Proposal To Break California Into 3 States Could Make November Ballot

Feb 22, 2013
Anything would be an improvement over this liberal shithole that it now is.

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Voters could get a chance to decide whether California should be split into three states this November.

Venture capitalist Tim Draper, who authored an initiative to break up the Golden State, says it has received enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. Draper says the initiative, which he calls the “CAL 3” has more than 600,000 signatures and will be submitted to election officials next week.


Proposal To Break California Into 3 States Could Make November Ballot
What a waste of time. It would have to be approved by Congress; which of course it won't be. I suspect this has more to do about teaching Californians that there is a political divide among them. And it's true, there is. It's a form of gerrymandering I think, to shrink the power of the uber libs nestled in power in Sacramento, right next door to the crumbling infrastructure and social systems but intact power systems of the Bay Area.

Why should more than half the state have conservative principles or at least moderate ones and be dictated to by a handful of squirming lunatics in Sac? One gay judge from SF took two vote-downs on gay marriage from the entire state and said 'no, I want gay marriage'. And from there Obergefell's iron fist slammed down on the entire nation using the same type of completely blatant judicial activism (tyranny). What other USSC case do we have where one judge predicted to support it via her political leanings just dispensed with any caution whatsoever and announced a month before the Hearing that "gay marriage is a thing that America is ready for!" on national press??

This is how CA's fascism can get out of control. So yeah, I can see the motivation to gerrymander CA's power away from the Fascist Libs trying to take over the entire country by any means necessary. Including sedition of due process.
Anything would be an improvement over this liberal shithole that it now is.

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Voters could get a chance to decide whether California should be split into three states this November.

Venture capitalist Tim Draper, who authored an initiative to break up the Golden State, says it has received enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. Draper says the initiative, which he calls the “CAL 3” has more than 600,000 signatures and will be submitted to election officials next week.


Proposal To Break California Into 3 States Could Make November Ballot
Good luck with
Yes, even with a thumbs up by voters there is likely not a chance in hell the Dimocrat controlled EVERYTHING would allow it.
It's good to see however that at least there is some resistance out there to this shithole.
I love it when people in other states, shit holes at that, want to call my state one. California is the BEST place on earth to live. That so California is where the majority of the signatures were garnered is not a surprise. We have led this nation for 168 years and no other state is even close to surpassing our greatness.
Wouldn’t that give the Democrats at least three, maybe four more seats in the Senate? Good luck getting that passed by Congress.
I love it when people in other states, shit holes at that, want to call my state one. California is the BEST place on earth to live. That so California is where the majority of the signatures were garnered is not a surprise. We have led this nation for 168 years and no other state is even close to surpassing our greatness.

I was born in Burbank, and I lived in several different cities over many years, and I have every right to call it a shithole if I want.
Does anyone think the Dems in Cali would ever agree, or Congress for that matter, particularly if two of the three states were Dem.
Wouldn’t that give the Democrats at least three, maybe four more seats in the Senate? Good luck getting that passed by Congress.

More likely it would give the Republicans 2 or 3 more seats, which is probably the intent of gerrymandering by state splitting.
Just another example of how right wingers don't know how things work. Remember when the House passed that bill that said it would automatically become a law if the Senate didn't pass it within a few days? Everybody got a big laugh out of that one too.
Just another example of how right wingers don't know how things work. Remember when the House passed that bill that said it would automatically become a law if the Senate didn't pass it within a few days? Everybody got a big laugh out of that one too.

Oh tell us then asshole.

We know that regardless of how the people voted, this would involve congressional action, as well as judicial.
Just another example of how right wingers don't know how things work. Remember when the House passed that bill that said it would automatically become a law if the Senate didn't pass it within a few days? Everybody got a big laugh out of that one too.

Oh tell us then asshole.

We know that regardless of how the people voted, this would involve congressional action, as well as judicial.

Evidently the idiots wanting that on the ballot don't know that.
I wonder what the names for the new states would be.

God bless you always!!!


Don't know about the other two but The State of Jefferson (SOJ) has been in the works for years. They'll have all the water.


"We the people of The Jefferson Counties have repeatedly and humbly requested an end to the lawlessness, which issues from Sacramento. We have repeatedly and humbly requested redress of our grievances from both the executive and legislative branches of government. Our requests are met only with further abuses and assaults on our Liberty and property rights. We are now attempting to gain justice from the Article 3 Court in the Eastern District of California, only to be told that since all Californians are equally tyrannized by the institutional felons named above, there is nothing the court can do to help us. This is unacceptable and further, is an outrage against liberty. See CFR v Padilla."

Official State of Jefferson Movement
I love it when people in other states, shit holes at that, want to call my state one. California is the BEST place on earth to live. That so California is where the majority of the signatures were garnered is not a surprise. We have led this nation for 168 years and no other state is even close to surpassing our greatness.
California is the BEST place on earth to live
at one time it it depends on were in the State you live...
Just another example of how right wingers don't know how things work. Remember when the House passed that bill that said it would automatically become a law if the Senate didn't pass it within a few days? Everybody got a big laugh out of that one too.
Sorry to break it to you but splitting a State is IN the Constitution it takes the approval of the State and acceptance by the Congress.

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