Proof of AGW fraud

How do we know? Because we can check the other sources & see that have not increased to any extent to cause this current rise.

Really? We know that termites produce more CO2 than we might we determine whether or not there has been an increase or a decrease in termite CO2 production? We know that decay of organic materials release might we measure the amount of CO2 being produced by organic decay in any given year? We know that the main source of CO2 in the atmosphere is the might we determine whether or not the amount of CO2 from the ocean has increased or decreased in any given year? We now know that we have grossly underestimated the amount of CO2 being emitted by undersea volcanoes...the number of undersea vents and volcanoes, according to science is somewhere between a few hundred thousand and a which is it? A few hundred thousand or more than a million?...and how might we determine how much is actually being emitted? And how might we determine how much that amount varies from year to year?

Clearly you don't have a clue, but I would be interested in hearing how you think we might calculate any of the above with anything like a reasonable degree of accuracy.

I suspect that if we had this monstrous termite explosion, we would be aware of it. Insurance companies would be raising the rates & Terminex stock would be going through the roof.

Actually, those things are studied & yes we would know,

Are you claiming the number of underseas eruptions have increased

We pretty much know.

You suspect? You think? Do you think all termites, even a substantial percentage of termites live in houses? Are you really that ignorant?

And if those things have been studied, by all means, lets see the keep making claim after claim after claim but don't seem to be able to post up even the first bit of actual science to support any of them.
all you need to do is prove CO2 is bad.

Oooh is this a test. Here you can help prove i. Get yourself a plastic bag and a big rubber band.........
Do you have any actual science which states that the increase in CO2 is actually due to our activities.

"Another, quite independent way that we know that fossil fuel burning and land clearing specifically are responsible for the increase in CO2 in the last 150 years is through the measurement of carbon isotopes. Isotopes are simply different atoms with the same chemical behavior (isotope means “same type”) but with different masses. Carbon is composed of three different isotopes, 14C, 13C and 12C. 12C is the most common. 13C is about 1% of the total. 14C accounts for only about 1 in 1 trillion carbon atoms.

CO2 produced from burning fossil fuels or burning forests has quite a different isotopic composition from CO2 in the atmosphere. This is because plants have a preference for the lighter isotopes (12C vs. 13C); thus they have lower 13C/12C ratios. Since fossil fuels are ultimately derived from ancient plants, plants and fossil fuels all have roughly the same 13C/12C ratio – about 2% lower than that of the atmosphere. As CO2 from these materials is released into, and mixes with, the atmosphere, the average 13C/12C ratio of the atmosphere decreases."

How do we know that recent CO<sub>2</sub> increases are due to human activities?

Sorry have been fed a bill of goods and apparently you gobbled it up. The fact is that natural sources provide the same isotopes as fossil fuels because fossil fuels, are in fact, natural were lied to ...

What the fuick does the isotopes have to do with it???????? It has to do with more CO2 in the atmosphere.

The change in the isotope ratio over the last 150 years can't be attributed to the natural sources as those sources have been active much longer, the ratio stayed the same till about 150 years ago.

Still doesn't prove the massive catastrophe theories the alarmist propagate.

Of course it can..i am surprised that anyone is still even making that argument since it is pretty common knowledge that the whole isotope claim fell flat some time ago...there never was any way to separate man made CO2 from natural sources...that argument was based on one big assed assumption after another and it all blew up...
Tell Me Otto;

Where is your science to rule out all other inputs of CO2?

You dont have them as your gods still have no ability to model the system correctly and thus they can not even make any serious judgment as to what is natural variation and what is man induced. Having this in mind, what part of the 0.6 deg C rise over the last 120 years is attributed to CO2 rise?

IF we look at the current 2.3% CO2 level that some are claiming man has caused and attribute only that percentage to the know temperature rise were less than 0.0013 deg C is mans contribution (AGW). A measurement well within the MOE of our current measuring devices and a level that can not be discerned from noise in our climactic system.

Sooooooo, where is your “natural cause” to cause the rise? A 3 MILLION YEAR cause that just happens to correlate with the Industrial Revolution....

CO2 from your ass?

I have already given you multiple possible causes, and 8 published papers which found that there is no discernible correlation between our CO2 production and the total atmospheric CO2. You seem unwilling to accept anything beyond your uninformed opinion though and certainly haven't shown any actual science that even begins to support said opinion.
.........we can measure the concentration of CO2 & note the changes.

