'Protecting Obama'

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A review of weekend news coverage and commentary shows that mainstream media have gone into full “Protect Obama” mode.

'Evidence released last week — including, but not limited to, House Intelligence Committee transcripts showing that multiple top-level Obama administration officials were lying to the public for three years about Russian collusion — indicates that former president Barack Obama wasn’t merely aware of what was going on; he was hip-deep in what increasingly appears to be one of the greatest political scandals in American history.'

'Notwithstanding the IRS targeting of politically disfavored citizens, Fast and Furious gunrunning, the VA debacle, Benghazi, surveillance of reporters, and other scandals, an adoring mainstream press consistently parrots Obama’s risible claim that his administration was scandal-free. But the Russia-collusion hoax dwarfs all the other Obama scandals and malfeasance combined.

Obama knows this. So do the media. They also know most of Obama’s “achievements” haven’t even survived Trump’s first term. The media-enabled fiction of a scandal-free administration is nearly all that remains of the Obama legacy. So it must be maintained.

That’s why we’re about to experience media prevarication, deflection, omission, and misrepresentation on a scale never before witnessed in political news coverage — even eclipsing that of the last three years. Obama must be protected, facts be damned. And if they spin furiously enough, they might even be rewarded with a Pulitzer.'

Americans will be able to tell hard Obama, Democrats, and snowflakes are spinning if the Weather Channel's Jim Cantore shows up in Washington....the amount of spin needed to make this - the largest scandal in US history - go away would surely result in a hurricane forming directly over DC...

Satellite Photo Shows Hurricane Irene Battering US East Coast | Space
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