can speak for retired military, we just got screwed again. for 2 years they claim ther was no rise in the cost of living so we received no COLA increase. I can live with that. But This year my Military retirement went up $37 a month, and then they took it all back plus in the cost of my prescriptions.

From $3 to $5, $9 to $12, and $25 to $43..... Depending on what your script is for depends which of the three you pay. Far cry from the free healthcare we were promised.........

It's gonna get worse. There's NO WAY the empire can take in 18 Y/O kids, run the shit out of them and retire them at 38 while they'll live maybe 50 more years.

You took a promise from government and expected it to be fulfilled?

I guess you can only do it once.
I'm going to share an unpopular opinion. I'm SICK OF PTSD. I've served in theater, pulled triggers, watched incoming shit and have had bullets nearly take me out. Unless you've done that or you've picked a soldier's guts up off the ground and helped carry them to a MEDEVAC, you certainly deserve all the respect and benefits the empire can provide. If you're some bed wetter who heard a loud noise in the middle of the night and woke up terrified there were incoming mortars you deserve nothing.

There are too many people getting shit they don't deserve and they're taking resources away from people who've seen and felt REAL trauma. How did all those WW2 vets come back and lead prosperous lives after YEARS of combat and NO LEAVE? Last I looked there were no Burger Kings on the Western Front. Americans please stop being such pussies, or we're going to fall like Rome.

PTSD is as much bullshit as MMGW.

I've seen your posts. You definitely suffer from some kind of psychological disorder.
I think y'all are being a little hard on the VA.

Sure, there are some frauds who make it through the winnowing out process, but not as many as you think. It's really not just a case of, "File a claim; quit working." They're actually pretty good at picking out the shitheads and it's those who couldn't prove their case who are usually the ones on TV trashing the VA for not helping Veterans. I know several personally. Most of the ones I know started out with the belief that the VA owed them something and all they had to do was line up for a check. They either did not have a legitimate claim, or they didn't bother to prove it and ended up with zilch. Now, they're mad about it.

And, yes, the VA outreach to current Veteran's may SEEM to be an attempt to preserve the system and their jobs (and that probably is a part of it for some), but it's really a sincere determination not to lose another generation of Vets like they did us when we came home from Vietnam. We are the standard for poor care and unconcern. They won't repeat that and it's you guys and gals who will benefit for it. Maybe they're trying too hard, but at least they ARE trying. Thank God. You should have seen it 40 years ago. You could have crawled in with a sucking chest wound and you've have died right there in the floor before anybody even noticed you or cared. No longer. But, you guys don't know it because you weren't there then.

When I read your comments about people whining, about crybabies and rear echelon folks claiming PTSD, I have to chuckle. Not because I'm laughing at you; I'm laughing because I hear myself and a whole lot of others in your voices. You don't really think you're the first to think that, do you? Not by a long shot! As they say, "Denial ain't a river in Africa" and there are plenty of us who sailed that river before you.

But, you won't be the first to be wrong either. Most of us were. In fact, ALL of us in my PTSD group at the VA were wrong and we don't mind admitting it. We were wrong about everything, but we didn't know it at the time. It took a few years, for some of us a LOT of years, before we figured out that we weren't....well...we weren't "right." Some of us were convinced by our wives or children. Some of us just got smart. Some of us had to crash and burn, big time, before we admitted there was something wrong. For some, it didn't come home until they were in prison or, like me, sitting on the bed cradling a shotgun.

And that took 30 years. 30 years of a seemingly "normal" life, 30 years of steady work, a long-term marriage, good kids. 30 years of having this gnawing idea that I was somehow different from everyone else, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. In truth, I knew what it was. I just didn't want to admit it. You don't either.

I see that some of y'all are still in the service. Trust're not even in the game yet, so don't be so sure of the final score. So long as you're still in, even in the Reserves (where I hid from myself for 13 years after coming home from the war), you're in a familiar environment where you know the rules and you feel comfortable. Believe it or not, but the service is a PTSD support group because you still "fit" there. The game doesn't start until you leave that comfort zone and venture out into that place where you DON'T fit, whether that's after 2 years or 8 years or 30 years. You'll see. You can't see it now, but you will. Trust me on that, one Veteran to another.