We don't need to know the exact volume.

You don't seem to realize that we are a minor producer of CO2 on this earth...termites alone produce more CO2 than we do by a long shot...the fact that CO2 changes from year to hear is only evidence that it is not evidence of the cause of the you have any actual science that seriously looks at all the natural sources of CO2, and the natural sinks and concludes that the increase in atmospheric CO2 is due to our activities...I would be interested in seeing it if you do.

My bet is that you don't, and that you have never really looked at any science regarding natural sources of CO2, or the amount they vary from year to bet is that you just believe we are responsible for the increase in CO2...and have seen nothing like actual evidence to support the belief...I also bet that you think the emperor's new clothes are simply fabulous..since you appear to be prone to believe in things whether there is evidence to support the belief or not.

I bet that you have never considered that it really does not make any difference the percent of all CO2 released in to the atmosphere which is man's.

The Earth releases & absorbs carbon all the time. When it is in balance, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is variable within a band width. With the Industrial Revolution, man has been increasing the amount of CO2 emissions & it got to the point where, with man's contributions, more was being emitted than absorbed.

What was the cause? The extra man made emissions.

You this argument you make is plain stupid. have been provided 7 peer reviewed, published papers which contradict your beliefs...thus far you have produced nothing that even begins to contradict any part of those papers...what you believe is irrelevant...the science says that our contribution to atmospheric CO2 is the next thing to undetectable...and what "extra" CO2 are you talking about? The natural level of CO2, when the earth is not an ice box is over 1000ppm...because a great deal of CO2 outgasses from warmer takes a very long time, but more CO2 in the atmosphere is the result of warming....not the cause of warming...
all you need to do is prove CO2 is bad.

Oooh is this a test. Here you can help prove i. Get yourself a plastic bag and a big rubber band.........
Do you have any actual science which states that the increase in CO2 is actually due to our activities.

"Another, quite independent way that we know that fossil fuel burning and land clearing specifically are responsible for the increase in CO2 in the last 150 years is through the measurement of carbon isotopes. Isotopes are simply different atoms with the same chemical behavior (isotope means “same type”) but with different masses. Carbon is composed of three different isotopes, 14C, 13C and 12C. 12C is the most common. 13C is about 1% of the total. 14C accounts for only about 1 in 1 trillion carbon atoms.

CO2 produced from burning fossil fuels or burning forests has quite a different isotopic composition from CO2 in the atmosphere. This is because plants have a preference for the lighter isotopes (12C vs. 13C); thus they have lower 13C/12C ratios. Since fossil fuels are ultimately derived from ancient plants, plants and fossil fuels all have roughly the same 13C/12C ratio – about 2% lower than that of the atmosphere. As CO2 from these materials is released into, and mixes with, the atmosphere, the average 13C/12C ratio of the atmosphere decreases."

How do we know that recent CO<sub>2</sub> increases are due to human activities?

Sorry have been fed a bill of goods and apparently you gobbled it up. The fact is that natural sources provide the same isotopes as fossil fuels because fossil fuels, are in fact, natural were lied to ...

What the fuick does the isotopes have to do with it???????? It has to do with more CO2 in the atmosphere.

The change in the isotope ratio over the last 150 years can't be attributed to the natural sources as those sources have been active much longer, the ratio stayed the same till about 150 years ago.

Still doesn't prove the massive catastrophe theories the alarmist propagate.

Of course it can..i am surprised that anyone is still even making that argument since it is pretty common knowledge that the whole isotope claim fell flat some time ago...there never was any way to separate man made CO2 from natural sources...that argument was based on one big assed assumption after another and it all blew up...
Why do you think it needs to be separated?
I get it. You have no logic. You really have no knowledge about much of anything.

I have actual on the other hand apparently have tea leaves, phrenology, and sheep knuckles...

I have provided 7 peer reviewed, published scientific papers which state clearly that our effect on the total CO2 in the atmosphere is negligible and barely on the other hand have thus far, only provided your opinion.

We do know the concentration level of CO2 in our atmosphere has increased & yes we can indeed measure it.

