Psychopath in mustang arrested for doing 208 mph

Yeah, Shootspeeders has been a fierce advocate for the public execution of accelerators for years on this forum. It's right there in the name. I'm against all capital punishment and one of my arguments is how it makes society bloodthirsty, eager to apply it to an ever broadening list of offenses.

Society is bloodthirsty alright but it's not due to the death penalty. It's due to the big 4 - guns, cars, war, and abortion. Americans have been brainwashed and now think murder is cool. Americans love to kill.

We could save 5,000 lives every year by just lowering speed limits back to 55 but ghouls like you say forget it. That's bloodthirsty.

we could 'save' even more if we banned cars, and while we are at it ban alcohol, tobacco, knives, sugar, fatty red meat, being outside during lightning, swimming, and vending machines (yes, check it out, they kill)

make everyone stay home and wear a helmet
We had the "basic rule" when I was growing up in Montana. I can remember many trips when my dad was driving 90MPH when conditions allowed.

Conditions allow??? What a stupid thing to say. You might as well say you play russian roulette when conditions allow.
We could save 5,000 lives every year by just lowering speed limits back to 55 but ghouls like you say forget it. That's bloodthirsty.

we could 'save' even more if we banned cars,

Sure - but that would be a huge disruption to our society, while merely lowering speed limits would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year without being disruptive at all. We did it in 1974 and it worked great. THINK
We had the "basic rule" when I was growing up in Montana. I can remember many trips when my dad was driving 90MPH when conditions allowed.

Conditions allow??? What a stupid thing to say. You might as well say you play russian roulette when conditions allow.
Montana and many states in the great plains have straight highways going for hundreds of miles. It's safe enough.

Out of curiosity, did you or someone in your family have an accident involving a speeder? Just wondering where this nanny state attitude is coming from.
Out of curiosity, did you or someone in your family have an accident involving a speeder? Just wondering where this nanny state attitude is coming from.

Nanny state.??? Nanny state laws are laws that protect people from themselves. Speeding laws protect people from OTHERS which is why governments were created. THINK
All you liberals who complain about assault rifles and ask "why does anyone need 30 round magazines" need to explain why we let people have cars that do 3 times the speed limit.

Hector Fraire arrested after doing 208MPH during chase with Oklahoma trooper | Daily Mail Online

nov 16 2016 Driver Hector Fraire is accused of going 138 mph over the limit
Oklahoma Highway Patrol says a trooper clocked a Mustang going 85 mph and 84 mph on Saturday
The trooper went after it, and the Mustang hit 176 mph then 208 mph
Fraire was eventually arrested by the deputy for reckless driving and felony eluding

'The driver also turned off the headlights and brake lights, attempting to elude Trooper Smith.'

208 in a friggin Mustang? That's actually impressive. And I thought breaking 180 on a bike made me special :laugh:
We had the "basic rule" when I was growing up in Montana. I can remember many trips when my dad was driving 90MPH when conditions allowed.

Conditions allow??? What a stupid thing to say. You might as well say you play russian roulette when conditions allow.
Montana and many states in the great plains have straight highways going for hundreds of miles. It's safe enough.

Out of curiosity, did you or someone in your family have an accident involving a speeder? Just wondering where this nanny state attitude is coming from.
I think he killed someone.
We could save 5,000 lives every year by just lowering speed limits back to 55 but ghouls like you say forget it. That's bloodthirsty.

we could 'save' even more if we banned cars,

Sure - but that would be a huge disruption to our society, while merely lowering speed limits would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year without being disruptive at all. We did it in 1974 and it worked great. THINK

obviously it didn't work great, the majority were opposed to it

Banning alcohol would be the opposite of 'disruptive' in your sense of the term, it would help productivity, stop a lot of disruptive behavior, and save lives. So why don't we do it?

Sure - but that would be a huge disruption to our society, while merely lowering speed limits would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year without being disruptive at all. We did it in 1974 and it worked great. THINK

obviously it didn't work great, the majority were opposed to it

What makes you think people opposed the 55 mph speed limit.?

Sure - but that would be a huge disruption to our society, while merely lowering speed limits would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year without being disruptive at all. We did it in 1974 and it worked great. THINK

obviously it didn't work great, the majority were opposed to it

What makes you think people opposed the 55 mph speed limit.?
Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone hated that stupid 55 MPH limit. Takes you all damn day to get anywhere.
We could save 5,000 lives every year by just lowering speed limits back to 55 but ghouls like you say forget it. That's bloodthirsty.

we could 'save' even more if we banned cars,

Sure - but that would be a huge disruption to our society, while merely lowering speed limits would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year without being disruptive at all. We did it in 1974 and it worked great. THINK

Wrapping people in bubble wrap would save even more lives. We should ban swimming pools, electricity, scissors, and of course firearms, anything it takes to achieve your socialist, totalitarian utopia devoid of all risk.

You Leftists are so delusional.

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Sure - but that would be a huge disruption to our society, while merely lowering speed limits would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year without being disruptive at all. We did it in 1974 and it worked great. THINK

obviously it didn't work great, the majority were opposed to it

What makes you think people opposed the 55 mph speed limit.?

They didn't have a choice. Your hero Jimmy Carter forced it on everyone.

But it's actually very easy to prove how much people hated it. The moment the ban was lifted, most states moved very quickly to raise the speed limits.

You're a mentally ill Leftist with an evil, irrational craving to control people. People like you deserve to be hated and opposed.

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so can a stock mustang do 208?

Is this one doing 200 real or fake? driving 1 handed at 200mph, that is either very stupid or very ballsy, I would need new underwear

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