Prop 8 in California

Definitely owned mostly by Judeo christians, and by a few others.

you sure are ignorant for some boob who claims to be world traveled. what percentage of the world is judeo christian? and are you saying most others are----oh, you would be saying that. you're the ugly American with a hang up about gays and what gays do that you'd like to if your god would allow it.
\sad when you think about it
see, now.. im not a big fan of throwing the boy scouts under the bus. I enjoyed that shit as a kid and it was never anything bu a benevolent experience. It sucks that they the stance they do about homosexuality but, as long as they don't cost the .gov, I'm just not sure the utility in crucifying them as an organization.
you sure are ignorant for some boob who claims to be world traveled. what percentage of the world is judeo christian? and are you saying most others are----oh, you would be saying that. you're the ugly American with a hang up about gays and what gays do that you'd like to if your god would allow it.
\sad when you think about it

I am talking about the US here and prop 8 specifically which won here in the US. By the way, do any of you have kids? If you do, are you really comfortable with having gay scout masters mentoring your kids out in the secluded woods. Sorry, I could care less what you guys label or call it, but that's not right, it's creepy and good for the Boy Scouts for doing the right thing. To recite the scout oath: On my honor, I will do my duty, to God and my country, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT.
It's a good code to live by even if some of you don't like it.
I am talking about the US here and prop 8 specifically which won here in the US. By the way, do any of you have kids? If you do, are you really comfortable with having gay scout masters mentoring your kids out in the secluded woods. Sorry, I could care less what you guys label or call it, but that's not right, it's creepy and good for the Boy Scouts for doing the right thing. To recite the scout oath: On my honor, I will do my duty, to God and my country, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT.
It's a good code to live by even if some of you don't like it.

Has anyone ever noticed that the people who excoriated the Catholic Church over pedophile priests are the same people who excoriate the Boy Scouts for not doing the same damned thing?

Gotta love that leftist consistency.
I am talking about the US here and prop 8 specifically which won here in the US. By the way, do any of you have kids? If you do, are you really comfortable with having gay scout masters mentoring your kids out in the secluded woods. Sorry, I could care less what you guys label or call it, but that's not right, it's creepy and good for the Boy Scouts for doing the right thing. To recite the scout oath: On my honor, I will do my duty, to God and my country, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT.
It's a good code to live by even if some of you don't like it.

Here's how the original 1910 boy scout handbook defines morally straight.

"In its briefs below and to this Court, Boy Scouts claims that the language "morally straight" and "clean" in the Oath and Law, respectively, constitutes a rejection of homosexuality. The Boy Scout Handbook defines "morally straight" as follows:

To be a person of strong character, guide your life with honesty, purity, and justice. Respect and defend the rights of all people. Your relationships with others should be honest and open. Be clean in your speech and actions, and faithful in your religious beliefs. The values you follow as a Scout will help you become virtuous and self-reliant.

The Boy Scout Handbook also defines "clean":

A Scout is CLEAN. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He chooses the company of those who live by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.
You never need to be ashamed of dirt that will wash off....
There's another kind of dirt that won't come off by washing. It is the kind that shows up in foul language and harmful thoughts.
Swear words, profanity, and dirty stories are weapons that ridicule other people and hurt their feelings. The same is true of racial slurs and jokes making fun of ethnic groups or people with physical or mental limitations. A Scout knows there is no kindness or honor in such mean-spirited behavior. He avoids it in his own words and deeds. He defends those who are the targets of insults."

Dale v. Boy Scouts of America

You'll see no mention of sex or sexual orientation and nothing that applies to all gays.
Here's how the original 1910 boy scout handbook defines morally straight.

"In its briefs below and to this Court, Boy Scouts claims that the language "morally straight" and "clean" in the Oath and Law, respectively, constitutes a rejection of homosexuality. The Boy Scout Handbook defines "morally straight" as follows:

To be a person of strong character, guide your life with honesty, purity, and justice. Respect and defend the rights of all people. Your relationships with others should be honest and open. Be clean in your speech and actions, and faithful in your religious beliefs. The values you follow as a Scout will help you become virtuous and self-reliant.

The Boy Scout Handbook also defines "clean":

A Scout is CLEAN. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He chooses the company of those who live by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.
You never need to be ashamed of dirt that will wash off....
There's another kind of dirt that won't come off by washing. It is the kind that shows up in foul language and harmful thoughts.
Swear words, profanity, and dirty stories are weapons that ridicule other people and hurt their feelings. The same is true of racial slurs and jokes making fun of ethnic groups or people with physical or mental limitations. A Scout knows there is no kindness or honor in such mean-spirited behavior. He avoids it in his own words and deeds. He defends those who are the targets of insults."