And, like y'all, I couldn't imagine how those silly pogues or REMF's could possibly have anything to complain about. I mean...gee whiz. I was 11B, a common grunt, and they were safely tucked in on the firebase every night, right? What the hell did they do that was so terrible?

I know a little more now because I've met them, I've talked to them. Like the Air Force Vet (yeah...Air Force!). He was just an aircraft mechanic on a large base in Vietnam. What the hell is he doing in the PTSD program? day a large plane load of orphan children crashed, or was shot down, on take off. Guess who got to go out and pick up the pieces? That's right...that Air Force REMF. He's never slept since without being drunk. Or, the truck driver. I mean...what can truck drivers get into? Not much, he says. But, he had to take a hose and wash the bits and pieces of the guy who slept right below him out of the back of his deuce and a half. No, it wasn't a bogus story. I helped him file his claim and all he had was an approximate date and the guy's name. He's on the wall. I found him. Today, that old truck driver is rated at 100% PTSD and spends his declining years drinking all day long in a little shack he built in the back yard. He calls it his "nuthouse." During those 35 years he worked steadily before it came crashing in, he was a truck driving, periodic drunk.

The point of all this is just to let y'all know's not quite what you think and you're not quite as whole and sound as you think you are. Don't think so? Ask your wife and kids. Ask your Mama or our Daddy. See what they say.

Welcome home, brothers. Join the parade.

(ps. Is that enough words from a "liberal?" )
I'm not condemning you. That's just who you are. But, understand that if you think you're not getting what you want or ask for from the "left," it's not because it hasn't been offered. It's because you're so focused on what YOU believe that you're simply not paying attention.

I believe in the Constitution and the founding histories and philosophies behind it.

When a Republican tries to impose their religious views, I look to the First Amendment.

When a Democrat tries to impose Gun Control, I look to the Second Amendment.

When both parties try to quarter drones over our skies to create a police state, I look to the Third Amendment.

When Republicans pass the Patriot Act, I look to the Fourth Amendment.

When Democrats pass the NDAA, I look to Amendment Five through Eight.

When both parties advocate that the government creates privileges, I look to the Ninth Amendment.

When Congress passes laws outside its enumerated powers, I look to the Tenth Amendment.


You're all deluded if you think either party cares about you or our rights in general.

We no longer have a Natural Bill of Rights that can be neither denied nor disparaged, we have an Artificial List of Privileges, that must be earned and can be revoked at any time without reason. Unknown to most Republicans is that they are Progressives themselves, they are simply promoting a parallel Progressive agenda.

Here is a sample of what I'm writing for the Aegis of Liberty Foundation:

a. Classical Liberalism vs Progressivism

One of the most polysemous words in American vernacular is the word liberal. The meaning of this word has evolved over the centuries, whilst the meaning itself has had several different variations at any point in time. The history of the word's transformation is fascinating, for the examination of the subject provides the reader with both invaluable and essential knowledge, knowledge that is requisite to understand the very philosophical foundations of our Constitution.

Although the basic concepts of Classical Liberalism have existed since antiquity, it is best to begin this inquiry at the inception of Classical Liberalism during the Age of Enlightenment, founded by the philosopher John Locke. In order to understand John Locke, we must also understand one of those most responsible for influencing his development of Classical Liberal ideology.

Our investigation beings with a man named John Milton and the concept of the Divine Right of Kings. The theory of Divine Right asserts that God divides men by certain distinctions, Kings and Subjects, just as God divides the human species into male and female. The King is Sovereign, exercising supreme authority in all spheres of government, in all places subject to his jurisdiction; therefore, the King is endowed by the Creator with unlimited rights, for all decisions made by the King are in fact the will of God.

The Subject is inferior to the King, and must accept any edict from the King without question. The Subject only has those rights which the King permits. Those rights may be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Some Subjects will enjoy being in a privileged class (so long as they remain in favor with the King), elevating their status in both government and society, for if God can create the Distinction of King and Subject, then the King, who rules by the will of God, can create the Distinction of Nobility and Commoner among the Subjects.

