Profit hungry Pfizer is now pushing for their vaccine in 5 to 11 year olds.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Well parents get your kids in line and roll up those little sleeves. Pfizer says their vaccine works very well in trials with 5 to 11 year olds. Wow! You know what else works really well? The immune systems of 5 to 11 year olds. But common sense doesn't matter anymore, just shut up and get your kids in line for the jab. Because.......IT'S FOR THE KEEEEEEEEDS!!!!!

Well parents get your kids in line and roll up those little sleeves. Pfizer says their vaccine works very well in trials with 5 to 11 year olds. Wow! You know what else works really well? The immune systems of 5 to 11 year olds. But common sense doesn't matter anymore, just shut up and get your kids in line for the jab. Because.......IT'S FOR THE KEEEEEEEEDS!!!!!

these people are nit human,they are demonic monsters.
Well. We all know what the definition of fascism is.

Clearly, these industries are working in synergy with government.

The government provides them with a captive market at the barrel of a gun and the manufacturers know this, so they continue to lobby governments for as many mandates as they possibly can.
the largest recipient of political donations from this company i. 2020 was joey xiden
Natural Citizen Exactly right. Michael Savage warned us of the "Government-Media" complex. Well The "Government-Big Pharma" complex is just as dangerous.
Especially since the US government "health branch" aka NIH invested.... "All in all, U.S. agencies committed about $2.5 billion to help develop Moderna’s vaccine and buy doses, according to the New York Times." Moderna's first ever product on the market. NIH first reportedly owned the patent rights but then NIH released those rights. Interesting twist...wonder WHY NIH didn't hold on to the patent but decided to double charge Americans, and at a higher cost compared to other countries? Biden's handlers charged American tax payers for Moderna's rushed development of mRNA testing and charged American citizens again for the product (insurance charges for all who filed it that way) so double charge! This fake named vaccine doesn't do anything proven to effectively battle anything. Future scientists will consider these imposters as reckless sociopaths driven by fame and money. I'm not buying that these drug companies are making millions....someone want to prove that theory? I've seen LSM headlines about how these particular drug profiteers can't be making millions in profit, right? Sure thing, and go ahead and sell me that oceanfront property in TN!

How much lying does Fauci (NIAID), CDC, and NIH assume the political left will continue to believe in words alone without validity?

"As of mid-July, Boston-based Moderna had received $955 million in U.S. funding. The company said in August that it would charge between $32 and $37 per dose for its vaccine, although company officials also said the price would be adjusted depending on the amount ordered. That may explain the price of $15 per dose price charged to the U.S. for its order of 100 million doses."

As LSM writes weekly, no big money to be made by pharma companies here to see. Right.
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Well parents get your kids in line and roll up those little sleeves. Pfizer says their vaccine works very well in trials with 5 to 11 year olds. Wow! You know what else works really well? The immune systems of 5 to 11 year olds. But common sense doesn't matter anymore, just shut up and get your kids in line for the jab. Because.......IT'S FOR THE KEEEEEEEEDS!!!!!

I just heard that natural immunity is better from Isreal. Many need precision, upper cervical spesific only chiropractic. Many things will improve. Immune system improved up to 200%. The health of your spinal discs determines how you respond to care. The neck is not popped. The back is not pushed down on. Nucca and Grostic are really good techniques. Repeated taps with the Laney device, or several moments of the wrist on the side of the neck. X rays are important. The top bone must not be moved to much. It will bounce back to the position it was in, had it be moved to much. Top bone needs to be in neutral position, under the opening at the base of the skull. Don't go the day of whiplash, fall, or hit to the head. Wait four to five days. Let the body adapt after an adjustment. Walking is good. This Precision upper cervical spesific chiropractor has a way of measuring you, after an adjustment, without having to take X rays.

Dr. Stephen Duff Chiropractor. Windsor CA
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Well parents get your kids in line and roll up those little sleeves. Pfizer says their vaccine works very well in trials with 5 to 11 year olds. Wow! You know what else works really well? The immune systems of 5 to 11 year olds. But common sense doesn't matter anymore, just shut up and get your kids in line for the jab. Because.......IT'S FOR THE KEEEEEEEEDS!!!!!

What the fuck is wrong with you?
I just heard that natural immunity is better from Isreal. Many need precision, upper cervical spesific only chiropractic. Many things will improve. Immune system improved up to 200%. The health of your spinal discs determines how you respond to care. The neck is not popped. The back is not pushed down on. Nucca and Grostic are really good techniques. Repeated taps with the Laney device, or several moments of the wrist on the side of the neck. X rays are important. The top bone must not be moved to much. It will bounce back to the position it was in, had it be moved to much. Top bone needs to be in neutral position, under the opening at the base of the skull. Don't go the day of whiplash, fall, or hit to the head. Wait four to five days. Let the body adapt after an adjustment. Walking is good. This Precision upper cervical spesific chiropractor has a way of measuring you, after an adjustment, without having to take X rays.

Dr. Stephen Duff Chiropractor. Windsor CA

SDteven Duff windsor ca - Bing
Natural immunity was the way to go all along. Some experts argued for this position but overruled by mostly a few political overlords who met behind closed door session to determine the fate of the nation. Those who met that day (no names have been released which speaks loudly that LSM won't touch it) with Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J pharma reps decided skip the 2nd step of a planned response to a pandemic and jump to Tier 3 with vaccine development rush. MAJOR fail delaying what should have taken place and neglecting Tier 2 home health measures and education all together. They shouldn't have gotten away with this, but they did.

Total ineptness allowed by the Biden administration to even take place. I keep waiting for a few specific politicians to state they didn't know anything about that When it all hits the fan and it's confirmed that natural immunity is superior to the temporary, half worthless, highly risky jabs, it might get interesting enough to take notes.
Well. We all know what the definition of fascism is.

Clearly, these industries are working in synergy with government.

The government provides them with a captive market at the barrel of a gun and the manufacturers know this, so they continue to lobby governments for as many mandates as they possibly can.
it was all roses and rainbows when Trump cheered pfizer's announcement

it was trump who "mobilized the medical industry", but i suppose thats "fascism".
it was all roses and rainbows when Trump cheered pfizer's announcement

it was trump who "mobilized the medical industry", but i suppose thats "fascism".
You do not appear to know the difference between voluntary being a guinea pig led to the slaughter chute and forcing one into that slaughtering chute. There is a difference. Many are so afraid of the worldly diseases they jumped at the chance, others were led astray by the promise of 'saving grandma', some have so much pride and are so misguided by all the well planned propaganda that they really think its all up to them to save the rest when they haven't a clue they can't even save themselves, now people are being given a choice to lose their livelihoods or else and many other means to 'force' them to take the jab. Yes by force is much different.
You do not appear to know the difference between voluntary being a guinea pig led to the slaughter chute and forcing one into that slaughtering chute. There is a difference. Many are so afraid of the worldly diseases they jumped at the chance, others were led astray by the promise of 'saving grandma', some have so much pride and are so misguided by all the well planned propaganda that they really think its all up to them to save the rest when they haven't a clue they can't even save themselves, now people are being given a choice to lose their livelihoods or else and many other means to 'force' them to take the jab. Yes by force is much different.
why would a trump supporter ever consider being "forced" to take Trump's great accomplishment.

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