Protesters need to settle down and think....


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
It came as a shock. I understand that. I was shocked as well, but pleasantly shocked. If it had come to be that Hillary was indeed coronated as expected, I would have accepted the result and give her time to be accountable to all of the citizens in this country. And, I would pray for the best to come to this nation.

Perhaps it's a matter of maturity or an understanding of the constitution. When Obama was elected, twice, there were no riots, not even demonstrations that I can recall. No movements for the electoral college to vote against their pledge. Things were not hunky dory, but life went on and the disappointment subsided to acceptance.

We do have laws in this country. At the present time, the president has forgotten his oath to protect and serve this country and uphold the laws of the land. Allowing illegals to come in our country, even to vote in our past election and sanctuary cities were examples of ignoring our laws. No president can pick and choose what laws they will endorse and which ones they will uphold.

Until President Elect Trump makes decisions Liberals think are wrong, they have no reason to protest, melt down or burn our flags. Wait until the decisions he makes are incorrect or goes against our constitution. Then you will have your chance to be heard, during the next election. Until then, let's all wait and see what President Trumps brings to this nation.
Jackson and the The Gorgeous Gosling would have been in the street armed with ball bats if their Hero lost.
Jackson and the The Gorgeous Gosling would have been in the street armed with ball bats if their Hero lost.
Hardly. I didn't vote for Obama, but when he won, I gave him a honeymoon of sorts to see if he could heal this country even more than it had in prior years. I hoped he made a difference not only for me, but for all citizens of this nation. I never protested, set fire to cars or broke any windows. I waited and saw. Over time, I saw how divisive he was, ruled by fiat, and thought very little of the white population. He was weak in foreign affairs and domestically he picked and chose what laws to uphold. He was one hot mess. But no...none of us went to the streets. We went to the ballot box. Like what all normal people do.

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