Central to the doctrine of Divine Right, was that no Subject may question the King, for questioning any edict of the King was equivalent to challenging the will of God. The King being Sovereign over his Subjects, both Noble and Common, can only be judged by God, or another King, as other Kings rule by the will of God. Thus the Subjects have no power, on heaven or earth, to depose of their King.

However, during the middle of the 17th Century, a man named John Milton came to challenge the legitimacy of the Divine Right doctrine itself. Milton argued that the King's authority was derived from the people, and thus the King's power is only granted to him by Popular Sovereignty. Most important is that the people derive this sovereignty from God, and that these Sovereigns have both the right and the obligation to overthrow a tyrannical King. Here the roles of King and Subject are reversed, the Subjects, are Sovereign over the King; the King only rules as a privilege extended to him by the people, a privilege that can be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Overall, the King is a Servant to the Public, hence the term public servant.

The theory presented by John Milton was only rudimentary at best. It was from this idea that great philosophers and other writers would build upon, paving the way towards republican form of government, social contract and natural rights. The first of these philosophers to whom we pay homage if John Locke, the most influential of all the Enlightenment thinkers upon the Constitution of the United States.

In the year 1689, John Locke published Two Treatises on Government, in direct response to Sir Robert Filmer's Patriarcha, a book that declared that all government is absolute monarchy, and that no man is born free. In the very beginning of Filmer's book, he states:

'Mankind is naturally endowed and born with freedom from all subjection, and at liberty to choose what form of government it please, and that the power which any one man hath over others was at first bestowed according to the discretion of the multitude' …

But howsoever this vulgar opinion [above paragraph] hath of late obtained a great reputation, yet it is not to be found in the ancient fathers and doctors of the primitive Church. It contradicts the doctrine and history of the Holy Scriptures, the constant practice of all ancient monarchies, and the very principles of the law of nature. It is hard to say whether it be more erroneous in divinity or dangerous in policy …

This desperate assertion whereby kings are made subject to the censures and deprivations of their subjects follows — as the authors of it conceive — as a necessary consequence of that former position of the supposed natural equality and freedom of mankind, and liberty to choose what form of government it please …

Secondly, I am not to question or quarrel at the rights or liberties of this or any other nation; my task is chiefly to inquire from whom these first came, not to dispute what or how many these are, but whether they were derived from the laws of natural liberty or from the grace and bounty of princes. My desire and hope is that the people of England may and do enjoy as ample privileges as any nation under heaven; the greatest liberty in the world — if it be duly considered — is for a people to live under a monarch. It is the Magna Charta of this kingdom; all other shows or pretexts of liberty are but several degrees of slavery, and a liberty only to destroy liberty.

Notice the text in bold, Sir Robert would have his readers believe that we have no rights, only privileges which are extended by the grace and goodwill of the King. Herein exists the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings, where the King is Sovereign, and the Subjects are no more than serfs. In the words of John Locke, from the the first chapter of his Treatise:

...that in a book [Patriarcha], which was to provide chains for all mankind, I should find nothing but a rope of sand, useful perhaps to such, whose skill and business it is to raise a dust, and would blind the people, the better to mislead them; but in truth not of any force to draw those into bondage, who have their eyes open, and so much sense about them, as to consider, that chains are but an ill wearing, how much care soever hath been taken to file and polish them.

The ancient strife between Liberalism and Statism had been ever going, and continues to this very day. Either we are born with certain unalienable rights, bestowed upon us by the Creator, or we are born as Subjects, a distinction chosen for us by the Creator, and we exist at the mercy and grace of Kings. For the meantime, we will examine the former, and abandon the latter — at least for now.

Our study of John Locke shall consist of three pillars:
I. Natural Rights
II. Social Contract
III. Republicanism

We start with the theory of natural rights, established upon the axiom (quoted from the Declaration of Independence), that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. In order to fully comprehend this statement, we must first investigate the meaning of the word unalienable. According to Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, “Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred.” It is safe to assume that this is the meaning which Thomas Jefferson intended when composing the Declaration of Independence.

