Progressives, do you dislike Trump more than you did "W"?


Gold Member
Sep 19, 2018
San Diego
I was a progressive at the time of George Bush's presidency. I flipped to the Trump side in 2016 after it came out that the DNC would not allow Bernie to become the nominee. In addition, Podesta's and Hillary's lies sent me to look at the other side. I wanted a real change, and Trump seemed to have the skills to make that happen.
I'm still a Trump supporter, and very proud of my vote for him.
But I remember making fun of Bush's mangled vocabulary, and Cheney... Bush's brain.
But I don't remember the majority of progressives displaying outright hate towards Bush like we see today with Trump. No Kathy Griffin severed heads, no spittle flying tirades by enraged movie stars.
There may have been a few isolated incidents, but nothing like the insanity today.
My question is ...Why? Why do you hate Trump so much? Is it his personality? What is it for you?
I don't believe one word of the OP.

And Trump makes W look like a stable genius
And Trump makes W look like a stable genius

And also, Dubya clearly had some humanity to him, some empathy, some humility. A soul.

Trump? No.
I remember when Dubya was our President.

The libs were ready to ship him off to the Hague for War Crimes. He was universally condemned as a War Criminal who was called the Chimperor , Chimpus Khan by libs across the globe.

But now, just 10 years later, he is honored and appeared on the same stage with B Hussein O, eulogizing McCain, and even more remarkable, he is apparently having an affair with Obama's Old "Lady".

Things really change, there is a good possibility that Trump will be saluted by the Leftards as well, down the line
I was a progressive at the time of George Bush's presidency. I flipped to the Trump side in 2016 after it came out that the DNC would not allow Bernie to become the nominee. In addition, Podesta's and Hillary's lies sent me to look at the other side. I wanted a real change, and Trump seemed to have the skills to make that happen.
I'm still a Trump supporter, and very proud of my vote for him.
But I remember making fun of Bush's mangled vocabulary, and Cheney... Bush's brain.
But I don't remember the majority of progressives displaying outright hate towards Bush like we see today with Trump. No Kathy Griffin severed heads, no spittle flying tirades by enraged movie stars.
There may have been a few isolated incidents, but nothing like the insanity today.
My question is ...Why? Why do you hate Trump so much? Is it his personality? What is it for you?

For me, I think it's his face. Look at his face. I can't imagine voting for a guy with a face like that for president?
I was a progressive at the time of George Bush's presidency. I flipped to the Trump side in 2016 after it came out that the DNC would not allow Bernie to become the nominee. In addition, Podesta's and Hillary's lies sent me to look at the other side. I wanted a real change, and Trump seemed to have the skills to make that happen.
I'm still a Trump supporter, and very proud of my vote for him.
But I remember making fun of Bush's mangled vocabulary, and Cheney... Bush's brain.
But I don't remember the majority of progressives displaying outright hate towards Bush like we see today with Trump. No Kathy Griffin severed heads, no spittle flying tirades by enraged movie stars.
There may have been a few isolated incidents, but nothing like the insanity today.
My question is ...Why? Why do you hate Trump so much? Is it his personality? What is it for you?
This is all about hillary losing nothing else...they were dancing in the streets the day before the election, they were counting their money from the barrage of EPA scams they were going to use to raid the treasury...there really is no more democratic party as we knew it.
I was a progressive at the time of George Bush's presidency. I flipped to the Trump side in 2016 after it came out that the DNC would not allow Bernie to become the nominee. In addition, Podesta's and Hillary's lies sent me to look at the other side. I wanted a real change, and Trump seemed to have the skills to make that happen.
I'm still a Trump supporter, and very proud of my vote for him.
But I remember making fun of Bush's mangled vocabulary, and Cheney... Bush's brain.
But I don't remember the majority of progressives displaying outright hate towards Bush like we see today with Trump. No Kathy Griffin severed heads, no spittle flying tirades by enraged movie stars.
There may have been a few isolated incidents, but nothing like the insanity today.
My question is ...Why? Why do you hate Trump so much? Is it his personality? What is it for you?
The fact that Trump is impulsive and seems to have no knowledge or simply doesn't care about the consequences of decisions he makes besides what it means to him personally. A trait I find deeply troubling and ultimately one that is way more significant then his personally reprehensible personality. Bush was dumb. But when push came to shove he listened to his advisers. I disagreed with most off his policies but I never really worried he would launch a nuke because he had a personal feud with someone. Trump doesn't give me that peace of mind.
I was a progressive at the time of George Bush's presidency. I flipped to the Trump side in 2016 after it came out that the DNC would not allow Bernie to become the nominee. In addition, Podesta's and Hillary's lies sent me to look at the other side. I wanted a real change, and Trump seemed to have the skills to make that happen.
I'm still a Trump supporter, and very proud of my vote for him.
But I remember making fun of Bush's mangled vocabulary, and Cheney... Bush's brain.
But I don't remember the majority of progressives displaying outright hate towards Bush like we see today with Trump. No Kathy Griffin severed heads, no spittle flying tirades by enraged movie stars.
There may have been a few isolated incidents, but nothing like the insanity today.
My question is ...Why? Why do you hate Trump so much? Is it his personality? What is it for you?
The fact that Trump is impulsive and seems to have no knowledge or simply doesn't care about the consequences of decisions he makes besides what it means to him personally. A trait I find deeply troubling and ultimately one that is way more significant then his personally reprehensible personality.
You know nothing about what Trump does only what the media feeds you. All you trolls are like this.
I was a progressive at the time of George Bush's presidency. I flipped to the Trump side in 2016 after it came out that the DNC would not allow Bernie to become the nominee. In addition, Podesta's and Hillary's lies sent me to look at the other side. I wanted a real change, and Trump seemed to have the skills to make that happen.
I'm still a Trump supporter, and very proud of my vote for him.
But I remember making fun of Bush's mangled vocabulary, and Cheney... Bush's brain.
But I don't remember the majority of progressives displaying outright hate towards Bush like we see today with Trump. No Kathy Griffin severed heads, no spittle flying tirades by enraged movie stars.
There may have been a few isolated incidents, but nothing like the insanity today.
My question is ...Why? Why do you hate Trump so much? Is it his personality? What is it for you?
The fact that Trump is impulsive and seems to have no knowledge or simply doesn't care about the consequences of decisions he makes besides what it means to him personally. A trait I find deeply troubling and ultimately one that is way more significant then his personally reprehensible personality.
You know nothing about what Trump does only what the media feeds you. All you trolls are like this.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
This is not the media but the twitter feed of POTUS. In that tweet he basically dares someone who is NOT considered the most stable of people to launch. It's a game of chicken with nuclear missiles. The fact that it didn't have actual real life consequences in NO way makes it any less dangerous.Just one example.
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