Proof of Obamunists 'WireTapping' Trump

admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"
no, that's a lie R's are passing around, she left in 2016, September of 2016 and in her interview she was discussing the March 2nd article on it, which had said the intel community was making certain the invstigation evidence was preserved. sh did leave before the intel community did this, as far as I know....

Did Evelyn Farkas Just Leak Information Confirming President Obama Spied on President Trump?
admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"
no, that's a lie R's are passing around, she left in 2016, September of 2016 and in her interview she was discussing the March 2nd article on it, which had said the intel community was making certain the invstigation evidence was preserved. sh did leave before the intel community did this, as far as I know....

Did Evelyn Farkas Just Leak Information Confirming President Obama Spied on President Trump?
Pentagon's top Russia official resigns


The Pentagon’s top official overseeing military relations with Russia and Ukraine is resigning amid the ongoing debate within the Obama administration over how to respond to Russian moves in Ukraine and Syria.

Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, is leaving her post at the end of next month after five years with the Defense Department, a senior defense official confirmed to POLITICO.
admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"

"WASHINGTON – A former Obama official appears to have inadvertently confirmed the former president’s administration spied on then President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team for political purposes.

Speaking on MSNBC March 2, Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, confirmed that not only was the previous administration collecting intelligence on the Trump team, it was attempting to share it as far and wide as possible.

...the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for political reasons."
Read more at Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Really got you Obamunists sweating, huh?

admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"
no, that's a lie R's are passing around, she left in 2016, September of 2016 and in her interview she was discussing the March 2nd article on it, which had said the intel community was making certain the invstigation evidence was preserved. sh did leave before the intel community did this, as far as I know....

Did Evelyn Farkas Just Leak Information Confirming President Obama Spied on President Trump?

"On March 22, House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif, announced he had seen classified information collected by the Obama administration that consisted of:

“Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration – details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value – (which) were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting.

“I have confirmed that additional names of Trump transition team members were unmasked (revealed.)

“To be clear, none of this surveillance was related to Russia or any investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team.”
Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Sooo.....wadda' ya' think......Stalin would be proud of you and yours, huh?
"Evelyn Farkas is the former Obama administration deputy secretary of defense — and now an MSNBC analyst. Appearing on air among her friends at MSNBC yesterday, she all but outed herself as a key source for the seminal New York Times story on the Obama administration’s efforts to subvert the incoming Trump administration.

The March 1 Times story ran under the headline “Obama administration rushed to preserve intelligence of Russian election hacking” under the byline of Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Goldman and Michael Schmidt. The Times reporters noted that they protected the identity of their sources because, you know, their cooperation with the Times was criminal or because their actions were otherwise legally problematic.

And Farkas might have admitted to Vox’s Ezra Klein back in February that Obama administration national security officials were leaking on then candidate Donald Trump and potential ties to Russia as far back as the summer of 2016."
Did former Obama aide Evelyn Farkas just admit that Trump's staff was spied on?

"Evelyn Farkas also served as an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign and was up for a position in the Clinton administration if Hillary became President.

It’s no big deal that she had access to information on the Trump campaign while advising his opponent, Hillary Clinton, right? Nothing to see here, move along…

There is a massive amount of evidence piling up that the Trump camp was spied on by the Obama administration, but Russia, right? The fake Russian narrative is to distract from Obamagate."
Obama’s Former Asst. Defense Secretary ADMITS ON MSNBC Obama Admin Spied on Trump (VIDEO)

admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"

"WASHINGTON – A former Obama official appears to have inadvertently confirmed the former president’s administration spied on then President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team for political purposes.

Speaking on MSNBC March 2, Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, confirmed that not only was the previous administration collecting intelligence on the Trump team, it was attempting to share it as far and wide as possible.

...the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for political reasons."
Read more at Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Really got you Obamunists sweating, huh?

WingNutsDaily = Fake News
admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"

"WASHINGTON – A former Obama official appears to have inadvertently confirmed the former president’s administration spied on then President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team for political purposes.

