project 2025

Think about it lefties if you can get away from TDS for a while. What right wing organization would propose such a thing and put it in writing? It's cheap propaganda written by the left while the freaking Country goes down the drain under the leadership of a mentally impaired old man who isn't going to get better.
Think about it lefties if you can get away from TDS for a while. What right wing organization would propose such a thing and put it in writing? It's cheap propaganda written by the left while the freaking Country goes down the drain under the leadership of a mentally impaired old man who isn't going to get better.
JFC this poster is untethered from reality

the intent is not to explicitly eliminate social security, but rather to weaken it via the taxation changes. Its the same plan for medicare.
You don't spend a lot of time around normal people anymore, do you?

I think it would be fun to go back in time and show your past selves your current behavior.
Good luck with that! :D

In the meantime, commie shitbags like you will not be taking over America.
Think about it lefties if you can get away from TDS for a while. What right wing organization would propose such a thing and put it in writing? It's cheap propaganda written by the left while the freaking Country goes down the drain under the leadership of a mentally impaired old man who isn't going to get better.
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how do you feel about your soc security know the fund you paid into for most of your life...
could this be any more unamerican and of course it is the gop

vote blue
This 2025 thing is an instant replay which screws over veterans big time which eliminates all of the disability pay and makes it impossible to secure a disability rating. Veterans have been calling out this RINO party for decades.
Still, I wish the GOP would learn from democrats and quit showing their hand and arming the left with info! The GOP always lay out every detail of their plans just in time for democrats to pick it apart and build it into a threat to be campaigned against, like Trump bragging that HE ended RvW. He did not, the SC did, and neither took away a woman's right to choose, they merely moved the decision to the 50 states for each of them to decide how to handle it!

Meanwhile, the DNC tells little of its actual plans--- was anything Joe has done these past four years actually part of his 2020 campaign he ran on? At best, whatever they talk about is mostly aimed at the GOP and why they must not get into office, then anything they speak of themselves is either total misdirection or half-truths, because if the Left actually spelled out their real intentions in B&W, they would never win any election.

Read the platform for the Democratic Socialists of America, those are the hard lefties in the Dem party.

DSA Political Platform - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

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