protestors arrested georgia over police training center

i never have problem with the police because I don't commit CRFIMES . how many have you committed> bet you got list a mile long. you have right to remain silent, anything you say can will be used against you in a court of law, you have right to attorney, if you van afford an attorney one will be appointed for you. do you understand these rights? not lol lol lol!
If cops just bothered people committing crimes, I’d have no problem.

The problem is they bother all kinds of people because they can and there’s no repercussions.
Then why are we funding asshats like BLM, ANTIFA and “Defund the Police” groups rather than Eddie Eagle (NRA kids gun safety program), neighborhood/community policing and gang diversion programs?
ask dems who fund them
If cops just bothered people committing crimes, I’d have no problem.

The problem is they bother all kinds of people because they can and there’s no repercussions.
they have right ti ask you anything just like you have right ask them anything. typical cop hater.
they have right ti ask you anything just like you have right ask them anything. typical cop hater.
Of course they have the right to ask me anything but they can’t expect me to answer.

And if I chose not to cooperate, that can’t be considered suspicious behavior.

Too many officers think that refusing to voluntarily answer questions is reasonable suspicion but that’s because they don’t know the law.
ask dems who fund them
Sorry but I don’t buy this idea of Democrat vs Republican. Neither party is worth what my dogs left for me to pick up in the backyard twenty minutes ago. The only axis I’m interested in is Right vs Wrong. It’s time for both sides to put away the politics and save our society from going down the toilet bowl of history… before it’s too late.
If cops just bothered people committing crimes, I’d have no problem.

The problem is they bother all kinds of people because they can and there’s no repercussions.

That doesn't bother you. We watched you all cheer when a cop killed an unarmed woman on January 6th. You LOVE it.
Sorry but I don’t buy this idea of Democrat vs Republican. Neither party is worth what my dogs left for me to pick up in the backyard twenty minutes ago. The only axis I’m interested in is Right vs Wrong. It’s time for both sides to put away the politics and save our society from going down the toilet bowl of history… before it’s too late.
well dems hate republicans / replublicans dont hate anyone. tell them.
Of course they have the right to ask me anything but they can’t expect me to answer.

And if I chose not to cooperate, that can’t be considered suspicious behavior.

Too many officers think that refusing to voluntarily answer questions is reasonable suspicion but that’s because they don’t know the law.
thats right if you done nothing wrong you would answer. obvious you have record.
thats right if you done nothing wrong you would answer. obvious you have record.
If I don’t feel like answering, I don’t have to answer.

It has nothing to do with whether I’ve don’t anything wrong or not.

And the police can’t do shit about it. Well, they can’t legally do shit about it but we all know they don’t really give a damn what’s legal and what isn’t.
well dems hate republicans / replublicans dont hate anyone. tell them
Both parties are engulfed in hatred of each other. That’s obvious by the number of investigations and attempted political hits both party have engaged in over the last half decade rather than actually doing anything meaningful to help fix this country.
Both parties are engulfed in hatred of each other. That’s obvious by the number of investigations and attempted political hits both party have engaged in over the last half decade rather than actually doing anything meaningful to help fix this country.
the for fathers predicted this if we had parties.

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