Of course we know how much CO2 is in the atmosphere..but we also know that the amount in the atmosphere varies quite a lot from year to fact, it varies by an amount greater than all the CO2 we produce. Do you have any actual science which states that the increase in CO2 is actually due to our activities...any real science which has looked seriously at all the natural sources and causes for natural variation from year to year? My bet is the answer to that is have opinions and little else.

Typical love to talk about what we "know" but can't seem to produce any actual science that supports what you think we "know"

Are you just stupid?

Clearly not...I am the one producing actual science to support my are the one who has apparently swallowed pseudoscience, media bias, and opinion as if it were actually science...that is stupid...

Yes, we indeed to know that man is the cause.

NASA said so. They have real science. You have bullshit.

So lets see keep making the claim but don't seem to be able to produce any of the actual science...step on up to the plate and support your claims...
How do we know? Because we can check the other sources & see that have not increased to any extent to cause this current rise.

Really? We know that termites produce more CO2 than we might we determine whether or not there has been an increase or a decrease in termite CO2 production? We know that decay of organic materials release might we measure the amount of CO2 being produced by organic decay in any given year? We know that the main source of CO2 in the atmosphere is the might we determine whether or not the amount of CO2 from the ocean has increased or decreased in any given year? We now know that we have grossly underestimated the amount of CO2 being emitted by undersea volcanoes...the number of undersea vents and volcanoes, according to science is somewhere between a few hundred thousand and a which is it? A few hundred thousand or more than a million?...and how might we determine how much is actually being emitted? And how might we determine how much that amount varies from year to year?

Clearly you don't have a clue, but I would be interested in hearing how you think we might calculate any of the above with anything like a reasonable degree of accuracy.

I suspect that if we had this monstrous termite explosion, we would be aware of it. Insurance companies would be raising the rates & Terminex stock would be going through the roof.

Actually, those things are studied & yes we would know,

Are you claiming the number of underseas eruptions have increased

We pretty much know.

You suspect? You think? Do you think all termites, even a substantial percentage of termites live in houses? Are you really that ignorant?

And if those things have been studied, by all means, lets see the keep making claim after claim after claim but don't seem to be able to post up even the first bit of actual science to support any of them.
Gee, so
ince you claimed this termite explosion was so great to cause the current rise in CO2 levels, I figured it would be where people live & not in some isolated location.
I get it. You have no logic. You really have no knowledge about much of anything.

I have actual on the other hand apparently have tea leaves, phrenology, and sheep knuckles...

I have provided 7 peer reviewed, published scientific papers which state clearly that our effect on the total CO2 in the atmosphere is negligible and barely on the other hand have thus far, only provided your opinion.

We do know the concentration level of CO2 in our atmosphere has increased & yes we can indeed measure it.

Of course we know how much CO2 is in the atmosphere..but we also know that the amount in the atmosphere varies quite a lot from year to fact, it varies by an amount greater than all the CO2 we produce. Do you have any actual science which states that the increase in CO2 is actually due to our activities...any real science which has looked seriously at all the natural sources and causes for natural variation from year to year? My bet is the answer to that is have opinions and little else.

Typical love to talk about what we "know" but can't seem to produce any actual science that supports what you think we "know"

Are you just stupid?

Clearly not...I am the one producing actual science to support my are the one who has apparently swallowed pseudoscience, media bias, and opinion as if it were actually science...that is stupid...

Yes, we indeed to know that man is the cause.

NASA said so. They have real science. You have bullshit.

So lets see keep making the claim but don't seem to be able to produce any of the actual science...step on up to the plate and support your claims...
So you are calling NASA liars????
Sooooooo, where is your “natural cause” to cause the rise? A 3 MILLION YEAR cause that just happens to correlate with the Industrial Revolution....

CO2 from your ass?

I have already given you multiple possible causes, and 8 published papers which found that there is no discernible correlation between our CO2 production and the total atmospheric CO2. You seem unwilling to accept anything beyond your uninformed opinion though and certainly haven't shown any actual science that even begins to support said opinion.
.........we can measure the concentration of CO2 & note the changes.

We don't need to know the exact volume.

You don't seem to realize that we are a minor producer of CO2 on this earth...termites alone produce more CO2 than we do by a long shot...the fact that CO2 changes from year to hear is only evidence that it is not evidence of the cause of the you have any actual science that seriously looks at all the natural sources of CO2, and the natural sinks and concludes that the increase in atmospheric CO2 is due to our activities...I would be interested in seeing it if you do.

