Proof of God found.

It sounds as if YOU are stalking her, TBH.

Dream on Alice.

I don't stalk women.

The information was given to me in a conversation, I never asked. I believe someone tryed to make me jealous, and / or tick me off. Or she told that person to tell me in an effort to frustrate me.

Shadow 355
Well, obviously you were raped by aliens. Lol.

About five years ago, I was working Gate three where I work, and having to clean urine that is all over the toilet. Clean what appeared to be tobacco spit off of the wall. I told the third shift foreman ; whom has since retired and lives in the county south of where I live. His son works on the river...on towboats, for a popular electric company. The foreman did nothing, no investigation, no putting notices out to keep the bathrooms clean.

Taking the trash out at Gate Three one evening, after I had swept and mopped.......... and there was a hole in the bottom of the trash bag, which I believe someone punched a hole in the bottom of the bag. When I pulled the bag out to go to the dumpster, tobacco spit went all over the floor from the trashcan to the door - because I did not realize it till it was too late. People I believe being mean and juvenile.

Gate three, me sweeping the floors, and I picked up the trash can to sweep, and there was a pile of dust under the trash can, like someone swept it there.

Pop or similar substance spilled on the blue counter top at Gate Three and not cleaned up, making the counter top at the gate......sticky. It used to be frequent, now it has slowed down.

I clean and wash the new company trucks, and after I clean and wash them, the next shift somehow gets caked mud on the truck.....the sides to where you cannot read the company logo on the side of the truck, and the inside I just cleaned the day before......looks like someone took dust from a vacuum cleaner filter and threw it all over the dash and seats of the truck, along with a bucket of sand. New Trucks were bought for the department about a year and a half ago......and all four have been wrecked - three of those vehicles were wrecked within about six to eight months......and they have not been taken care of And the bodies of the vehicles get frequently scratched.....some scrathces are really long and deep.

When we got new trucks about the year 2007, Chevrolet's, I too cleaned them like the new Ford trucks we just recently got - every shift. Every shift I washed and cleaned. People left paper and spit cups in the trucks, "graphite lubricant " on the seats and steering wheel, mud all up and down the sides, body, trash inside the passenger compartment, and to tick me extinguishers left in the bed of the truck ; which they sometimes do now ( driving and making turns, the fire extinguishers roll from left to right in the bed slamming on the left and right walls of the truck bed ) Fire extinguishers left in the truck bed a time or two every three months might be OK. Fire extinguishers left in the truck bed, and only the truck I don't occur to no one else, leaves room for significant suspicion of being malicious and juvenile behavior - against me specifically. Especially if it happens to me five or six times a month and one else.

The rule is, if you pick up a fire extinguisher, it goes to the refill area ; or the area of filled extinguishers, they are not to be left in the bed of the truck.

About three times in the past..... there was a fire extinguisher left in the bed of the truck and the safety pin was missing - unknown to me. When I hit the brakes to stop, the extinguisher slid forward against the cab of the truck.....causing the fire extinguisher handle to be pushed.....and discharging the fire extinguisher in the back of the truck. Again.....I believe maliciousness and juvenile behavior directed toward me.

Shadow 355

People are lazy, slobs, and careless. Means nothing.
It sounds as if YOU are stalking her, TBH.

Dream on Alice.

I don't stalk women.

The information was given to me in a conversation, I never asked. I believe someone tryed to make me jealous, and / or tick me off. Or she told that person to tell me in an effort to frustrate me.

Shadow 355

Wow! Seriously, you are really weird. I am much more concerned for this "sandy haired blonde" than I am for you.
This sounds like a bunch of paranoia to me. Sorry, but it does. I'm quite sure that you are not important or relevant enough for people to go through such trouble.

Anger and jealousy......quite possibly rage, causes people to do stupid and ignorant things.

Shadow 355
This sounds like a bunch of paranoia to me. Sorry, but it does. I'm quite sure that you are not important or relevant enough for people to go through such trouble.

Anger and jealousy......quite possibly rage, causes people to do stupid and ignorant things.

Shadow 355

Anger and jealousy about what??? Sounds like you could use some help, honestly.
This sounds like a bunch of paranoia to me. Sorry, but it does. I'm quite sure that you are not important or relevant enough for people to go through such trouble.

Anger and jealousy......quite possibly rage, causes people to do stupid and ignorant things.

Shadow 355

It would interesting to hear HER side of this story, I'm sure.
Wow! Seriously, you are really weird. I am much more concerned for this "sandy haired blonde" than I am for you.

Are you trying to get a date with me Chris? ;)

You pick on me an awlfully lot. You might just be smitten for me.

Shadow 355

Don't get crazy now. I don't even know you. You are just another weirdo on an internet forum as far as I'm concerned. I'm picking on you because you've been posting some really nutter shit lately.
It would interesting to hear HER side of this story, I'm sure.

Yeah, well she is an interesting woman. A controlling sort. she likes to tell other people what to do and makes overt suggestions.......But yes she is interesting.