There also exists another word of which we must pay heed to, that is the word inalienable. Modern authorities would have us believe that there exists no difference between the words unalienable and inalienable, that the word unalienable was abandoned in favor of inalienable, because the 19th Century placed more emphasis on Latin variants of English than the Anglicized variants; the negative prefix in- is derived from Latin, where the negative prefix un- descends from the original Germanic roots of the English language.

However, there exists an acute difference between unalienable and inalienable, a difference which modern authorities wish you to remain ignorant of. In the year 1952, the Kansas City Court of Appeals made the ruling: Inalienable is defined as incapable of being surrendered or transferred; at least without one's consent.

The implications of the ruling are tremendous, but also necessary. There is nothing intrinsically evil in this ruling. For instance, your life is an unalienable right, it cannot be transferred to another; however, your property is an inalienable right, as it can be transferred to another upon your consent. Unfortunately, the word unalienable has been expunged from American vocabulary, and this was caused neither by coincidence nor the progression of time. This was a calculated effort made by the élite in order to impose Roman Civil Law upon the United States, instead of English Common Law. The former is adjudicated under Admiralty Jurisdiction, the latter falls under the jurisdiction of either Law or Equity. However, this deception by the élite is for another chapter, for now we continue with our study of Natural Rights.

Modern Progressive (both Democrats and Republicans) philosophy is identical to the Divine Right of Kings, except we replace the word King with Government.

See? You're still not listening. You're preaching.

Confucious say, "One cannot hear while one's mouth is open."
Likely because they were a bunch of people that never served and therefore do not have the firsthand experiences that tell us how fucked up the system is.

That could be so, however, it is more likely that they got hooked on the VA trough, they now vote for democrats to keep the trough full, and they will suck on that government teat for the rest of their lives. Indeed, there are thousands of vets who enjoyed the leisure of Deep South Vietnam where they got to walk off base and have a beer with a local lady of the evening, and now, theyre running to the VA for crap they never came in contact with.

I would not go that far. Neither party disparages the VA and both are willing to overfill the trough. A few years ago, it was the dems that were increasing military pay and benefits OVER what the repubs asked for. Both parties like using the military as a political stomping point even if they don’t give a rats ass after they go home.

With the distribution of republicans to democrats in the military AND the fact that I believe (don’t have the numbers to support me but I have my own observations) true combat veterans are MUCH more likely to be active in the VA than non-combat veterans that they VA is likely even more tilted to the right.

It is one of my complaints about the current government, EVERYONE want to cut but NO ONE want to cut their piece of the government cheese. Republicans are just as bad as democrats here clining to their programs that they use just as much as the dems do theirs. Most vets that are pulling benefits don’t want to see them cut even when they are way too excessive.

I’ll use my neighbor as an example again. He is a republican through and through, hates Obama and all his policies to the core. He is now on disability of which he does deserve but he is getting 100 percent AND works full time for the VA pulling another check along with other benefits as well. None of them should be cut according to him. He does not want his cheese cut even though for this budgetary fiasco to resolve, everything is going to get hit.

There is alot of military double and triple dipping. Retirement pay, disability pay , and working another federal job to name a few. But military retirement should come after 20 years for combat jobs. I differ with respect to admin jobs where you never fight, never hump, and get all the same benefits of those getting shot at.
Well I can speak for retired military, we just got screwed again. for 2 years they claim ther was no rise in the cost of living so we received no COLA increase. I can live with that. But This year my Military retirement went up $37 a month, and then they took it all back plus in the cost of my prescriptions.

From $3 to $5, $9 to $12, and $25 to $43..... Depending on what your script is for depends which of the three you pay. Far cry from the free healthcare we were promised.........

It's gonna get worse. There's NO WAY the empire can take in 18 Y/O kids, run the shit out of them and retire them at 38 while they'll live maybe 50 more years.

You took a promise from government and expected it to be fulfilled?

I guess you can only do it once.