My bet is that you don't, and that you have never really looked at any science regarding natural sources of CO2, or the amount they vary from year to bet is that you just believe we are responsible for the increase in CO2...and have seen nothing like actual evidence to support the belief...I also bet that you think the emperor's new clothes are simply fabulous..since you appear to be prone to believe in things whether there is evidence to support the belief or not.

I bet that you have never considered that it really does not make any difference the percent of all CO2 released in to the atmosphere which is man's.

The Earth releases & absorbs carbon all the time. When it is in balance, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is variable within a band width. With the Industrial Revolution, man has been increasing the amount of CO2 emissions & it got to the point where, with man's contributions, more was being emitted than absorbed.

What was the cause? The extra man made emissions.

You this argument you make is plain stupid.
you have no idea the balance. As I already stated in here, the CO2 concentration pre man was much much higher than today. why?
Per man has nothing to do with it.

Do you think if the piopulatiopn were to double overnight that the greenhouse effect would be different?
You seem not to be able to differentiate the difference between molecules striking a surface and energy transfer.
Nope it's the second law that doesn't distinguish the difference.
Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.
You have to understand it from context that it doesn't refer to kinetic energy of a waterfall. That means the sentence is ambiguous the way it is. Fortunately the Hyperphysics site cleared that up.

.refer to the time you tried to claim that blowing cold air molecules against a warm wall was proof of energy radiating from cold to warm...what an idiot.
You are a shameless liar. I never said that. I said the molecules with random kinetic energy in a cold gas must strike an adjacent hotter surface. I did not say nor imply anything about radiation.


Sorry doofus...the second law doesn't distinguish between kinds of energy...and of course you claimed that cold air striking a warm wall was evidence of energy moving spontaneously from cool to spout so much bullshit that you just can't keep up with it all.

Here is the post where you first made that stupid claim...

Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....

Nope. Your tedium permeates this forum. Many here have shown you many references, excerpts from texts, original papers, and references. We have shown you mechanisms and counter examples to your bizarre physics such as,

Chemical light stick.
Slow decay phosphorescence
Gamma decay of technetium, et al.
Luminescence from plants and animals
Cosmic microwave background
Sunlight passing through hotter corona.
Molecules of a cold gas hitting a warm surface.

the rest of your idiot examples were shown to be idiot examples as well...
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..
how did they do that?

OK, so wjat else changed that created this excess CO2 in the atmosphere?
nothing. ever hear of an ice age? we're supposed to be coming out of one. as we do, the oceans release CO2. that is why CO2 follows temps. as already proven to you all.

all you need to do is prove CO2 is bad.
The Ice Age that ended 11,700 years ago??? That one?

More CO2 => Heightened greenhouse effect => higher temnps

proven science.
well sure, there's still ice in the arctics correct?

you know when ice melts there, CO2 is added to the atmosphere? right? does the ice melt yearly in summer? and then add up 11,700 years of melt and refreeze. dude.
Melting ace does not release CO2.

Of course it does if there is CO2 trapped in you ever put any thought at all into what you say before you say it?
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..

Well here is your side brought by sonny perdue.

"You know, I think it's weather patterns, frankly. And you know, and they change, as I said. It rained yesterday, it's a nice pretty day today. So the climate does change in short increments and in long increments."

senator imhoff found a snowball in his frig, so theres another one.
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..

Well here is your side brought by sonny perdue.

"You know, I think it's weather patterns, frankly. And you know, and they change, as I said. It rained yesterday, it's a nice pretty day today. So the climate does change in short increments and in long increments."

senator imhoff found a snowball in his frig, so theres another one.

And then there's Al Gore who said the ice caps would be all gone and NYC underwater.
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..

Well here is your side brought by sonny perdue.

"You know, I think it's weather patterns, frankly. And you know, and they change, as I said. It rained yesterday, it's a nice pretty day today. So the climate does change in short increments and in long increments."

senator imhoff found a snowball in his frig, so theres another one.

And then there's Al Gore who said the ice caps would be all gone and NYC underwater.

Al Gore will be right given time and the continued policies of conservative deniers.
Tell Me Otto;

Where is your science to rule out all other inputs of CO2?