Speaking on MSNBC March 2, Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, confirmed that not only was the previous administration collecting intelligence on the Trump team, it was attempting to share it as far and wide as possible.

...the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for political reasons."
Read more at Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Really got you Obamunists sweating, huh?

WingNutsDaily = Fake News

Let's be clear.

1. The only 'fake' involved is the belief that Communism, Leftism, Liberalism, whatever name you use, will provide some sort of material equality, and result in Utopia.

2. Acceptance of said 'fake' doctrine requires a particularly dumb buffoon.
Raise your paw.
admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"

"WASHINGTON – A former Obama official appears to have inadvertently confirmed the former president’s administration spied on then President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team for political purposes.

Speaking on MSNBC March 2, Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, confirmed that not only was the previous administration collecting intelligence on the Trump team, it was attempting to share it as far and wide as possible.

...the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for political reasons."
Read more at Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Really got you Obamunists sweating, huh?

WingNutsDaily = Fake News

Let's be clear.

1. The only 'fake' involved is the belief that Communism, Leftism, Liberalism, whatever name you use, will provide some sort of material equality, and result in Utopia.

2. Acceptance of said 'fake' doctrine requires a particularly dumb buffoon.
Raise your paw.
Typical mindless deflection from the lie in your OP that she had "first hand knowledge" even though she had been out of the dept for almost a year!
Try again, liar.
....and leaking illegally obtained information to their condottieri in the media.

"UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
...Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

....significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump’s team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.

'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times report which discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Trump correct again: Obama turned America into a Banana Republic swamp.

Some other tard already posted this nonsense the other day. You're late to the game. Too bad for you it's been debunked already.

What the woman is saying is that the Obama Administration did its best to preserve the evidence of Russian interference in our election because they were worried Trump would bury or destroy it.

admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"

"WASHINGTON – A former Obama official appears to have inadvertently confirmed the former president’s administration spied on then President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team for political purposes.

Speaking on MSNBC March 2, Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, confirmed that not only was the previous administration collecting intelligence on the Trump team, it was attempting to share it as far and wide as possible.

...the real reason the Obama administration was feverishly collecting and sharing the classified information was not for national security purposes, but for political reasons."
Read more at Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Really got you Obamunists sweating, huh?

WingNutsDaily = Fake News

Let's be clear.

1. The only 'fake' involved is the belief that Communism, Leftism, Liberalism, whatever name you use, will provide some sort of material equality, and result in Utopia.

2. Acceptance of said 'fake' doctrine requires a particularly dumb buffoon.
Raise your paw.
Typical mindless deflection from the lie in your OP that she had "first hand knowledge" even though she had been out of the dept for almost a year!
Try again, liar.

But she did have first hand knowledge.

Seems it is left to me to teach you the English language.

Firsthand knowledge refers to something which the witness actually saw or heard, as distinguished from something he learned from some other person or source. It is also a knowledge that is gained through firsthand observation or experience, as distinguished from a belief based on what someone else has said.
Firsthand Knowledge Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Firsthand Knowledge Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

And, so.....once again you have proven instrumental in proving
a. that I never lie
b. that you are a dolt of the lowest order.

admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"
no, that's a lie R's are passing around, she left in 2016, September of 2016 and in her interview she was discussing the March 2nd article on it, which had said the intel community was making certain the invstigation evidence was preserved. sh did leave before the intel community did this, as far as I know....

Did Evelyn Farkas Just Leak Information Confirming President Obama Spied on President Trump?

"On March 22, House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif, announced he had seen classified information collected by the Obama administration that consisted of:

“Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration – details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value – (which) were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting.

“I have confirmed that additional names of Trump transition team members were unmasked (revealed.)

“To be clear, none of this surveillance was related to Russia or any investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team.”
Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Sooo.....wadda' ya' think......Stalin would be proud of you and yours, huh?

