Protests against deporting criminals?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Regarding the protests against mass deportation of crime comitting illegal immigrants.
OK then, all the organizers, speakers, heads of the protest can have those criminals dumped on their block, move em next door, tell them the police will not arrest them if they comit crimes only against the protesters, because those who don't believe in the law are not protected by the law.
Let's see them protest the law, justice and civility then.-D'oh!
The OP is conflating two things. The act of coming here illegally and "committing crimes". People who committ crimes should be considered for deportation. But the OP is mixing the two together.
Actually I'm not, note the wording.
The New President even said he's starting with just the hardened criminals, repeat crimes etc. It's the liberal propaganda and their twisted news that confuses the 2 for sake of getting these destabilising protests who are missinformed and programed(manipulated) and future counter voters are thus formed out of the propaganda machine. Your post reply is part of the problem or a result of that manipulation.
So what is it?
Hardened criminals or just criminals because of their immigrant status?
We'll find out soon enough, remember one person doesn't make the decisions, even though liberals like to deceive people into believing during their scare tactics.
And circumventing that law to get voters is a crime, so first one to go to jail should be all the dems involved in voter fraud and tampering of an election.....Russia tampering is proven nothing regarding voting and yet we already have proof the DNC registered illegals and dead voters (identity theft) and circumvented and ignored imigration laws and processes to tamper with this election.
Dems claim concern about such manipulation of elections, so let's see who amongst their own they are willing to set an example of. None? But isn't that a crock?
CNN, MSNBC, where's your outcry about manipulated elections???
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Regarding the protests against mass deportation of crime comitting illegal immigrants.
OK then, all the organizers, speakers, heads of the protest can have those criminals dumped on their block, move em next door, tell them the police will not arrest them if they comit crimes only against the protesters, because those who don't believe in the law are not protected by the law.
Let's see them protest the law, justice and civility then.-D'oh!

I would bet that the organizers and the participants of that protest have the same gang affiliation as the criminals that they protest for.
The OP is conflating two things. The act of coming here illegally and "committing crimes". People who committ crimes should be considered for deportation. But the OP is mixing the two together.
The very act of coming here illegally is a crime. A deportable offense.

But you see the OP said to put them next door to people and "when they commit crimes" don't call the police.

So you see, he is blending the two.
The OP is conflating two things. The act of coming here illegally and "committing crimes". People who committ crimes should be considered for deportation. But the OP is mixing the two together.
The very act of coming here illegally is a crime. A deportable offense.

But you see the OP said to put them next door to people and "when they commit crimes" don't call the police.

So you see, he is blending the two.

No you keep blending the 2, ironically you are being the racist by tying the 2 together.
Maybe it's because when they aren't entering by the laws of immigration and are illegal they are criminals and you are finally admitting it in your own head. However, I make it clear as does the new administration the deportation on topic is "hardened criminals", drug dealers, violent gangsters comitting crimes and leading the children of legal imigrants into a life of crime and destroying their neighborhoods, why should they suffer. What are you some kind of benefactor to their criminal activity?
Then why would you want anything else?
I don't get this protection of criminal eliments the left has, except that they many times commit crimes themselves in the name of political tactics.
Kansas City Royals Baseball Pitcher Yordano Ventura died in a car accident back in his country of the Dominican Republic. He was actually found alive, but that several people assaulted him instead of helping him, this after suffering the deadly accident at kilometer 14 of the road Juan Adrian.
According to information they stripped him of the championship ring that he had obtained with the Royals and other belongings.
Cabral said that in these circumstances the citizenship do not attend the neighbor and that Dominican society must change, that these are things that do not allow us to move forward as a nation.

Now why am I posting this here?
Because the left arguing on the side of hardened criminals, is as accepting this kind of behavior and results that happen to our own citizens here in which even the third world country recognizes as unacceptable and that type "society must change, that these are things that do not allow us to move forward as a nation."
That is exactly what we are trying to do.
No longer can others knowingly dump
their prisons onto our soil.
No longer can we allow criminals stay when they came here against the law.
It's not like we are shutting down immigration all together, we are just making it where it's supposed to be, fair for all, safe and secure for all.

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