Psychic surgeon or psychic vampire?

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
In her 1989 book Going Within, Shirley MacLaine reported her encounters with Filipino psychic surgeon Alex Orbito, who reportedly immersed his hands inside bodies and removed small lumps of tissue. She witnessed the phenomenon several times, experienced his hands penetrating her own body and even, guided by Orbito, immersed her own hand into the abdomen of a man.

Orbito said that when he was 14 years old, an old man in a dream told him he would become a healer.

What led me to suspect that this phenomenon may be something more than “surgery” was Orbito’s report that every time he stopped practicing his healing, he became sick and could only restore his health by resuming his “surgeries.” I suspect he needed to penetrate the bodies of others to sustain his own life. Or perhaps, as a teenager, he had been possessed by an interdimensional being who derived some kind of sustenance or pleasure by penetrating living beings in our dimension.

Orbito’s patients did not report being exhausted by the experience, so perhaps the amount of energy being drained is minimal or the experience has a narcotic effect on the subject which disguises the energy loss.

The phenomenon reminded me of the move 4D Man, in which Robert Lansing plays a scientist who discovers how he can pass through solid objects with his body. However, the process accelerates the aging process, which he can only reverse by passing any part of his body into the body of another person and draining their lifeforce, with fatal results for the target.
In her 1989 book Going Within, Shirley MacLaine reported her encounters with Filipino psychic surgeon Alex Orbito, who reportedly immersed his hands inside bodies and removed small lumps of tissue. She witnessed the phenomenon several times, experienced his hands penetrating her own body and even, guided by Orbito, immersed her own hand into the abdomen of a man.

Orbito said that when he was 14 years old, an old man in a dream told him he would become a healer.

What led me to suspect that this phenomenon may be something more than “surgery” was Orbito’s report that every time he stopped practicing his healing, he became sick and could only restore his health by resuming his “surgeries.” I suspect he needed to penetrate the bodies of others to sustain his own life. Or perhaps, as a teenager, he had been possessed by an interdimensional being who derived some kind of sustenance or pleasure by penetrating living beings in our dimension.

Orbito’s patients did not report being exhausted by the experience, so perhaps the amount of energy being drained is minimal or the experience has a narcotic effect on the subject which disguises the energy loss.

The phenomenon reminded me of the move 4D Man, in which Robert Lansing plays a scientist who discovers how he can pass through solid objects with his body. However, the process accelerates the aging process, which he can only reverse by passing any part of his body into the body of another person and draining their lifeforce, with fatal results for the target.
Robert, I heard that is a scam. I think it was Inside Edition that exposed him as a fraud.
Robert, I heard that is a scam. I think it was Inside Edition that exposed him as a fraud.
Was it when Inside Edition was hosted by Bill "FUCK IT!! I'LL DO IT MYSELF!!! I'LL DO IT LIVE!!!!!!" O'Reilly?

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