I've been watching that promise chip away for nearly 20 years, and both parties have taken a little......
Well I can speak for retired military, we just got screwed again. for 2 years they claim ther was no rise in the cost of living so we received no COLA increase. I can live with that. But This year my Military retirement went up $37 a month, and then they took it all back plus in the cost of my prescriptions.

From $3 to $5, $9 to $12, and $25 to $43..... Depending on what your script is for depends which of the three you pay. Far cry from the free healthcare we were promised.........

It's gonna get worse. There's NO WAY the empire can take in 18 Y/O kids, run the shit out of them and retire them at 38 while they'll live maybe 50 more years.

You took a promise from government and expected it to be fulfilled?

I guess you can only do it once.

I've been watching that promise chip away for nearly 20 years, and both parties have taken a little......

It's been going on a lot longer than that and it's not unique to America. Rudyard Kipling nailed it in 1890 with his poem, "Tommy." (Tommy is the British soldier)

Poetry Lovers' Page - Rudyard Kipling: Tommy
There is little doubt that PTSD is real. There is also little doubt that it is way over diagnosed.

For example; The Former Chaplain (now finance offcer) of my American legion post is a battle of the Bulge veteran. Last year a VA Doctor told him he had PTSD. He came to the next meeting telling us all about it and laughing his head off.

But then on the other hand.
Our newest member has served 2 tours in Afghanistan Came home got hit by a car and has had 4 surgeries and looking at another 6 months of Rehab. No PTSD diagnosed so far.....

To my knowledge, experts aren't claiming that everyone that has traumatic experiences are going to have have PTSD. In fact, I'm pretty sure, most people aren't expected to suffer from PTSD after traumatic experiences. It's possible it's being over diagnosed. It's also possible that some of these people had trauma and war went beyond their coping abilities? Wouldn't the military be wise enough to send more resilient soldiers to the front lines and the emotionally less stable kept back? Not that I know how it works, but it would seem counter productive to send soldiers who I suspected were going to crack in high pressure situations.

I was diagnosed with Acute Stress Reaction (I was told it's much more common) and got early intervention. It was short term and hasn't required medication or continued counseling. After always thinking of myself as resilient person, it was a lesson in humility.

PTSD should be a problem for a minority of people and it's a shame if it's being over diagnosed. I would imagine those who were improperly diagnosed would fall into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Still, I can't imagine daring to laugh at a soldier that says they have PTSD. How can I know the whole story based on a couple of facts from their military record? People tend to keep details private.
I'm going to share an unpopular opinion. I'm SICK OF PTSD. I've served in theater, pulled triggers, watched incoming shit and have had bullets nearly take me out. Unless you've done that or you've picked a soldier's guts up off the ground and helped carry them to a MEDEVAC, you certainly deserve all the respect and benefits the empire can provide. If you're some bed wetter who heard a loud noise in the middle of the night and woke up terrified there were incoming mortars you deserve nothing.

There are too many people getting shit they don't deserve and they're taking resources away from people who've seen and felt REAL trauma. How did all those WW2 vets come back and lead prosperous lives after YEARS of combat and NO LEAVE? Last I looked there were no Burger Kings on the Western Front. Americans please stop being such pussies, or we're going to fall like Rome.

PTSD is as much bullshit as MMGW.

I've seen your posts. You definitely suffer from some kind of psychological disorder.

I've seen your "posts", you should have your mommy read "Dry All Night" to you.
Well I can speak for retired military, we just got screwed again. for 2 years they claim ther was no rise in the cost of living so we received no COLA increase. I can live with that. But This year my Military retirement went up $37 a month, and then they took it all back plus in the cost of my prescriptions.

From $3 to $5, $9 to $12, and $25 to $43..... Depending on what your script is for depends which of the three you pay. Far cry from the free healthcare we were promised.........

It's gonna get worse. There's NO WAY the empire can take in 18 Y/O kids, run the shit out of them and retire them at 38 while they'll live maybe 50 more years.

You took a promise from government and expected it to be fulfilled?

I guess you can only do it once.

I've been watching that promise chip away for nearly 20 years, and both parties have taken a little......

I didn't serve for a promise.

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