Protecting Joe Biden From a Debate and Susan Rice 'By the Book'


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
As Joe Biden sits in his basement watching daytime TV, enjoying his ice cream or pudding, his political handlers have two important tasks.

No. 1. At all costs, avoid debates with President Donald Trump so Joe won't reveal to the entire nation what many Americans with eyes can already see. The old Joe was a fabulist, a teller of wild stories in which he was always the hero. But he's not even the old Joe Biden anymore, is he? And putting him in a debate would be disastrous for the Democrats.

And No. 2. Select a vice presidential candidate, someone who very well may become president soon after inauguration — presuming Biden is elected.

Which is why there are so many vice presidential trial balloons being floated with former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice's name on them, since no one in their right mind would want Biden's unsure, shaky hands on the levers of foreign policy.

And it's all being done "by the book," isn't it?

BJ's Pull quote

"By the book" is the curious, or rather, damning phrase used by Rice in that now-infamous White House email she wrote to herself on Jan. 20, 2017, some 15 to 20 minutes after Trump was inaugurated. She was no longer national security adviser.

Hers was a classic CYA email about the origins of the now-discredited Russia collusion fable that helped tear the country apart.

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