Proof Putin Wanted Hillary, Not Trump


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
First....the latest news about Hillary's associates at Fusion GPS:

"....the co-founders of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm behind the infamous Trump dossier, invoked their Fifth Amendment rights during a meeting with the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, a person familiar with the matter told The Daily Caller.

Fusion was working for an ally of Hillary Clinton’s last June when the firm hired Steele to investigate Donald Trump’s personal and business activities in Russia.

The result is a 35-page document full of salacious and uncorroborated allegations about Trump and his campaign associates. The dossier has been cited by the FBI as part of its investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives."
Fusion GPS Partners Plead The Fifth During House Intel Appearance

The following is from an earlier thread which, it seems, is no longer possible to access....

"According to a new court document in the British lawsuit, counsel for defendants Steele and Orbis repeatedly point to McCain, R-Ariz., a vocal Trump critic, and a former State Department official as two in a handful of people known to have had copies of the full document before it circulated among journalists and was published by BuzzFeed."
John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case

The dossier is the only real evidence, and it was designed to end the Trump campaign.
1. Russian sources [ read 'Putin'] 'gave' the material to socialist Christopher Steele
2. Orbis and FusionGPS, hired by Hillary, tried to get it published
3. Comey was pushing it long after it was debunked
4. Trump enemy McCain brought it to the US from the UK
5.Easily bribed, live-long bagwoman, Hillary Clinton, was the candidate for the Kremlin. Yesterday's news was all about the bribes to the Clinton Crime Family by the Kremlin to grab US uranium.


"Democrats intentionally used disinformation from Russia to attack Trump, campaign aides
While the liberal news media hunts for evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, the public record shows that Democrats have willfully used Moscow disinformation to influence the presidential election against Donald Trump and attack his administration.

The disinformation came in the form of a Russian-fed dossier written by former British intelligenceagent Christopher Steele. It contains a series of unverified criminal charges against Mr. Trump’s campaign aides, such as coordinating Moscow’s hacking of Democratic Party computers.

Some Democrats have widely circulated the discredited information. Mr. Steelewas paid by the Democrat-funded opposition research firm Fusion GPS with money from a Hillary Clinton backer. Fusion GPS distributed the dossier among Democrats and journalists. The information fell into the hands of the FBI, which used it in part to investigate Mr. Trump’s campaign aides."

Mr. Steele makes clear that his unproven charges came almost exclusively from sources linked to the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin."
Democrats spread false Russian information on Trump, campaign aides

Obviously, the Russians wanted the candidate that they have easily bribed in the past: Bill's wife, the career criminal.


I told ya' so!

The thesis here is that our enemies always wanted Bill's wife as President...not Trump.
After all, they have a history of being able to bribe Hillary and other high Democrats.

Further.....the Kremlin worked to produce the spurious dossier that made up all sorts of allegations designed to sink the Trump candidacy....

.... the foreign reporting was actually based on the work of [Democrat funded] Mr. Steele and [Democrat funded] Fusion GPS.”

The bureau reportedly cited the dossier in an application for a surveillance warrant last September on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. FBI agents also reportedly offered Steele $50,000 ...."
Senate Committee Raises New Questions About The Trump Dossier

The real collusion:
Hillary and The Democrats, the Deep State, and the FBI itself.....and the Kremlin.
Plus Mr. Hillary kept a young female intern in the Oval Office to double as a humidor when she wasnt blowing him, but Trumps a sexual predator.


20 minutes and not a single liberal retort.
Good job PC!

Gracias, dt!!!

Now....would it be piling on to prove how easily manipulated the Left's drones are?

After truly stoooooppppidddd they sounded when they screeched at how supportive Russia was with President Trump...

...when Russian TV....RT....was doing exactly the opposite.

"....the claim that RT America is pro-Trump is that it is simply false. Many of the channel’s biggest names were either ardently anti-Trump or highly skeptical of what a Trump presidency might mean for America.

Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times, who hosts the show On Contact, was consistently anti-Trump in his outlook. Hedges has called Trump “woefully unprepared” for the presidency and said his election could mean the creation of a “draconian police state.”

Stalwart liberal Thom Hartmann, who hosts The Big Picture, has aired programs with names like: “Dictator Trump Threatens Free Speech,” “Why Trump’s Cabinet Is a Basket of Deplorables,” “How Trump Could Bring on the Crash of 2016,” “Does Trump Mean the End of the Internet as We Know It?,” “Why Trump’s Win Is a Koch Coup Against Our Democracy” and “Is Donald Trump the Master of BS?”—to name a few.

Ed Schultz, who hosts News with Ed Schultz, also routinely ran segments that criticized Trump. “Who’s gonna stop Donald Trump!?” pleaded Schultz before a segment on how the GOP was worried about the reality-TV star’s unstoppable rise. Schultz also aired an interview with Bernie Sanders, who lambasted Trump’s bigotry and sexism and called Clinton “far and away the superior candidate”.

Lesser-known names on RT America have also criticized Trump on-air. Lee Camp, who hosts the satirical show Redacted Tonight, has mocked Trump relentlessly, calling one segment on climate change: “Why Donald Trump Is Dangerous For All Humanity.”
RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’

A simple look through RT America’s YouTube channel throws up numerous clips in which guests refer to Trump as misogynistic, bigoted, and racist." RT America Was Not ‘Pro-Trump’
the real proof is obvious.

regardless if its Clinton or Trump, RW's could care less if Russia breeched our system and jacked with our intelligence.

RussianWingers can kiss my AMERICAN ASS.

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