Dale v. Boy Scouts of America

You'll see no mention of sex or sexual orientation and nothing that applies to all gays.

Do you think anyone in the Scout Organization in 1910 would condone homosexuality? In that day and age it just wasn't even a consideration that a scout would be a homosexual. It would have been the most alien of concepts back then and totally taboo. You will also notice that it said to follow their religious beliefs. Well as an Eagle Scout myself I am doing just that.
Do you think anyone in the Scout Organization in 1910 would condone homosexuality? In that day and age it just wasn't even a consideration that a scout would be a homosexual. It would have been the most alien of concepts back then and totally taboo. You will also notice that it said to follow their religious beliefs. Well as an Eagle Scout myself I am doing just that.

It still never mentions lust, love or anything of that sort. Except to have an honest open relationship. Although I see your point, I think it was still considered a mental disease in 1910.
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You also gotta love the inability to distinguish gays from pedophiles (hint: gays are attracted to men and pedophiles are attracted to kids). - Is homosexuality to blame for church scandal?

Homosexuality is a very harmful sin alone. Pedophilia is worse because it involves
kids but it is surprising to note how many homosexuals were born as a result of pedophilia. Certainly a man who preys upon a small boy is still a homosexual or bisexual, which isn't much different to me.
Homosexuality is a very harmful sin alone. Pedophilia is worse because it involves
kids but it is surprising to note how many homosexuals were born as a result of pedophilia. Certainly a man who preys upon a small boy is still a homosexual or bisexual, which isn't much different to me.

The whole point is that there is very little if any connection between pedophilia and homosexuality or at least that homosexuals are just as likely to be pedos as any other. One of them considered pedophilia a separate orientation.

" USA TODAY asked experts on pedophilia and sex behavior research to evaluate these studies.

The verdict: They don't support a claim that gay men are more likely than heterosexuals to abuse minors."
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That's fine. I accept that they are obviously two different preferences. But I still don't approve of either.
Do you think anyone in the Scout Organization in 1910 would condone homosexuality? In that day and age it just wasn't even a consideration that a scout would be a homosexual. It would have been the most alien of concepts back then and totally taboo. You will also notice that it said to follow their religious beliefs. Well as an Eagle Scout myself I am doing just that.

So homosexuality is a "new" thing like after 1910?
I am not so ignorant as to infer that, see Bible, Sodom and Gomorrah.

But I think we all know it was not "in" back then in the early 1900's. No argument there.


Were you alive back then or is it that open hostility that was prevalent back then your guide? By that argument it is logical to let hostility to others be our guide to what is right and wrong.

Were you alive back then or is it that open hostility that was prevalent back then your guide? By that argument it is logical to let hostility to others be our guide to what is right and wrong.

You know nothing of hostility. preventing degeneracy marriage is not hostile. Gay bashing is hostile. Violence is hostile. parading in front of people's religious buildings is hostile. Voting for what you believe is right is not hostile.
You also gotta love the inability to distinguish gays from pedophiles (hint: gays are attracted to men and pedophiles are attracted to kids). - Is homosexuality to blame for church scandal?

Fact: Being attracted to kids does not preclude one from ALSO being a homosexual. If you're a man, and you're attracted to little boys, you are both a homosexual and a pedophile. Duhhh.

Maybe that's why leftists are so inconsistent: they're imbeciles.
The whole point is that there is very little if any connection between pedophilia and homosexuality or at least that homosexuals are just as likely to be pedos as any other. One of them considered pedophilia a separate orientation.

" USA TODAY asked experts on pedophilia and sex behavior research to evaluate these studies.

The verdict: They don't support a claim that gay men are more likely than heterosexuals to abuse minors."

No one said there was a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia except you, which makes me wonder why you're jumping to such a defensive overreaction. Compensate much?

I said that the same people who are outraged that the Catholic Church didn't do enough to protect young boys from homosexual pedophiles also throw fits when the Scouts don't make the same mistake.

Although as it happens - since you were the first to bring it up - it is a statistical fact that a much higher percentage of homosexual men have this paraphilia than do heterosexual men.
You know nothing of hostility.
If you say so, I disagree though.

preventing evolution of society is not hostile. Gay bashing is hostile. Violence is hostile.
Agreed (corrected that for you).

parading in front of people's religious buildings is hostile.
Disagree since when is it hostile to parade?

Voting for what you believe is right is not hostile.
I see you twisted the words of my original post by changing the words degeneracy marriage to "preventing evolution of society."
How nice of you. Except I am not changing any of the words in your post so it's really not very nice. Homosexual marriage is not evolution of society, it is degeneration of society. Not progress.

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