Profit not inflation

Wrong. It's almost entirely a Dim thing. This so-called "infrastructure" bill is a perfect example, and BBB is an even better example.
Trump added $8 trillion to the debt.

Trump DOUBLED the federal deficit in his first two years, with a Republican House and a Republican Senate.

Going back to Bush, he doubled the federal debt.

You really do have some dense partisan blinders on.
where the fuck were you the past 4 years when Trump was asking for more spending than any POTUS in history?
He wanted more military spending, but the rest of it was the ransom the Dims made him pay to get what he wanted. Those RINOs in Congress like Paul Ryan helped the Dims get what they wanted.

It's the same old argument Dims have always used to blame Republicans for their spending. Dims are the ones who put all the new spending in the bill, not Trump
Trump added $8 trillion to the debt.

Trump DOUBLED the federal deficit in his first two years, with a Republican House and a Republican Senate.

Going back to Bush, he doubled the federal debt.

You really do have some dense partisan blinders on.
Horseshit. You act like Dims didn't vote for the additional spending.
Trump added $8 trillion to the debt.

Trump DOUBLED the federal deficit in his first two years, with a Republican House and a Republican Senate.

Going back to Bush, he doubled the federal debt.

You really do have some dense partisan blinders on.

Do not forget Reagan who almost tripled the Fed debt
He wanted more military spending, but the rest of it was the ransom the Dims made him pay to get what he wanted. Those RINOs in Congress like Paul Ryan helped the Dims get what they wanted.

It's the same old argument Dims have always used to blame Republicans for their spending. Dims are the ones who put all the new spending in the bill, not Trump

Trump summited his budget request all on his own. No Dem made him ask for more money to be spent than any POTUS before him.
You only prove that you're an imbecile who ignores the facts.

It worked the same way then. Reagan didn't have control over all three branches of government. In order to get a budget passed he had to give Dims the spending they demanded.

And this my friends is why we have 29 trillion dollars in debt, the partisan sheep from both sides give their side a free pass every single time.
Trump summited his budget request all on his own. No Dem made him ask for more money to be spent than any POTUS before him.
Yes they did, you lying douchebag. The budget Reagan originally submitted was always far lower then the ones the Dims finally agreed to.
And this my friends is why we have 29 trillion dollars in debt, the partisan sheep from both sides give their side a free pass every single time.
We have it because of douchebag minions like you who want higher spending.
Yes they did, you lying douchebag. The budget Reagan originally submitted was always far lower then the ones the Dims finally agreed to.

That does not mean they made him ask for more. If you know the Dems are going to "force" you to spend more than you want to, why ask for record amounts to start with?
We have it because of douchebag minions like you who want higher spending.

Nope, I have been railing against debt and spending since the days of Reagan no matter which party is doing it.

You fall down and worship your fucking party when they spend more and more and more and more.
I wasn't sure about putting this in the political section but it does all come back to this. For over 12 years we have had economic policies that piled trillions of dollars into the markets. Now with talk of pulling back on that, the record increases are addictive and must be supported it would seem.

This article (not from a highly biased site) is noting that much of the increase in prices is simply business chasing yearly record profits.

Fattest Profits Since 1950 Debunk Inflation Story Spun by CEOs

There is inflation however retailers have also hiked their profit margins. Target and Walmart had stellar performances in sales and profits however the stocks fell because they did not hike their profit margins. This is why we need to hike the capital gains tax on stocks.
There is inflation however retailers have also hiked their profit margins. Target and Walmart had stellar performances in sales and profits however the stocks fell because they did not hike their profit margins. This is why we need to hike the capital gains tax on stocks.
Can you show me examples of retailers who have hiked their profit margins?

I am very interested.
There is inflation however retailers have also hiked their profit margins. Target and Walmart had stellar performances in sales and profits however the stocks fell because they did not hike their profit margins. This is why we need to hike the capital gains tax on stocks.

No, not at all. We need to make the federal govt do without.
Nope, I have been railing against debt and spending since the days of Reagan no matter which party is doing it.

You fall down and worship your fucking party when they spend more and more and more and more.
I remember the wyoming gop dividing over Reagan's supply side bs. I voted for Anderson. And Mondale in 84 because he told the truth about the deficits, and maybe the only time he told the truth in his political life. LOL
not sure if you know this but a company needs to have profits to maintain the business and pay their employees,,

'Companies are making more than enough money. They are using inflation to fatten their profits. It sure ain't going to the workers. It is time to ban stock options and profit sharing for company executives. Only Walmart and Target are helping consumers by eating some of the increased copsts and they had strong profits.

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