It's all blowing up! Nunes' visit to the WH in the dead of night to acquire Intel is relentlessly being discussed on all NEWS networks! How could they allow this to escalate so fast and out of control? All this over a STUPID Tweet of Trump's 2 wks ago accusing Obama of wiretapping his TOWER during the election campaign! While trying to prove something everyone says is false, it's now becoming a crime where all concerned are covering up & the FBI is already onto them! HOW does President Pence sound? :beer: :321:
....and leaking illegally obtained information to their condottieri in the media.

"UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
...Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

....significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump’s team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.

'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times report which discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Trump correct again: Obama turned America into a Banana Republic swamp.

Some other tard already posted this nonsense the other day. You're late to the game. Too bad for you it's been debunked already.

What the woman is saying is that the Obama Administration did its best to preserve the evidence of Russian interference in our election because they were worried Trump would bury or destroy it.


Oooo.....look who's back!

The self-described military bomb expert and electronics expert!!! much of anything you post should be believed???

Have you ever been revealed as a lying windbag???

Let's test your bona fides....

You made bogus this:

"I'm retired military and an electronics expert. I know what bombs look like, and I know what clocks look like." Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this:

I am also an electronics expert. I worked at the top of the field for decades.... All these FACTS destroy your stupid FANTASY it looks like a bomb. Even an English teacher could tell it wasn't. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I utterly destroyed any credibility you ever enjoyed.....with this picture:

If they thought Ahmed brought a ‘bomb’, why didn’t they evacuate the school?

And now you are eligible to change your avi to "1stClassBuffoon"

Do so quickly!
admitting first hand knowledge

I was urging my former colleagues,
Hey dumb ass, she left in 2015, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to have "first hand knowledge!"
no, that's a lie R's are passing around, she left in 2016, September of 2016 and in her interview she was discussing the March 2nd article on it, which had said the intel community was making certain the invstigation evidence was preserved. sh did leave before the intel community did this, as far as I know....

Did Evelyn Farkas Just Leak Information Confirming President Obama Spied on President Trump?

"On March 22, House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif, announced he had seen classified information collected by the Obama administration that consisted of:

“Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration – details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value – (which) were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting.

“I have confirmed that additional names of Trump transition team members were unmasked (revealed.)

“To be clear, none of this surveillance was related to Russia or any investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team.”
Former Obama official admits: We spied on Trump

Sooo.....wadda' ya' think......Stalin would be proud of you and yours, huh?

It's all blowing up! Nunes' visit to the WH in the dead of night to acquire Intel is relentlessly being discussed on all NEWS networks! How could they allow this to escalate so fast and out of control? All this over a STUPID Tweet of Trump's 2 wks ago accusing Obama of wiretapping his TOWER during the election campaign! While trying to prove something everyone says is false, it's now becoming a crime where all concerned are covering up & the FBI is already onto them! HOW does President Pence sound? :beer: :321:

"All this over a STUPID Tweet of Trump's 2 wks ago accusing Obama of wiretapping his TOWER during the election campaign! "

Well, now...

...time to put another dunce in his place.

The OP PROVES that Trump was correct.

And, then, there's this:

"The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."


past tense: surveilled; past participle: surveilled
keep (a person or place) under surveillance.
as in "he deployed FBI agents to surveil the offices of those companies"

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.

You should only open your mouth to change feet.
But she did have first hand knowledge.
She had been out of the dept since 2015 and the FBI probe did not begin until July 2016.
But she did have first hand knowledge.
She had been out of the dept since 2015 and the FBI probe did not begin until July 2016.

You really don't understand English, do you.

Here....try to have someone explain it to you....anyone with a third grade or better understanding of the language will do...

Firsthand knowledge refers to something which the witness actually saw or heard, as distinguished from something he learned from some other person or source. It is also a knowledge that is gained through firsthand observation or experience, as distinguished from a belief based on what someone else has said.
Firsthand Knowledge Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Firsthand Knowledge Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc. did have first hand knowledge of what was going on, as she stated in the video.....she is one of the cult, and a certified Obamunist.

And as dumb as you are, too.

And, so.....once again you have proven instrumental in proving
a. that I never lie
b. that you are a dolt of the lowest order.

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