Her friend...a brunette in the turtle neck sweater and pin striped dress slacks was much more interesting though. When I asked the blonde what her name was.....she got somewhat angered I was talking about the brunette. Then she had some of her Friends retaliate - my coworkers, against me for asking about the brunette ; and she does not know I know that.

Shadow 355
Don't get crazy now. I don't even know you. You are just another weirdo on an internet forum as far as I'm concerned. I'm picking on you because you've been posting some really nutter shit lately.

It does not matter if it is nutty or not.

As long as you write the truth, or speak the truth, there is no wrong doing being committed. So however "nutty" yo think I am, I am not doing anything wrong.

Speaking the truth...... does sometimes, make the guilty mad.

Shadow 355
Don't get crazy now. I don't even know you. You are just another weirdo on an internet forum as far as I'm concerned. I'm picking on you because you've been posting some really nutter shit lately.

It does not matter if it is nutty or not.

As long as you write the truth, or speak the truth, there is no wrong doing being committed. So however "nutty" yo think I am, I am not doing anything wrong.

Speaking the truth...... does sometimes, make the guilty mad.

Shadow 355

Maybe you haven't, maybe you have. Who knows? I think you are super paranoid to think beautiful women are stalking you though. Lol. It is more likely the other way around.
Don't get crazy now. I don't even know you. You are just another weirdo on an internet forum as far as I'm concerned. I'm picking on you because you've been posting some really nutter shit lately.

It does not matter if it is nutty or not.

As long as you write the truth, or speak the truth, there is no wrong doing being committed. So however "nutty" yo think I am, I am not doing anything wrong.

Speaking the truth...... does sometimes, make the guilty mad.

Shadow 355

And what about your post about your little "experience" in the woods at your campfire??? Good grief! :cuckoo:
Prophecy was given to us so that we would realize that there was someone who could see the end and the beginning, just as He said He could.

A person whom started the beginning and has power over the ending.

Shadow 355

Not only does He have power over the ending, He will be an active participant, and told us of his role in advance.
Maybe you haven't, maybe you have. Who knows? I think you are super paranoid to think beautiful women are stalking you though. Lol. It is more likely the other way around.

Well.......I'm right. I'm always right. Thats why women call me..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

MR.RIGHT. :D :cool:

Shadow 355
And what about your post about your little "experience" in the woods at your campfire??? Good grief! :cuckoo:

The UFO thing.

As evident by the " :rolleyes: " at the end, it was just a joke, to the ridiculous post I was replying to.

NO - I have not been picked up by any UFOs.




But if you like, I will let you pick me up. :D :) ;)

Shadow 355
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....... 1 in three people are unaware that they have been subject to brain surgery in which an RFID chip was implanted..

Yes. Twenty years ago I was camping near a large cornfield. As I sat alone near the eeerie wind overcame me.

Soon, for no reason at all, I looked above. A motionless object - hovering over me shined a beam down on me. Gravity would soon fail.

I was in a trance of serenity and calmness as my body rode the beam up to the mothership. Once in the ship, Aliens with large eyes and oval heads, and wearing long gowns adorned with sparkles stood with their hands at their side.

The one alien with a band around his head, stuck a needle in my neck. I was immediately paralyzed and could not move. Metal rings grabbed my body and layed me down on the table.

I was unclothed and covered with a neon fabric - me able to see myself from the mirrors above me. My scalp and skull was cut with a bright focused beam. One of the aliens opened a glass case, and took out a small chip - about 1 1/4 inches square. I felt a sting in the top of my head. The Alpha chip from the aliens had been planted in my head. My abdomen was cut, and another smaller chip was implanted. After cutting my abdomen and scalp, a paste was placed on my scalp and stomach area. The scars from the cuts, evidence in general of the alien surgery...was gone.

I slept. Not able to move, my eyes became heavy. After I awoke, I was sitting in a large chair that is undescribeable, other than it was cold. Soon, A beam overcame me. I was lifted up, and lowered back to the earth below. After being dropped onto the cold early morning grass that was saturated with dew, I again felt weak and I went to sleep, awaking at about 1pm.

I contacted the U.S Air Force - "Project Blue Book" investigators and told them my story. I was not taken seriously. When I threatened to tell the FBI of my story, they laughed even harder. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Shadow 355
Reminds me of a cab driver I realized was insane after getting the cab with him. He frequently transported our customers to hotels for overnight lodging. One day I had to go somewhere and was walking and he told me to hop in. He preceded to tell me how aliens planted a chip in his knee a couple of years back and his knee had been hurting for the past week or so. He had went to the doctor and the doctor couldnt see the chip in his knee. At the next light I told him to let me out because I had decided I needed to walk the rest of the way. :laugh:
The OT wasn't written in Aramaic. Ancient Hebrew isn't the same thing. And the NT wasn't written in Aramaic, although the Jesus character is said to have spoken it. Unfortunately, being the working stiff that he was, he never learned to write.


Though I can find no evidence that the Jesus of the Bible existed at all, if he had existed, as a Jew, he would both read and write.

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