Prop Guns Don't Kill People Alec Baldwin Kills People


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
In the real world a prop gun can kill no body. Now a real gun in the hands of a grown man who is a complete idiot is a different story.
The woman that was shot in the chest wasn't an actor playing the bad guy but employed as a stage hand. What a joke the media is saying it was a prop gun. It was a real gun. Even my girls when 5 years old would have checked to see if it was loaded when first handed to them. I am having a hard time believing an American man didn't check the weapon when first handed it. Then trying to put blame the murder on the one handing it to him. He may be as stupid as Baldwin but Baldwin was the one pulling the trigger on the 'prop' gun.

Why was the weapon pointed at the woman's chest in the first place and the trigger pulled by Baldwin? I don't care how many tears this clown shed. Anyone taking a firearm and the first thing one does is check that the firearm is safe. Not start pointing it around at people pulling the trigger even if it's empty, even if it's disassembled. Baldwin needs to be charged with at the least man slauter and reckless endangerment. Baldwin broke every safety rule in the book and stupid can not be the excuse for this much recklessness. Tell me are all you democrats that stupid? Never mind, it was a stupid question for me to ask already knowing the answer.

A girl I know came by with a democrat friend. I had just cleaned an AK47. The bolt was closed and the democrat took it putting the stock in the air and looked down the barrel. What he expected to see I have no idea. Well I did have one idea and that is to get a weapon in the hands of every democrat. The ending of the draft in this country it would only take a few minutes to rid this nation of all it's problems An accident of epic proportions.


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Completely ridiculous

I know Conservatives are trying to get Baldwin because he says mean things about Trump

But Baldwin was following established protocols on the set. He was handed a gun that was declared “cold” by two crew members trained to handle weapons.
The scene called for him to shoot directly at the camera

As much as you hate Baldwin, he will not be prosecuted for his actions that day
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I love how many try and lay the blame off on other people. Yet they themselves have been the first to jump on need stiffer gun restrictions when even an accidental discharge occurs.
they claim stupid things like he said mean things or he was just doing his job.
funny somehow he missed the very important part of that firearms safety job of being sure that the gun was not loaded. He was attempting to do things on the cheap and had numerous complaints about safety on the set and gun safety. Experienced armorers refused to take the job because of safety concerns.
But oh well no one is going to complain that one was killed and another was seriously injured because of being cheap and not caring about safety. Unless it is someone from the other party
I love how many try and lay the blame off on other people. Yet they themselves have been the first to jump on need stiffer gun restrictions when even an accidental discharge occurs.
they claim stupid things like he said mean things or he was just doing his job.
funny somehow he missed the very important part of that firearms safety job of being sure that the gun was not loaded. He was attempting to do things on the cheap and had numerous complaints about safety on the set and gun safety. Experienced armorers refused to take the job because of safety concerns.
But oh well no one is going to complain that one was killed and another was seriously injured because of being cheap and not caring about safety. Unless it is someone from the other party

Exactly. I'll remember this well, and I hope others do, too. Leftists like rightwinger are arguing that a man who picks up a gun without checking it, points it at an innocent person, pulls the trigger, and kills her, isn't liable for anything.

I'm certainly going to remember that, and I hope everyone else does, too.
Exactly. I'll remember this well, and I hope others do, too. Leftists like rightwinger are arguing that a man who picks up a gun without checking it, points it at an innocent person, pulls the trigger, and kills her, isn't liable for anything.

I'm certainly going to remember that, and I hope everyone else does, too.
Sorry Skippy
But that is the way our laws work

This is not some guy playing with a firearm at his kitchen table. It is an actor on a movie set following set safety protocols.

So you can scream “Lock him up” as many times as you want but it ain’t gunna happen
Sorry Skippy
But that is the way our laws work

This is not some guy playing with a firearm at his kitchen table. It is an actor on a movie set following set safety protocols.

So you can scream “Lock him up” as many times as you want but it ain’t gunna happen
if he followed safety protocols the women would still be alive because alec would have checked the gun to see if it were loaded as per protocol,,
if he followed safety protocols the women would still be alive because alec would have checked the gun to see if it were loaded as per protocol,,
He did follow all the safety protocols established for filming

Once a gun has been cleared as safe, it is not an actors responsibility to fuk with it
Completely ridiculous

I know Conservatives are trying to get Baldwin because he says mean things about Trump

But Baldwin was following established protocols on the set. He was handed a gun that was declared “cold” by two crew members trained to handle weapons.
The scene called for him to shoot directly at the camera

As much as you hate Baldwin, he will not be prosecuted for his actions that day
Somebody will. Firearm negligence is a serious offense when someone loses their life.
He did follow all the safety protocols established for filming

Once a gun has been cleared as safe, it is not an actors responsibility to fuk with it
your ignorance has no bounds,,
protocol says the actor is to also check the gun when its handed to them,,

the law says you are responsible not the person that handed you the gun,,
Somebody will. Firearm negligence is a serious offense when someone loses their life.
Very true
And the armorer and Assistant Director were negligent in securing and handling the weapon and declaring it safe
your ignorance has no bounds,,
protocol says the actor is to also check the gun when its handed to them,,

the law says you are responsible not the person that handed you the gun,,
It does?
Show us

If instead of a 6 shot revolver he is handed a rifle with a 30 round magazine, is he expected to unload the magazine to verify it is full of blanks?
Completely ridiculous

I know Conservatives are trying to get Baldwin because he says mean things about Trump

But Baldwin was following established protocols on the set. He was handed a gun that was declared “cold” by two crew members trained to handle weapons.
The scene called for him to shoot directly at the camera

As much as you hate Baldwin, he will not be prosecuted for his actions that day
"con-servatives are trying to get Balwin because he says mean things about trump".....that's his REAL crime.

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