You dont have them as your gods still have no ability to model the system correctly and thus they can not even make any serious judgment as to what is natural variation and what is man induced. Having this in mind, what part of the 0.6 deg C rise over the last 120 years is attributed to CO2 rise?

IF we look at the current 2.3% CO2 level that some are claiming man has caused and attribute only that percentage to the know temperature rise were less than 0.0013 deg C is mans contribution (AGW). A measurement well within the MOE of our current measuring devices and a level that can not be discerned from noise in our climactic system.

Sooooooo, where is your “natural cause” to cause the rise? A 3 MILLION YEAR cause that just happens to correlate with the Industrial Revolution....

CO2 from your ass?

It was rising before then dumb ass.

the killer one is that folks like him can't explain why CO2 was higher than now, back when man wasn't around. that's their kryptonite
Hey one claims that man is the only thing that can put CO2 into the atmosphere...but man certainly is doing so NOW

Thus far I have provided 7 peer reviewed published papers stating that our contribution to the total atmospheric CO2 is so negligible as to be got any actual science that says otherwise or just an uninformed opinion?

You have provided bullshit.
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..

Well here is your side brought by sonny perdue.

"You know, I think it's weather patterns, frankly. And you know, and they change, as I said. It rained yesterday, it's a nice pretty day today. So the climate does change in short increments and in long increments."

senator imhoff found a snowball in his frig, so theres another one.

Are you under the impression that was science? If so, I see how you came to be such a dupe. I asked for some actual science to support your claims and that is really the best you can do? What a doofus...
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..

Well here is your side brought by sonny perdue.

"You know, I think it's weather patterns, frankly. And you know, and they change, as I said. It rained yesterday, it's a nice pretty day today. So the climate does change in short increments and in long increments."

senator imhoff found a snowball in his frig, so theres another one.

Are you under the impression that was science? If so, I see how you came to be such a dupe. I asked for some actual science to support your claims and that is really the best you can do? What a doofus...

Everything that you need has already been provided. YOU choose to deny and that is your burden.
Sooooooo, where is your “natural cause” to cause the rise? A 3 MILLION YEAR cause that just happens to correlate with the Industrial Revolution....

CO2 from your ass?

It was rising before then dumb ass.

the killer one is that folks like him can't explain why CO2 was higher than now, back when man wasn't around. that's their kryptonite
Hey one claims that man is the only thing that can put CO2 into the atmosphere...but man certainly is doing so NOW

Thus far I have provided 7 peer reviewed published papers stating that our contribution to the total atmospheric CO2 is so negligible as to be got any actual science that says otherwise or just an uninformed opinion?

You have provided bullshit.

Really? What specific issues did you find with any of the peer reviewed, published papers I provided? What errors in data or methodology did you find that we can report to the reviewers or the publishers...or are you just offended by actual science that doesn't agree with your beliefs?
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..

Well here is your side brought by sonny perdue.

"You know, I think it's weather patterns, frankly. And you know, and they change, as I said. It rained yesterday, it's a nice pretty day today. So the climate does change in short increments and in long increments."

senator imhoff found a snowball in his frig, so theres another one.

Are you under the impression that was science? If so, I see how you came to be such a dupe. I asked for some actual science to support your claims and that is really the best you can do? What a doofus...

Everything that you need has already been provided. YOU choose to deny and that is your burden.

Sorry but nothing has been provided except unsupportable opinions...thus far, I am the only one who has provided any actual peer reviewed, published science and none of you wackos has provided anything like actual science stating otherwise...let me guess, you believe your opinion is actual science...what a dupe...
Always funny watching these hard core deniers trying to outdo one another at spouting complete nonsense page after page, then suddenly preach actual mainstream physics when they think doing so might help their cause.

And the wait continues for you to post the first piece of actual empirical evidence to support your claims..

Well here is your side brought by sonny perdue.

"You know, I think it's weather patterns, frankly. And you know, and they change, as I said. It rained yesterday, it's a nice pretty day today. So the climate does change in short increments and in long increments."

senator imhoff found a snowball in his frig, so theres another one.

And then there's Al Gore who said the ice caps would be all gone and NYC underwater.

Al Gore will be right given time and the continued policies of conservative deniers.

Algore is growing rich off the stupidity of people like you...he will never be right but he is laughing his ass off all the way to the bank...for him it never was about being was a about getting rich off the ignorance of people like you...